Monday, January 30, 2012

Red and blue lights-

The other day I was going to visit my mom. It was on a Tuesday when I have very limited free time. I left church from teaching Bible Study and was headed to her house. I might have been going a tad above the speed limit coming over the hump when I saw and blue flashing lights.

I was grateful that my exit was before the lights. I immediately exited the freeway and that gave me the opportunity to slow down. As I did, I wondered "How many times do I see God convicting me of something and I turn to avoid it?" We know that those red and blue lights mean "failure to comply." We either exceeded the speed limit, broke the law, or failed to adhere to a requirement-regardless, it merited the activation of those lights.

Proverbs 4:14 states:"Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil man. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go your way." That's probably the easier of the two options. Turning and avoiding the path of the wicked or the walk of the evil man is probably easier than God convicting us of something in my life. Why? I would venture to guess that the answer to the first part of that is I get to choose. The justification is that I get to choose what "I believe" is evil or wicked but when God convicts me of something, I have no choice.

Perhaps God sees something in my life that I don't want to give up, maybe it's an area where I'm not being obedient. There is no choice in disobedience so rather than to comply or in this case obey, I might avoid God and travel a different route hoping I dont get caught.

God's Word speaks of avoiding strife [Proverbs 20:30]; foolish controversies [Titus 3:9]; godless chatter [2 Timothy 2:16]; and other things not of God. I can not however, avoid God.

I must learn that if God used red and blue lights to get our attention, when He convicts me of something in my life and I saw the lights, I could ride past them with confidence knowing I am being obedient to His plan. I would not have to deviate from my path to avoid God.

But thanks be to God that though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance. Romans 6:17

Sunday, January 29, 2012

L to the third power

Today was "double day" at our church. For weeks we have been inviting individuals to attend church and bible study with us and today was the day. We had 114 people in our bible study and that's over double our regular numbers. Yay!

Our teacher spoke on what I call "L to the third power." The lesson was on Deuteronomy 6 and highlighted Love, Live and Learn. He spoke of "loving the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength." That's where it begins. He elaborated on learning the commands and lastly, living what we have learned.

The formula he shared in essence was L to the third power = Legacy. What will your legacy be? A parent who loved the Lord? An individual that lived according to His word? I am grateful for the reminder that what I put in to my life with God is what I will be remembered for. I pray I do not disappoint. I pray that I will Love, Learn and Live a life that represents Christ well.

Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lied down and when you get up. Fear the Lord your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 and 13

Lesson taught to Seekers Class by Teacher Jim Savage

Friday, January 27, 2012

In a box

Yesterday as I was getting ready for a Bible Study Class I was looking for a specific pair of shoes. I knew which pair I was going to wear because it had the pattern that was going to match not only what I was going to wear but also the theme of the study.

I went to my closet, pulled out the box, proceeded to get ready then I went for the shoes. I opened the box only to discover that it was not the pair of shoes I was looking for. However, these shoes were beautiful and brand new-never worn! WOW! I thought, how did I have those shoes hidden away and not know they were there?

So many times we hear of the love of God, the presence of God, the power of God and while we may believe this, we "put Him on the shelf" until we "need it." I looked at the shoes and said "I could have worn those with my brown suit if I would have known I had them." It brings me to think how many times we fail to call on God even though He is ever present. If He is in a box or in a shelf, it's because I've put him there.

I pray that I will always remember the power of Christ and that he can not be put in a box or placed on a shelf. I pray that I accept His words and store up His commands within my heart and not in a box to be forgotten.

My son, if you accept my words, and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:1-5

Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's not in what you know or is it?

Several years ago, a movie came out starring Gavin McCloud. For those of you that remember the series Love Boat, he was the captain of the cruise ship. I always liked him and wanted to watch the movie so I purchased it. The story line was of a couple of individuals one of which was not a believer. McCloud played the role of the man instrumental in delivering the message of Jesus Christ.

At one point in the movie, an actor was quoting 2 Timothy 3:16. When I heard the verse, it went something like this "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, changing and training..." While I don't remember exactly how they quoted I do remember my response. I said "The scripture does not say that." It does not say teaching, rebuking, changing and says teaching, rebuking, correcting and training.

The movie immediately lost credibility with me but I wondered how many would walk away believing that scripture was correct. My faith in mankind was restored when McCloud stepped in and corrected the mistake. The "mistake" was part of him making his point and while this was an intential mistake, I have heard many say that the bible says "Money is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 6:10 says "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."

I have spoken about the state of my Bible before. Bibles don't fall apart when they sit on the night stand or lie on our book cases. Bibles fall apart with constant opening and closing, we smudge pages when we are steady in them, they are pulled from their binding when we stretch them daily.

For thirty years I have carried a weapon as a part of my occupation. I dare not think what would happen if I had the weapon but had no knowledge of how to load it, aim it, or use it. The Word of God is my weapon. Merely knowing the word of God does not imply a higher status, a greater knowledge, or more jewels in our crown. In Luke 4:10, when the devil tempted Christ, he quoted scripture found in Psalm 91:11. Knowing the word of God also takes applying the word of God. I love my Lord and Savior, I have a passion for His Word and I pray that I absorb everything I can and put it to use.

I do not know everything and some things teach me different lessons each time I read them. Last week I woke up quoting "What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee." That's how I learned that verse when I was ten....that was many years ago and I had since forgotten where in Psalms it was. I searched until I found it in Psalms 56:3. The point was [for me] that I knew what to quote when I was afraid.

I have much growing to do but I have even more learning to do. I want to soak in every word. I don't want to be afraid and not know His promises, I don't want to be sick and not know His promises, I don't want to be alone and not know His promises. So I guess in my case, it really is in what I know.

