A couple of years ago, a lady I co-taught with gave a lesson on a penny she found in a parking lot. She stated that she almost walked past it when she decided to pick it up. That became the focus of the lesson...the penny. At the end of the lesson, she gave everyone in class a penny. I taped mine to the inside cover of my Bible where it remains.
Yesterday, I went to a local pharmacy to pick up some items. I went to pay for them and the cost was something like thirteen dollars and seventeen cents. I promptly handed her a twenty dollar bill, a nickle, a dime and a penny. Then I searched for one more penny. If I gave her one more penny, I wouldn't have to break a quarter. I searched all through that pocketbook. I pulled out business cards, pictures, more quarters but no penny. Don't you know that I was really wishing I had my Bible at that moment! I needed that penny. I was really shocked that Miss cashier didnt just say "Oh that's okay, it's only a penny." No....she waited for the last penny. I finally had to give in and hand her a quarter. She returned my change by saying "Now you have three pennies in case you need them."
Ugh.....I took my change and left. As I walked away, I thought "Wow, how many times do we do that to God...." I will be transparent with you and say that during the hustle and bustle of Christmas, I did not immediately submit my tithe. Don't get me wrong, I didn't spend it, I simply didn't take it. We would leave for church and forget the checkbook or leave the envelope containing the tithe. I think back and ask "What if God waited on my tithe like that cashier waited for the penny." God does not stand in front of us with his hands on his hips asking "Where's my tithe?" That led me to another question. Why was I so upset that she wanted the penny? I had made a purchase but in my mind, I wanted her to forgive my debt and let me slide on the penny....I knew I owed it. I could not slide with her and I can not "slide" on tithe. I can not give God a portion and ask Him to let me "slide" on the rest.
As luck would have it, I got to my vehicle and discovered a light bulb on the seat. The bulb on my husband's reading lamp had burned out and I was going to surprise by picking one up so he wouldn't have to. I went back into the store, located the bulb and proceeded to check out. Guess how much it was? Three dollars and four cents. So I pulled out my original penny and the three she had given me in change. The cashier said "You see, I told you you'd have the three pennies when you needed them." I thanked her and walked back to my car with my eyes to the ground....looking for a penny!
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, "Test me in this" says the Lord Almighty "and see if I do not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3:10
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