Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last becomes First!

I have said this before...I love books.  During "black Friday" I went to the Half Price Books Store because they were giving gift cards to the first 100 people.  They opened at 7 so I felt safe when I drove by at 6:15 and there was no one in line.  However, when I returned at 7:50, there must have been 100 people in line already.  I got in line anyway chanting "don't let me be last, don't let me be last, don't let me be last."  I was one of the last three to get a bag and gift card.  I left feeling proud of myself for having accomplished that and getting a good deal on a gift.  Most of all, I was glad I was not last. 

There's only one thing worse than being last....that's being the one behind the "last" one.  I was driving down a street watching a policeman directing traffic leaving a large church.  He was swinging his arm allowing multiple cars to exit from the parking lot.  As one car neared the exit, he allowed several other cars to get ahead of him and then...the policeman did it.  He allowed the last car to go through and then he held his hand up and stopped the remaining cars.  What must that car have thought...."I missed it by one...If I wouldn't have allowed those cars ahead of me I could have gone...why couldn't the policeman have just let one more car go, I would have made it..." 

As I thought of this, I drove past them and thought "Wow are not are now  first!  You get to lead the group when the policeman allows traffic to flow again!"

Sometimes, it pays to be last...especially when it turns into an opportunity to lead because you are now first.

So the last will be first, and the first will be last.  Matthew 20:16

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