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; mediate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Joshua 1:8

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The difference? One letter

Wow-I did not post yesterday because yesterday my day began at 6AM and did not end until 11:30PM. What a day! I had ladies bible study in the morning, a mediation in the afternoon and ladies bible study in the evening. I went in expecting that the mediation would be a simple one and I would be out quickly. Unfortunately, it went much later than I expected and I was late to my evening ladies bible study class.

As I was typing some notes on my ipad, I intended to say that the enemy was steady at work and it was taunting me. When I looked down at my notes, it did not at all say what I intended to say but it did get my attention. You see, on a key pad, the letter U is right next to the I. So instead of typing "The enemy is taunting me" I typed "The enemy is tainting me."

Again, it got my mind to racing...when we allow the enemy to taunt us to the point of distancing us from Christ, it can taint us. It can taint our testimony if we allow the distraction, the taunting to lead us to sin.

While one letter can change everything, so can one action. Actions can change our entire life, and while a letter can be changed back to correct the meaning, actions can not.

I went to work changing only one letter and found that while the enemy may taunt me, I will not let it haunt me or give him the opportunity to taint me. I will not faint in doing good or allow him to paint a poor picture of my love for Christ. Is there a letter you need to change?


Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Monday, January 23, 2012


Well it has happened again! Another kicker has missed again. Two years ago, New York Giant football punter Matt Dodge flubbed a kick costing the Giants a pivotal game. The media was relentless in replaying the kick over and over again. Dodge was told to kick the football out of bounds to force the game into overtime. Instead, he punted the ball to a Philadelphia Eagle who returned it for a winning touchdown with only seconds left in the game. Over and over again, on every channel, you could see his mistake being replayed.

This weekend at the New England/Baltimore game, the Baltimore Ravens had an opportunity to tie the game and send it into overtime. Instead, the Ravens kicker, Billy Cundiff missed the field goal ending the season for the Ravens. Again, over and over you saw the mistake. At one point, Cundiff even placed his hand over the photographer's camera to avoid being recorded. Into the morning, the media played the fateful mistake. I could not have told you the Raven's kicker's name prior to this and now it is known by many.

This weekend my husband and I travelled to Fredericksburg Texas. Being his birthday, we went with one purpose, to go to the foot of the cross. The foot of the cross where all our faults and errors are forgiven by a merciful God. A God that does not remember or constantly replay our mistakes. A God who heals hearts and restores.

While Matt Dodge and Bill Cundiff's misses ruined their team's chances for a Super Bowl and man will not soon forget, God has erased our sin to remember it no more.

As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
Psalm 103:12

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Restoring the broken

Many ,many years ago when I was in high school, my brother Lee gave me a birthday present. It was very special for several reasons. I have said it before that we were "partners in crime." we are 13 months apart and very close. In high school, he got a car for graduation. He therefore needed a job to pay for gas. He was only working part time so it couldn't have been much in 1975. As little as it might have been, he set aside enough to buy me a gift. He bought me the most beautiful trio of vases I had ever seen. The center one was larger and rounder than the other two which were rose bud vases. They stood about 10 inches high.

Through the years, I broke one of the rose bud vases and had to toss it. After a few more years, I broke the second one by accident. Losing that one impacted me more. I was very saddened and I vowed to take care of the last one. With every move I wrapped it carefully and carried it with me. For over 35 years, that vase has been with me. In my current home, I have set it up high on a shelf where it can not get damaged.

Every time I looked up at that vase I was reminded of what I had lost. I was reminded that in order for that set to be complete, it would take the other two rose bud vases-which were now gone forever. With time, I have come to see the vase in a different light. Although the accompanying vases are now gone, this one remains. Rather than to see it as a loss, I chose to see it as a reminder of the wonderful gift my brother gave me. I choose to see it as the precious sacrifice my brother made many years ago to buy it for the sister he loves.

So it is with us. Perhaps we have been broken over a situation out of our control, maybe a relationship has been destroyed, maybe we see no hope. Take you eyes off of the situation and focus on the goodness and faithfulness of God and in His ability to restore. Cherish whatever is left and live in the faith that God is in control and He has a plan. Let go of what YOU can never bring back and know that God is at work. Psalm 80 states three times "Restore O God Almighty..." Let His love be a reminder to you that He can restore the broken....and every time you get a reminder of what broke, focus on what God has restored-to His glory!

Restore us O Lord God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may that we may be saved. Psalm 80: 3,7,19

Happy birthday to my husband Mark.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

They didn't recognize me

We have lived in our home for almost eight years. We live in a very established neighborhood and do not get out much to be with our neighbors. A couple of years ago, my neighbor across the street lost her husband in an accident. I took a plate of fruit over and introduced myself to her. She is an elderly lady and with her kids in other cities, she was now alone. She invited me to play cards with her and other neighborhood ladies and now we do so weekly. I love her, she is a dear friend.

I met several other neighborhood ladies and we enjoy playing together. It has taken time to establish a relationship and get some of the ladies to feel comfortable with me. Several weeks ago, I was walking to the end of the street to meet one of them for lunch. I was wearing slacks, a blazer and some nice boots. My hair was lose. One of the other neighborhood ladies pulled into her driveway. She saw me walking down the street. She parked in her driveway, got out of her vehicle and was making her way up her walk when I waved and yelled "Good Morning-how are you?" Although she made brief eye contact, she did not respond and I thought "Well, that was rather rude."

