Sunday, December 18, 2011

How long?

We are always asking "how long?"  How long until the new TV is delivered?  How long until I feel better? How long until I get a new job.  I got a new perspective of "how long" today when our Bible Study teacher taught on Numbers 16. 

We as people don't like bad news.  We don't like to wait and we don't like things to slow us down.  Yet just like the Israelites, we grumble when things don't go our way.   We huff and pout, and turn our backs and may even take drastic measures.  Here the people are wailing and weeping at the uncertainty of what is to come.  They want to choose another leader and turn back to Egypt, they want to stone the "scouts" they are not happy. 

Yet Joshua son of Nun told them that the land they are to pass through is "exceedingly good"  and if God is pleased with them He will lead them to the land flowing with milk and honey....just dont rebel! [V8-9]  Still the people are frightened at the uncertainty and want to stone Joshua. Moses goes before God to seek direction and God says:

How long.... "How long will these people treat me with contempt?"  "How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them?"  Not much has changed.  Today, we can still ask that long will we treat him with contempt?  How long will people refuse to believe in God?

I pray that I will humble myself and honor God regardless of my circumstances, I  pray that I will be content in the place He has me, and perhaps then, I wont have to ask "How Long?"

The Lord said to Moses "How long will these people treat me with contempt: How long will they refuse to believe in me in spite of all the miraculous signs I have performed among them? Numnbers 16: 11

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