Friday, March 2, 2012

But I didn't know

Yesterday as I mosied along getting ready for my bible study class, one of the morning shows had a story regarding women going through a hair straightening procedure called "Brazilian Blowout."

The story was that this expensive procedure performed at hair salons was deemed unsafe by the FDA due to the formula containing "dangerously high levels" of formaldehyde.

The morning show went undercover asking numerous questions to the point of irritating some salon owners. Their insistance was that either their product did not contain formaldehyde or if it did, the amount was so minimal that it could not cause harm.

I love one lady's quote when she was asked if the product contained formaldehyde, she stated "No-it does not!" When the investigation was revealed and the reporter identified, the question was asked of her "Why did you lie?" The salon owner replied..."I lied to you because they lied to me-if I lied to you it's because I didn't know."

There are many individuals that will try to sell you an idea. Whether it's to glorify themselves, their "religion" or something else. Some might refute the belief that Christ came, he died, and rose again. They might have their own ideas about worship or Christ being the Savior.

I am one that deals with truth. The word of God is truth. If someone tells me something contrary to what I believe, I go to the Word of God. I don't ever want to say "I lied to you because they lied to me..."

I don't ever want to find out that I was in error because I didn't know the scripture. That is where I go first so I won't have to say "but I didn't know!"

Jesus replied "You are in error because you did not know the scripture or the power of God. Matthew 22:29

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