That evening at cards, my friend and this neighbor and I were all sitting at the same table when she said "Did you see that woman walking our street earlier today?" We all looked at each other and asked "What woman?" "The woman with the long hair-she tried to talk to me but I just ignored her and walked inside my house." Laughter erupted when I said "That was me!" In her embarassment she meekly said "Oh-I didn't recognize you."

That made me think. When Christ seeks me out, will he recognize me? Will He find the gentle, patient, kind, joyful, peaceful, self controlled, faithful, loving, full of goodness girl He is expecting or will He say "Sorry Dee, I did not recognize you.

He was in the world and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was his own but His own did not receive Him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God. John 1:10-12

Friday, January 20, 2012

Outside the lines...

Ever wonder if God is trying to send you a message directly? I am an individual that is very structured, very detail oriented and very "follow the rule" minded. The other day, I went to mail a package and the entire strip center was empty except for one car. It was parked directly in front of the mail store. The problem was that it was parked between the lines. Ugh! I decided that I was going to park closer to the street but further from the front door and I was parking between the lines like I was supposed to. As I was thinking that, other cars entered the parking lot and another parked by the mail store also...outside the lines!! I gave up. There was no need for me to park farther when I could park next to them outside the lines. So I did.

Earlier this week, our church hosted a Ladie's Ministry Event called Color Outside the Lines in which the theme verse was Romans 12:1-2. Last night, I overheard my son on the phone telling someone that he wanted to be upset but the key scriptures in Collision Groups were out of Romans 12. This morning as I proceeded to do my devotion, the scripture portion was Romans 12.

So I have to ask, am I missing something? The "renewing of my mind feels so good" there is so much joy in being in God's Word. I have been so overwhelmed with feeling God's presence and yet there is always more. I love the way Charles Stanley put it:

"The gradual change involved in renewal is not the same for everyone so there is no formula for replacing the old with the new. The Lord knows exactly what your trouble spots are however, and He will make you sensitive to areas of your thought life that need His attention. What you must do continually is to choose truth over error and deliberately set your mind to the task of meditating on His word."

I love those words "continually choose" and "deliberately set your mind to". It takes effort to change our way of thinking, it takes effort to continually make the choice to stay in God Word and to do it deliberately.

It took everything I had to change my my mind, I was breaking the rules. I had a choice, conform to parking between the lines and park further; or transform my thinking and park closer but outside the lines.

I felt good as I walked into the store-I didn't conform. Sometimes when we choose not to conform to the way of the world, we are the only ones left standing and you guessed it...both those ladies left before I did as I was walking out to my car parked between the lines, I had to smile when I heard the next customer bad mouthing the driver that didn't know how to park in a parking space.

Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. They you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The following post is from an incident I recorded August 15, 2011 prior to the creation of this blog.

Although I am retired, I still have the opportunity to work extra employment in a security capacity. This week is my second week to work security at an event that is conducting free HIV testing. I have been overwhelmed at the stories. The individuals being tested range from the age of 13 years old and older.

As I consider that our ladies ministry is hosting a table tapestry event, I recall that one of the organizations we will highlight is Free the Captives. I look at some of the individuals and see countless young women with children in tow being tested and I wonder how free they are. While they may not be restrained or restricted, many are captive to a fallen world.

One of the workers tells stories of a 15 year old that was tested a few years ago, her 13 year old sister was recently tested and today he is making a follow-up visit to their mother to discuss the results of the 11 year old daughter's test.

I am saddened that these women would not believe they are worthy of more. As individuals we travel to other countries to share the gospel when a dark fallen world surrounds us.

Yesterday a 17 year old walked in to be tested. She had a darling child in the stroller. As I knelt to make eye contact with the child, I noticed the mom's white overalls were soiled. I told her the child was cute and she proceeded to test. When she walked away, a worker told me that the child had soiled her mom's overalls and while the child's diaper was overflowing, there were no extra diapers. The mom made an attempt to clean her overalls but it made the stain and the smell worse. The girl was very shy.

I remembered that I had an extra dress in my car. I offered it to her but the shy girl only looked at the ground (can you imagine a figure of authority-I was in uniform-making such an offer?) I went to my car knowing I had packed an extra dress because at the end of my tour, I was going to change out of my uniform go buy VBS fabric. I opened my car door and discovered two dresses. I picked one and brought it to her. I told her "this one has a tie and it might fit you better since I am bigger than you." She went into a porta potty to change and came out with a million dollar smile! I told her that it looked nice on her. I noticed she had packed the overalls in her back pack and wondered why she had not thrown them away as I would have...then it hit me that those overalls might be all she had.

I say this not to my glory but as a reminder to ME that right around the close as Greenspoint Mall, is a world that is perishing.

Much to my dismay, it is in my country, my state, my city, my very communtiy. What am I doing to address that? While these girls may feel like they are in captivity by the very nature of their surroundings and an economic inability to free themselves, they can find freedom in Christ.

My question to me is "what am I doing to help a perishing world?"

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Quack, Quack

The other day, my husband and I went to a restaurant. We sat in the patio by the waterside and just enjoyed the beauty of the day. The ducks in the water promptly waddled to our side. They knew there might be some scraps from our dinner. They were correct. We began tossing bread into the water and the more we threw at them, the more company we had.

It was fascinating hearing the ducks in the water. The more we tossed, the more they quacked. I was amused and told my husband "They are some noisy critters aren't they?" In the midst of the feeding and the quacking, one particular sound stood out...a quack that wanted to be heard. It took a minute but I realized that the quacking I was hearing was not a real duck. You see, I changed my son's ring tone to a quack/duck so that I could readily recognize it. The problem here was that I was so engrossed in the atmosphere and the surroundings that when my son called, it all blended together and I was not able to distinguish his call from the real ducks. My pastor once said "When you step across the line, it affects your hearing."

