Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hollywood Sign

Today I heard quite the story.  Our Bible Study, Designer Woman, had a guest speaker named Cherita Andrews.  She was a past contestant on The Biggest Loser.  Wow, did she ever have a story.  The one that impacted me most was the "middle of the night" story.

She explained that while they were filming the show in California,  she and three others were awakened at four o'clock in the morning while it was still dark.  She added that they went for a "walk" in the dark.  She could feel a bit of an incline but continued the walk at the direction of the doctor on staff. 

As they approached their destination and the sun came up, she realized that they had just climbed the mountain where the Hollywood Sign stood. She explained that she understood the significance of doing it  in the dark as she felt God was telling her "If you had seen where I wanted you to go, you would not have gone there." 

So it is with most of us.  I can promise you, had I known the journey God had planned for me, I might have argued, whined, tried to convince God, and finally just flat out refused to go there. 

As I think of them climbing the mountain where the Hollywood sign is, I thought of Moses walking towards the burning bush on Horeb.  I have to tell you I might have been more like Moses.  That's why God doesn't fill me in on the journey.  

I'm sure I would be "who am I that I should go?" or "Oh Lord, I have never been eloquent" or "I am slow of speech."  That's why!  Despite God telling Moses that he was the one He wanted and despite God telling him that He would be with him, Moses hesitated.

Moses ended his dialog by saying "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."  I have to admit...there have been times...and the excuses are endless.  "I'm tired, I'm not capeable, I'm not smart enough, I'm too busy" and so on.

All God requires is our willingness....He will take care of the rest.  So close your eyes, open your arms and make yourself available.   It might not be the Hollywood Sign but I promise you, when you go through the journey and come out on the other side you will know it was only because you allowed God to take you on that journey.  

But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"  And God said, "I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.  Exodus 3:11-12

Read the complete story in Exodus 3 and 4

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