Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ringing in the New Year's finally here. The new year has rung in. I awakened this morning and took my bible and devotion book downstairs to the quiet of the morning. I was greeted by a beautiful sound...bells ringing. Two years ago, a friend gave us some marvelous wind chimes as a gift. There was just enough wind for the chimes to make the most melodious sound.

I was instantly reminded of several hymns/songs that had the word "bell" in them. We just sang several of those during the Christmas season. My grandmother used to sing "ring the bells of heaven, Christ is born today." I thought how appropriate it is that God would send just enough wind to blow those chimes and remind us that this is a new beginning....a new year.

How will you use that year? Will you honor Him? Will you put Christ first or will you waste the year? I greet the year with anticipation of what God has in store for me. I greet the year with hope and a willing spirit. I greet the year knowing that God will not I sat alone spending time with God, I could hear the bells in the background. Just me and my God, ringing in the new year!

Happy New Year 2012

May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us...Psalm 90:17

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