I was going throuth some pictures the other day when I came across one from San Diego. My husband and I had gone to Point Loma and we had the most beautiful mountain view of the Pacific Ocean on one side and San Diego Bay on the other.
We could see air craft carriers, sail boats and beautiful, beautiful scenery. After spending time taking in the view, we decided to make the two mile hike to the bottom. It was a trying walk even for me. The path was rocky, there were holes in the road, quick slopes and slippery patches. The road curved and if you gained speed going downhill, you stood a chance of going off the road and temporararily off the side of the mountain.
The view was worth it. There were points of broken road with caution cones but the view was worth it, it was long and winding but the view was worth it. What started off as a neat little trek became a bit of a concern when the road went from wide enough for four to only room for two, but the view was worth it. As worth it as it was, you could not get distracted by the view as there were others on the journey and you would risk danger.
We finally made it to the bottom. You know what we found once we got there? Besides the wonderful scenery we saw a sign that read "End of Trail Return Same Route." When I read it, I inadvertently read "End of TRIAL" and thought..."Why in the world would anyone want to take the same route to a trial they just came out of?
Sometimes God allows us to go through trials that may not be easy, they certainly aren't fun, the "trial" roads can be slippery, broken, slim but through it all, God will sustain us and you know what? If God takes us back through the same road, He will not leave us.
The adventure of a trial, difficult as some may be, has to be better than the monotony of a trail. One calls you to walk a path that has been marked by many others, the other calls you to walk a path completely relying on God's guidance and faith. We may be called to "Return the same route" but we can do it with the belief that God Almighty is in control.
In the end, it is worth the view. We got to the bottom, took our picture and looked to the top of the mountain. Getting out had to be better. We made it to the top and you guessed it, we were back at the place where the view was worth the journey.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew, he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:28-30
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