On our second day at the village we were working at, it rained. A fierce rain at times. The hygene team was in a covered area so it did not affect us. However, as we prepared to walk to lunch, I could see footprints on the ground. Large footprints, small footprints, ridges from workboots and tennis shoes, flat prints from sandals, all types of footprints on the dirt.
My thought was to capture one of the small footprints but that never happened. It was interesting to see the minimal [and I do mean minimal]automobile traffic. The means of transporation used most was walking. The pace was one of comfort and convienence. No rush, no urgency, just comfort.
This morning I heard a really great song by The Swift. It was in the sequence of music I was listening to but I don't recall hearing it before. As I listened, it reminded me of our pace. How fast, and how packed our lives are. Even retired, my schedule rarely allows for a trip to the mall much less driving to Galveston and having lunch with a friend. Everything has to go on a calendar. Everything has a time limit.
As I listened to this song, I heard:
Like water in the waves that roll unendingly, I am waiting to be stilled
when you step out on the sea....At the feet of Jesus this is my place in life.
It brought to mind those that sat at Jesus feet for hours listening to his words. What has crowded our calendars, our lives so much that we can not sit at the feet of Jesus.
At the cross there is mercy for a lifetime and Oh at your feet-that is where I want, that is where I need to be.
When you sit at anyone's feet whether it's to watch TV, read a book or just talk, the conversation goes up. You are at their feet. My prayer for me to day is that I will stay at the feet of Jesus just a little bit longer than I intended to and that I will hear him speak as I allow Him to lead the way for my life.
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. Luke 10:38-40
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