I became so much a part of my surroundings that it did indeed affect my hearing. My surroundings took me in and I was lost in the moment. It only takes a moment to "drift away" and get swept from what we believe. The enemy, crafty as he is, stands ready to reel us in. While the world may offer a pretty picture, and the sound of the world may be appealing, don't let yourself get caught up in the noise of the world, don't get caught up in the moment. Stand firm. Keep the faith and don't allow yourself to drift away. In doing so, we will be able to know the difference between what is real and what is a quack.

We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? Hebrews 2:1-3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

T E X T or T E S T

Well it never fails! God always provides examples in areas where I need work. About two years ago, in my law enforcement capacity, I was called to address the increase of teens and texting. It seems that churches, schools, and homes were experiencing a serious issue with texting. I very meticulously put together a powerpoint presentation and presented it to a school group and a girls social group. I took the liberty of adding "Do not text and drive!"

When my son received his license and a new truck the same rules applied. Do not text and drive. I can recall when I was on patrol about twenty years ago. A vehicle swerving in and out of it's lane usually meant someone was "under the influence" and you that was usually limited to hours beginning around 9pm.

Today, you can witness vehicles on the freeway travelling at 30 miles an hour and when you pass them up, you see they have the thumb texting action going with them oblivious to the traffic hazard they are creating. Many have lost their lives being distracted from traffic due to a text. I myself have often been frustrated by the slow poke on a main street who has his phone held high texting and driving. I usually pass them up and make a comment. Nothing strong you know but something like "Crazy man" or "silly girl."

Today however, I found myself in that test. I had a message I just had to get out. So you guessed it I sent a text...while I was driving. Oh-I justified it though. I was sitting at a red light so I was good. Unfortunately, when it turned green the text was too long and I still had three more words to type. Once I typed them, I threw my phone on the floorboard so as to not be tempted to do it again.

Why is it that when we are put to the test, we often think the law, command, or rule can't possibly apply to's only this one time. And I was doing it for the good of the people. I had to get that message across because my response would affect several individuals.

It's the same with sin. Yes, we know what God's Word says but if we could do it just this one time, or if we could just disobey a little. I once read that "Partial obedience is disobedience and delayed obedience is disobedience." I pray that God will convict me in this area and that I will not try to justify my actions when I violate God's Word.

The only difference in text and test is one letter and the only difference in following Christ vs doing our will is one word...obedience.

Will you pass the test?

The Lord your God commands you this day to follow these decrees and laws, carefully observe them with all your heart and with all your soul. You have declared this day that the Lord is your God and that you will walk in his ways, that you will keep his decrees, commands, and laws and that you will obey him. Deuteronomy 26:16-17

Monday, January 16, 2012

Nothing is hidden

This summer was very dry. We saw a a body of water go from being a lake to drying up in that season. It began gradually with no rain and by the end of the summer, the lake was so dry, there were actually people "walking their dogs" in the lake. The birds left, the fish were no more, life as we knew in the lake was gone. We would often a restaurant with a pier where we would tie up our boat and enjoy lunch. We found that gradually, the water dried up.

With the dryness came exposure. The reality of the lake. Large tree trunks, old cans, and even an old vehicle became visible. Things that were hidden by the lake were now fully exposed. There was no where to hide.

There may be times when we try to hide things in our life that we don't think God would approve of. That is called sin. We can tuck things deep in our hiding place, we can put them in a corner or we can try to hide our sin by putting it in that lake of sin. The more sin we hide, the more water we need to hide it. There's only one problem. Nothing is hidden from God's sight and just when you think you're the only one that knows your sin; when we hit a drought and that lake goes dry, everyone else will know it too.

There is hope. Even in a drought, there is hope. When we cry out to God, he will hear us and restore us to the child of God we are. He will forgive us of our sin and give us a new beginning. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness [1 John 1:9] Don't wait for the drought that will expose your sin, confess it to God and let Him forgive you and cleanse you...after all, you can run but you can't hide.

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Who do you follow?

Tomorrow one of the most watched NFL games of the season will be played. The Houston Texans are a team that many had given up on [not me]. This is their first time as Divisional Champs. We are proud of our Houston Texans. We are proud as a city and as fans of that special team.

I went to one of the local sporting goods stores just to pick up something and there must have been seventy five people in line to pay. There were special additional racks of Texans jerseys, t-shirts, flags, red and blue face paint, banners and other Texan memorabilia. People were purchasing items by the buckets and were proudly displaying their Houston Texans pride. I walked outside and noticed that vehicles were displaying window flags, bumper stickers, red and blue ribbon and even mud flaps.

People are proud of their team. They want the city to know that they are on board with supporting the team. I saw haircuts, face painting and even cookies in the shape of the Houston Texan logo. People are proud of their team.

I am reminded of how many times our pastor says "Raise your flag for Jesus." It leads me to ask "If someone walked in my house, there would be no doubt we are favoring the Texans, but would they know I serve the King?" Does what I display, how I act, what I say reflect my love for Christ? If someone can see that I follow the Houston Texans by the "battle red" I'm wearing, I pray it will be as easy for them to see that I follow Christ first.

Then He said to them all, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23

Friday, January 13, 2012

Don't exchange it

Yesterday my son and I had a discussion. It was a discussion that made me see that he has grown up. You see, I still see those missing two front teeth, that innocence of a baby. Feeling nostalgic, I found a journal where I had jotted several stories of my son. The following was dated May 4, 1997.

