After a several years of praying, my husband and I decided to purchase some property. We have looked, and looked and looked. We have a specific vision for the use of the property so it has to be just the right place. We are focusing on the Hill Country since that is a beautiful part of the state and it was instrumental to growth in our marriage.
We found several acres and were just delighted. We loved it! There was a small creek running through it, it was in a valley and it was wooded. It lacked in "views" and that was a biggie for us but we decided we could could compromise on one thing and that would be it. This spot was perfect...everything we wanted until my husband saw a spot on a mountain and said "That would be ideal." We left the property and headed home.
A few weeks later, we returned to take a second look. A new realtor directed us to another location. We drove to it and loved it. Guess where this property was....on that mountain! It didn't only have a view, it had three views from where we envisioned our home sitting. We just knew this was the place God wanted for us. First, we didn't go looking for this one, it fell in our lap; second, it was double the acerage of what we were looking at; third, the price was right!
We left there elated. God was in the middle of this we could feel it! We went back later that day and were just in awe of the property, the views, and how perfect it would be for our vision. That was just after Christmas. We decided to submit a contract January 3, 2012 after the holidays.
On January 2, 2012, we received a call from the realtor stating that there was another interested party who was submitting a contract that day. What? What did that mean? This property was intended for us! Did that potential buyer not know that? This was going to be ours. I felt sure that Genesis 12:1 was intended for me....
After prayerful consideration with our families, we submitted our contract believing that if this was not of God, He would let us know. We lost the bid. What a heartache! I did not understand....Had I misread something? Why would God show me Numbers 13:30 and Genesis 12:1 if I was not going anywhere? I just did not understand.
This property had been on the market for over three hundred days with NO contracts. Why now? Who were these people and where did they come from? Why did they choose now to submit a contract and why did the current owner accept it? We could only think of one reason. God was protecting us from something because He can see the future and we can not. For some reason God chose not to give us this property after all. He knows our dream, He knows our vision and he knows our heartache. While I did not understand, I received my answer when I opened my Bible and I read in John 13:7 Jesus said, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."
This is what His Steps First is all about...letting Him go before me and me following regardless of the decision.
This is my dream, this is my vision and I must be very careful that I am following this vision to bring glory to God and not myself. This was a disappointment but a lesson in trust. Will I trust God or will I give up? It is yet another time in my life when God is in total control and I must let go and trust because He know best. I expect when God is ready...or when He feels we are ready, he will bring the acres we need and our heartache will be over.
Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.
Numbers 13:30
The Lord said to Abram "Leave your country, your family and your father's household and go to the land I will show you."
Genesis 12:1
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