Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The perfect picture...

I love auctions. I love the thrill of finding a diamond in the rough, love the anticipation of bidding and the sweet feeling of winning. I do not take my finds lightly. I am drawn to the old, used, rusty, rough! One day, I was at an auction and found an old picture that was framed and just lying on the floor. It was a replica of a painting and I had to have it. It is a picture of a mature man sitting at his table, hands clasped in prayer, a million dollar story to me.

You see from as far back as I can remember, I recall my father sitting at our dining room table with his Bible open, reading the word. Sometimes I would sneak up on him only to see that he was praying and I would just sit and watch. What a story. What a memory. What a challenge for other men. You see, my father has left a memory in my mind that is a pretty high standard. We all want that father, husband, son that we can find in the Word.

That dining room table is long gone and has been replaced with another. Yesterday, as I spent time at their house, I noticed dad has another table. It is filled with books. I love books. He has commentaries, sermon books, bibles in Spanish and English and once again, I am overcome with gratefulness that I have a father who loves the Lord. Mom said "that is where he goes to study." You see, dad has been a bible study teacher for as long as I can remember. He has been quite the example for me. Even as adults, we still go to him for direction in life and in the Word. I often call him and ask where something can be found in the Bible or what he knows about a particular subject. I am overwhelmed at his knowledge.

The picture of the man at the table hangs in my breakfast room. I often pass it without thinking about it but when I do stop and reflect on the picture, I am reminded of the father that God has blessed me with. I pray that fathers of this generation would love the Lord and His Word and I am thankful that I have an example in my father. When I think of him sitting at that table praying or in the word, it is "picture perfect!"

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

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