I picked Matthew up after work. He had a used roll of toilet paper with black construction paper glued at one end. It had pin-holes on it so that when you held it to the light, the holes appeared as stars on a dark night. Feeling proud of his project, I praised him for a job well done. "Matthew" I said, "These are beautiful stars...did you make the stars?" "No mommy" he replies "God made the stars"
[His lesson had been on God making the stars]

Yesterday, I longed for that innocence as my son told me that a young man expressed that there was no truth in the Bible. My son took his position and explained that the Bible is the living Word of God but the boy stood firm. A young lady that heard the conversation chimed in and said "Of course the Bible is true..there are some parts I believe and some parts I don't believe."

As parents, we are charged with talking to our kids about God's Word and His commands [Deuteronomy 6:6]. My son seemed bothered about the entire situation and I later discovered that this young man lives very near to where we live. I immediately thought of a booklet I was given at church called "Love your Neighbor" and I decided I would add this young man's name to my book, a project our church has challenged us in.

As my son retreated to his room, I was already in my Bible but my eyes went to Romans 1:25. As my son was getting ready for school, I wrote the verse on an index card and left it on his dresser then I shared it with him. As he was preparing to walk down the stairs to leave for school, he said "I love you mom...what was that verse again?" I replied that I had written it down and it was on his dresser. "Put it in your backpack" I told him as he left.

Those are our children. Those that will be leaving our "nest" much too soon. Those that were under our wing and followed our words and were taught the Word of God. They are now preparing to fight their own battles, take their own stand, and meet the world. He has to know that there will be those who believe different, but we are children of the most High God regardless of what others may believe.

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised.
Romans 1:25

Thursday, January 12, 2012


In the world of technology, things are always changing. They change so fast that if you're not on top of it, you'll be left behind. There was a time when LOL meant "Lots of Love" when did that change?

Okay so let's go there together: BFF Best Friend Forever; LOL Laugh Out Loud; POS Parent Over Shoulder and last but not least IDOL...what is that?

That's exactly what I woke up asking myself this morning. Being alone in my room, I woke up and in my mind was making the decision as to whether to turn on the television or pick up my Bible and do my devotion. Yes, you read right. I actually had a debate in my mind. That's when it hit me. Could that television be my idol? No! I just wanted to watch the news and see the weather to prepare for the day. What about being spiritually prepared?

I love it when something is left up to us to define:

Don't take "too long" for lunch.
If we work and 8 hour day, two hours does not seem like "too long"

Don't eat "sweets" before dinner.
"Chips" before dinner don't qualify as sweets.

Don't spend "too much" at the mall.
So if I "have money" regardless of the amount, I can spend it.

Don't watch and "inappropriate" movie.
"Ratings" don't mean much anymore.

There is always justification when we are allowed to define things-including idols.

My devotion this morning was in 1 John 5:6-13. I read it and mediatated on it but I believe as I read further that the message for me was found at the end of the chapter, the verse that closes the book of First John.

Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. 1 John 5:21

I do not want anything to distract me from studying the Word of God. I don't want reading God's Word to compete with a blaring television or anything else. I don't want to make anything my idol.

I want to get to know my BFF by reading His Word and I want to LOL because His Word speaks to me, and I want to do it not because I have a POS but because I am His child and I love my Lord and Savior and want to get to know Him better.

IDOL? Do you have one?

Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols can not speak, they must be carried because they can not walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good. Jeremiah 10:5

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'll pay that price

When my son was smaller his school held an annual fund raiser which they called Spring Gala. It was usually a pretty large function with a nice meal and an open auction. People donated sports memorabilia, game packages, theater tickets and other desireable items. I recall one of the items that went was a skybox package to the Houston Astros that raised a great deal of money for the school. The action was great as the auctioneer kept the bidders going and the audience in suspense. Everyone wondered who would win the package. I can tell you who won it...the one who thought it was worth having.

My son had talked all week about items that were going to be auctioned off and how he was interested in some things. He also said that they [students] had made some items and if parents wanted to "purchase" the items they could. When we got there, we eyed the packages, prizes and offers for the auctions. Then we got to the items he made. It was the most beautiful container I had ever seen. I knew the entire piece probably cost $3.00 but my son made it so no one could put a worth on it.

I decided that I was going to have that container. When the bidding started, no one raised their hand, no one opened up the bidding and I thought my son would cry for sure. That container meant nothing to anyone in that room. The price people pay for something does not depend on it's worth, it depends on the value to the person who wants it. It meant the world to me because my son made it! I opened the bid with $25.00 and a dare. Going, going, gone! That was my container and no one could have it! I paid the price for it and it was mine. I carried that container out like it was made of pure gold! The only thing more priceless was my son's smile.

We are children of the King...someone may have told you that you're not worth their time or they may have said you are a loser or they may have said they wouldn't give you the time of day....I'll tell you Jesus knew you before you hit this earth and he loves you. He values you and he did pay the price....for you!

You were brought at a price. 2 Corthians 6:20

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

10 from all the judges

I am not very computer savvy as some may have gathered but I do have all the gadgets and I love them. I carry an ipad and an iphone and in most cases, they contain the same information with the exception of texts.

My son loves the convienence of the ipad but when I am using it, he often requests to see my iphone in order to access facebook or ESPN. If I am driving, I usually just toss it to him so he can use it with no problem. Sometimes, he just walks into my room and gets it as he states "Mom, I'm going to use your phone."

Last month however, I was already in bed when he came in, picked it up and made that statement. As he walked out, I leaped out of bed with the finesse of gymnast, did a back spin, grabbed the phone from his hand and "stuck the landing." Had I been in the olympics, I would have gotten a 10 from all the judges!

