Monday, April 16, 2012

Lord help me

This year, our church campus hosted an event called Stations of the Cross during Easter.  My husband and I had gone through it last year at another campus and found it very impacting.  The spirit of the event was reverant and solemn. 

Although we knew what to expect, it was still very touching.  I told my husband that although it was the same, our sins were not.  We are touched and prompted because every day we need God's forgiveness.  As we got to the station of Gethesmane, the place where Christ prayed, I was overwhelmed.  As I remembered how Christ prayed, I thought of how many times I just whine.  They are not the same thing you know.  I whine and ask God to "make it stop" or "make it better" and I do it was just enough of a childish tone in my voice that even sounds strange to me! 

As we move on through the stations, we get to the last one.  Again, very moving...but it is moving to me because my situation, my circumstances, and my sins, are not the same as they were last year.  I would venture to guess this was the case for everyone.

You may wonder why I am telling you this after the fact.  Why not tell you last week?  For two reasons.  First, I did not want to spoil the experience for anyone who might read this and then attend the event; and second, because this is when God prompted me to write about it.  You see, at the end of the tour, you end up at the foot of the cross.  We have all been there.  That is the place my husband and I have laid our burdens down many times.  This time, it was as new as if it was the very first time.  The act was writing your sin/issue on a piece of paper and nailing it to the cross.

You may think "I would never do that for the whole world to see" and I might have apprehensions also except that the piece of paper was black and the ink was black.  The only two that knew what you wrote were you and God.  What an overwhelming feeling to follow through with that act.  Prior to writing, we spent alot of time in prayer. Then finally, I did it.  I wrote that thing on that piece of paper believing.  I left there with a true feeling of having left it at the foot of the cross but also of believing that God would take care of it.

I said that this is the time God prompted me to write this particular post and now I know why...because he has taken care of that issue!  God is so good and so faithful.  I went to to that cross crying "Lord save me" and He gave me an entire message on those three words!  God used an event to speak to me so clearly and when I was crying out "Lord save me" He was saying "Leave it here."  He wasn't only saying that to me but to the many people that went to the cross. Many times things surround us that distract us from God's power and we tend to leave what we know is true.   We do this because we feel secure in what we can see and feel. 

Jesus has said "Take Courage" He has said "Do not be afraid" and like Peter, I constantly lose sight of His power and majesty.  I have to thank my pastor for his God inspired sermon this weekend.    So many times God is ready to speak to us and we fail to listen but this weekiend, I saw evidence of His power and today instead of saying "Lord save" me I choose to say "Lord thank you for saving me!"

When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said and cried out in fear.  But Jesus said "Take courage! It is I, Don't be afraid."  "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied " tell me to come to you on the water."  "Come," [Jesus] said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord save me!"  Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.  Matthew 14:26-31

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