Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Paid in full

In the last twenty four hours there have been several stories related to anonymous pay offs of layaways by "Secret Santas."  These individuals have paid off layaways both at Kmart and Walmart.  At the Walmart in Avalon, OH. a secret santa paid off $8,800.00 in layaways.

For someone or many someones, a dream will come true.  There will be gifts under the tree on Christmas morning.  What a great feeling to come prepared to make payment, only to find it has been paid in full. One lady explained the difficulty in having to make the decision of having to pay her light bill or paying off the layaway so that her children would have toys for Christmas. 

Hearing a story like that warms our heart.  We are overwhelmed with peace and content knowing some child is going to have a great Christmas.  New toys, new clothes, maybe some candy...all the gifts of someone else paying the price.

Many years ago, the price was paid for us too.  God saw us in our sinful state and saw that we could not continue to live in such state.  He also knew we were not capable of "saving ourselves."   God loves us so much that He sent His only son to lay down his life for you and for me.  He took that walk to the cross and with that walk, we were given the gift of salvation and eternal life.  The gift is free to you and because the price was paid in full.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.  1 John 3:16

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