To his shock he merely stared and said "Mom!" I very calmy said "I just need to make sure there is nothing there that you can't see." "What are you trying to hide?" came next. You see, last month was Christmas and I had shared texts with his father about Christmas gifts. That got me to thinking however...How many times would we do back flips, leaps, and tumbles to get to our phone if Christ took it from us to look at it?

Technology while convienent can create problems for us. Normally, I do not have a problem when my son takes my phone but this time it mattered. Although it was a Christmas text that concerned me, it reinforced that if I allow my commitment to Christ dictate what I share on texts, emails, or social sites, I wouldn't have to worry about how many judges give me a ten. My prayer is that God will find me faithful because I'm just looking for a ten...from the judge that counts.

There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. James 4:12

Monday, January 9, 2012


The other day, I was on my way to class and realized I was almost there and 30 minutes early. I decided to stop at a store and purchase something to drink. As I parked, I noticed that the vehicle next to me was running and the headlights were on. Dark was quickly approaching but there was still some daylight. I sat in my car for a few minutes just taking in the surroundings. When no one immediately returned to the running vehicle, I wondered if I wouldn't be better off without water.

You know, one of those "nagging" it intuition or training or maybe even a gut feeling. I ignored it. After sitting in my car for about 3 minutes, I got out of my vehicle all the while feeling "No-don't do it." It was then that I noticed a male passenger in the vehicle with the running engine. He appeared to be in a state of deep "sleep" with his chin on his chest and total oblivion to the world around him. I ignored it and proceeded to the glass door of the store. I could see the cashier behind the counter as I approached. I pulled on the handle and it was locked...I pulled on the other door and it was locked...I did not ignore it. I raced back to my car so fast, put it in reverse and got out of there.

Something about "that feeling" made me re-evaluate my visit to the store. As I retold that story, I had to ask myself "How many times does God speak to us and we ignore it." Yesterday I got a phone call from a friend asking for prayer. She told me she got a negative and serious diagnosis from the doctor. She added "If [God] was trying to get my attention, He has it now."

Even when we "feel" like God is calling, we put it off. How long will God have to wait for us to hear his voice, how many warning signs will we get? How long will we ignore His call? How long before we pay attention?

We must pay more careful attention therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For if the message spoken by angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?
Hebrews 2:1-5

*I do not like stories that leave me with questions therefore I will add that I called a police unit to check out the well being of the passenger. The entire episode took about 20 minutes and he still had not moved. Once the officers arrived, I went to class. A driver never returned to the vehicle.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What can you tell about me?

This afternoon my husband and I walked through the greenbelts. I really think this is a first! I am a runner so I like getting out but he is not so a walk was a stretch. As we were walking, we saw many trees that have been cut down in the greenbelts as a result of the drought this summer. There were many on the ground and "stumps" of trees as reminders of what had been.

I stopped a moment and asked my husband "What can you tell about this tree?" Well...what can you tell? Dendrochonology is the science of counting tree rings to determine a tree's age and to identify extreme and unique environmental events.*

So I examined the tree stump to see if I could determine the tree's age. Because I am not an expert, I could not, but it did lead to a thought. First, you can not tell the tree's age by merely looking at the surface of the tree. You have to look at the inside of the tree. It has to be "cut" in order for you to be able to determine that.

The same is with us. You can not really know a person until you look into their heart. What you see may not be what you get. Ask youself what happens when we are "cut?" What comes out of the mouth when we get angry or upset, is the result of what is in the heart. What do we say of police officers when we get a ticket? How do we react when someone sits in "our chair" at church? What about the person who cuts in line after you have waited a while? What about our reaction when we were in that parking lot, we activated our signal light and patiently waited for the person to pull out of their spot only to have someone else zoom into it! Did we represent Christ?

While none of those scenarios are easy ones to accept, others will know who we are, what we are made of and who we represent by the reaction we display. When I look at heart, I need to ask "what can you tell about me?"

No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:43-45

*Austin Tree Service

Saturday, January 7, 2012

So many "ache" ers

After a several years of praying, my husband and I decided to purchase some property. We have looked, and looked and looked. We have a specific vision for the use of the property so it has to be just the right place. We are focusing on the Hill Country since that is a beautiful part of the state and it was instrumental to growth in our marriage.

We found several acres and were just delighted. We loved it! There was a small creek running through it, it was in a valley and it was wooded. It lacked in "views" and that was a biggie for us but we decided we could could compromise on one thing and that would be it. This spot was perfect...everything we wanted until my husband saw a spot on a mountain and said "That would be ideal." We left the property and headed home.

A few weeks later, we returned to take a second look. A new realtor directed us to another location. We drove to it and loved it. Guess where this property was....on that mountain! It didn't only have a view, it had three views from where we envisioned our home sitting. We just knew this was the place God wanted for us. First, we didn't go looking for this one, it fell in our lap; second, it was double the acerage of what we were looking at; third, the price was right!

We left there elated. God was in the middle of this we could feel it! We went back later that day and were just in awe of the property, the views, and how perfect it would be for our vision. That was just after Christmas. We decided to submit a contract January 3, 2012 after the holidays.

On January 2, 2012, we received a call from the realtor stating that there was another interested party who was submitting a contract that day. What? What did that mean? This property was intended for us! Did that potential buyer not know that? This was going to be ours. I felt sure that Genesis 12:1 was intended for me....

After prayerful consideration with our families, we submitted our contract believing that if this was not of God, He would let us know. We lost the bid. What a heartache! I did not understand....Had I misread something? Why would God show me Numbers 13:30 and Genesis 12:1 if I was not going anywhere? I just did not understand.

