How many times in our lifetime have we made that statement? As parents, how many times have we told our children "do it" and when they ask why our response is "because I said so."
What if everytime God told us to do something and we asked "why" his response was "because I said so?" No explaination, no instruction just "because I said." I would venture to guess that is why people don't ask. It would be much easier not to do what God requires than to ask why we should and have God say "just do it."
God doesn't waste His time telling us why...He just asks us to do it. That's called obedience "Because He said so." In life there are things we just may not want to do, like give up a vice, forgive a grievance, or actually attend church. We find all kinds of excuses. We want to know what the benefit is for us first, then we can decide whether we want to do it or not.
Can you imagine how much easier life would be if we willingly submitted to God rather than to ask "Why?" Perhaps you're on a job search and you are at your wits end ready to give up and you felt God was telling you to apply at one of the most lucritive organizations in the city. You are exhausted, have gone for months submitting resumes, calling people, wasting gas [at almost 4.00 a gallon] and frankly you just don't feel like it. You don't want to hear "do it because I said so." The reason we don't want to hear that is because we are relying on our past, our record, our attempts not God's power.
There is a different take on that statement in Luke 5 where Jesus goes by the water and sees fisherman washing their nets after a morning of fishing to no avail. Jesus gets in Simon's boat and tells him to go out into the water and put out their nets. Simon's response is " Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so I will let down the nets."
What if instead of asking God "why" we responded with "I will do it because you say so." What blessing are we depriving ourselves of when we are not obedient? What message do we deliver when we say "nope, I've tried and tried and got nowhere so I'm done."
What if Simon had said "no...we've cleaned our nets, we're tired, we're going home." He would have missed out on God's overwhelming gift. Many of us have relied on someone else to spread the word of God to our friends, co-workers, family. God's goodness does not only extend to our personal life, we were made to reach others. Regardless of how many times you have tried...regardless of how bleak the situation may look, it's time to cast your net and let God do the rest.
Do it "because he said so."
When He had finished speaking He said to Simon "Put into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." Simon answered "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything." But because you say so, I will let down the nets." When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full, they began to sink. Luke 5:4-7
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