This property had been on the market for over three hundred days with NO contracts. Why now? Who were these people and where did they come from? Why did they choose now to submit a contract and why did the current owner accept it? We could only think of one reason. God was protecting us from something because He can see the future and we can not. For some reason God chose not to give us this property after all. He knows our dream, He knows our vision and he knows our heartache. While I did not understand, I received my answer when I opened my Bible and I read in John 13:7 Jesus said, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."

This is what His Steps First is all about...letting Him go before me and me following regardless of the decision.

This is my dream, this is my vision and I must be very careful that I am following this vision to bring glory to God and not myself. This was a disappointment but a lesson in trust. Will I trust God or will I give up? It is yet another time in my life when God is in total control and I must let go and trust because He know best. I expect when God is ready...or when He feels we are ready, he will bring the acres we need and our heartache will be over.

Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.
Numbers 13:30

The Lord said to Abram "Leave your country, your family and your father's household and go to the land I will show you."
Genesis 12:1

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Sword or the Shield

I have to admit, when I was growing up, it was never my "life dream" to be in law enforcement let alone be a police officer. Any of my siblings can tell you that I had "on the job training" with them. Being second in command,I mean second in the line of five kids, I kept them straight...or tried to. Times were so much easier when there was only one black and white 13" TV, you got no choice in what was served for dinner, and play time outside lasted until the last parents retreated to their homes.

Today, there is so much conflict in so many areas of life. I have spent 30 years "winning" at conflict. There is satisfaction in having the last word. There is contentment in walking away knowing you settled the issue. There is a sense of "pride" knowing you did it. Really? I would venture to guess that uniform had something to with it. As I walked away, did I really make a difference? Will the situation really change? One thing was certain...more likely than not, I would never see those individuals again so it really didn't matter to me at that time.

What about our conflict? What if that conflict involves a parent, a sibling, a co-worker, a much loved friend rather that someone you've know for 30 seconds? It matters then. We can't just walk away from it. I see us as having a responsibility to to make an effort to resolve the conflict. In his book The Peace Maker, Ken Sande give us the four G's of conflict:

Glorify God
Get the Log out your own Eye
Gently Restore
Go and be Reconciled

When I reconciled with my mother, my brother Lee told me "In battle, someone always carries a sword...the other carries a shield." I had carried the shield to defend my self for years...and yet in Ephesians 6:14-16 it is a part of the Armor of God which is the shield of faith. This conflict went on for years because I had no faith it could ever be reconciled. I was trusting the shield of defense not the shield of faith. Too many times in conflict, we sharpen our sword for the attack instead of sharpening our sword by "the word of God."

In conflict, there is always a position and people defend positions. Truer words were never spoken than these: An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city, and disputes are like the barred gates of a citadel. Proverbs 18:19. Not only do we put up walls, we fortify them...then we prepare for battle.

What I found in the end was that when I crossed the other side to forgiveness, I discovered that I did not even remember some of the things that caused me great pain and supported all that conflict. For that I am grateful.

While I have dropped my shield of defense, I pray that I will cover myself with the Armor of God-Sword and Shield!

Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground...stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness in place, your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith...the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the wod of God.
Ephesians 6:14-17

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Be specific

I have spent alot of time with my mom lately. Not knowing how to drive and being retired, I try to get her out of the house and moving. However, this morning I went to visit my father in law. He will be 97 years old in a few days. He told me yesterday that he needed to get his license renewed and he was going to a local place in Humble. Knowing the chaos, long lines and younger generation, I offered to pick him up and take him.

I had a morning meeting and when I left, I discovered I was very low on gas. "No big deal" I thought, I'm just going a short distance and there is a gas station at the corner. I went to pick up my father in law and once there, we decided it would be easier and less chaotic to go to another location a little further away but we risked it for the convenience. We got in my car and hit the road. We began to chat and cut up. He was very concerned that he might have problems with the vision portion of the test. He does not like those machines you have to look into. I on the other hand, was concerned that the needle on my gas gauge was going beyond the red line. I wouldn't dare mention it to my father in law and I dreaded the idea of having to call my husband since he is a "fill it at half a tank" kind of guy and I have been cautioned of that often.

So, I did the next best thing....I prayed. I knew my father in law was praying that he could read the numbers on the machine. I on the other hand prayed "God please provide a gas station." We continued to drive with me getting more and more nervous. The thought of running out of gas with a chivalrous 97 year old scared me. He would protect me to the end and would offer to walk in order to get me some gas. I drove and drove and then I saw it. That golden icon the shape of a shell. Yes! Finally gas.

Well, the closer I got the more evident the discovery...the gas station was on the other side of the freeway and there was no crossover to the other side. We were on a portion of road where there were no exits only crossovers. So my first response...another prayer "God can you give me a gas station on my side of the freeway?"

My father in law on the other hand was praying that he could read the numbers. We travelled a short distance, found a gas station on my side of the road and proceeded to the license office. His prayer was answered! He passed with flying colors and said the numbers were more clear than ever.

Too many times we pray so generic and general. God did answer my prayer-just the way I prayed it! He gave me a gas station. In the future, I think I will be more specific.

Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. Psalm 86:6-7

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Penny

A couple of years ago, a lady I co-taught with gave a lesson on a penny she found in a parking lot. She stated that she almost walked past it when she decided to pick it up. That became the focus of the lesson...the penny. At the end of the lesson, she gave everyone in class a penny. I taped mine to the inside cover of my Bible where it remains.

Yesterday, I went to a local pharmacy to pick up some items. I went to pay for them and the cost was something like thirteen dollars and seventeen cents. I promptly handed her a twenty dollar bill, a nickle, a dime and a penny. Then I searched for one more penny. If I gave her one more penny, I wouldn't have to break a quarter. I searched all through that pocketbook. I pulled out business cards, pictures, more quarters but no penny. Don't you know that I was really wishing I had my Bible at that moment! I needed that penny. I was really shocked that Miss cashier didnt just say "Oh that's okay, it's only a penny." No....she waited for the last penny. I finally had to give in and hand her a quarter. She returned my change by saying "Now you have three pennies in case you need them."

Ugh.....I took my change and left. As I walked away, I thought "Wow, how many times do we do that to God...." I will be transparent with you and say that during the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I did not immediately submit my tithe. Don't get me wrong, I didn't spend it, I simply didn't take it. We would leave for church and forget the checkbook or leave the envelope containing the tithe. I think back and ask "What if God waited on my tithe like that cashier waited for the penny." God does not stand in front of us with his hands on his hips asking "Where's my tithe?" That led me to another question. Why was I so upset that she wanted the penny? I had made a purchase but in my mind, I wanted her to forgive my debt and let me slide on the penny....I knew I owed it. I could not slide with her and I can not "slide" on tithe. I can not give God a portion and ask Him to let me "slide" on the rest.

As luck would have it, I got to my vehicle and discovered a light bulb on the seat. The bulb on my husband's reading lamp had burned out and I was going to surprise by picking one up so he wouldn't have to. I went back into the store, located the bulb and proceeded to check out. Guess how much it was? Three dollars and four cents. So I pulled out my original penny and the three she had given me in change. The cashier said "You see, I told you you'd have the three pennies when you needed them." I thanked her and walked back to my car with my eyes to the ground....looking for a penny!

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, "Test me in this" says the Lord Almighty "and see if I do not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3:10

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The perfect picture...

I love auctions. I love the thrill of finding a diamond in the rough, love the anticipation of bidding and the sweet feeling of winning. I do not take my finds lightly. I am drawn to the old, used, rusty, rough! One day, I was at an auction and found an old picture that was framed and just lying on the floor. It was a replica of a painting and I had to have it. It is a picture of a mature man sitting at his table, hands clasped in prayer, a million dollar story to me.

You see from as far back as I can remember, I recall my father sitting at our dining room table with his Bible open, reading the word. Sometimes I would sneak up on him only to see that he was praying and I would just sit and watch. What a story. What a memory. What a challenge for other men. You see, my father has left a memory in my mind that is a pretty high standard. We all want that father, husband, son that we can find in the Word.

That dining room table is long gone and has been replaced with another. Yesterday, as I spent time at their house, I noticed dad has another table. It is filled with books. I love books. He has commentaries, sermon books, bibles in Spanish and English and once again, I am overcome with gratefulness that I have a father who loves the Lord. Mom said "that is where he goes to study." You see, dad has been a bible study teacher for as long as I can remember. He has been quite the example for me. Even as adults, we still go to him for direction in life and in the Word. I often call him and ask where something can be found in the Bible or what he knows about a particular subject. I am overwhelmed at his knowledge.

The picture of the man at the table hangs in my breakfast room. I often pass it without thinking about it but when I do stop and reflect on the picture, I am reminded of the father that God has blessed me with. I pray that fathers of this generation would love the Lord and His Word and I am thankful that I have an example in my father. When I think of him sitting at that table praying or in the word, it is "picture perfect!"

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

Monday, January 2, 2012

Where did you find Jesus?

It is the beginning of a new year and today I got to do something I don't often do. I met my sister and mom for breakfast and shopping. We went off and had our breakfast and decided to make a quick run to a local department store. We split up and after a bit, I heard my sister calling me. She said "Sister...look what I found." She had in her hand a "Jesus" doll that recited the Lord's prayer in Spanish when you pressed a button.

Thinking of an upcoming mission trip, she thought it would be perfect and put it in my basket. We went off wondering around like little girls cutting up and laughing and enjoying our relationship as sisters. When I found a computer case, we stopped for just a second to ask the cashier the price.

In waiting, I yelled at my sister and asked "Hey, where did you find Jesus? referring to the doll. In a flash, a lady in the store yelled out "He's everywhere!"

For some reason, I was reminded of Mary Magdelene when she went to the tomb to look for Jesus. When she did not find him she began to cry.

Two angels there asked "Woman, why are you crying?" and she responded "They have taken my Lord away, and I don't know where they have put him." [John 20:10-13]

Jesus was not lost, He was not misplaced, God knew just where Jesus was. While I did not know where my sister found the "Jesus" doll, I was pleased that the message was not lost when I asked "Where did you find Jesus?" He's everywhere!

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence, If I go up to the heavens, you are there, if I make my bed in the depths, you are there...Psalm 139:7-9

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ringing in the New Year's finally here. The new year has rung in. I awakened this morning and took my bible and devotion book downstairs to the quiet of the morning. I was greeted by a beautiful sound...bells ringing. Two years ago, a friend gave us some marvelous wind chimes as a gift. There was just enough wind for the chimes to make the most melodious sound.

I was instantly reminded of several hymns/songs that had the word "bell" in them. We just sang several of those during the Christmas season. My grandmother used to sing "ring the bells of heaven, Christ is born today." I thought how appropriate it is that God would send just enough wind to blow those chimes and remind us that this is a new beginning....a new year.

How will you use that year? Will you honor Him? Will you put Christ first or will you waste the year? I greet the year with anticipation of what God has in store for me. I greet the year with hope and a willing spirit. I greet the year knowing that God will not I sat alone spending time with God, I could hear the bells in the background. Just me and my God, ringing in the new year!

Happy New Year 2012

May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us...Psalm 90:17