Friday, April 27, 2012

Rescue me

When I wrote this title, I thought of a song from the 60's.  Yes, it is an era I am familiar with.  The song was Rescue Me by Fontella Bass.   I thought of the song because of a story that began about a month ago and it dealt with a "rescue."

I saw a Facebook post about a dog that needed a home.  Now I have to admit, I have never been a huge fan of dogs.  We had a large dog growing up and he got in our way more than he helped.  He did however intervene when a burglar attempted to enter our bedroom through a window in the middle of the night.  We were all young kids and when dad heard the bark and felt the dog's anxiety, he came to our room and "rescued" us.

So....when I read this Facebook post, I asked my husband if we could take the dog.  Now, we already have a chihuahua that is 13 years old.  We call him the "dog log" because he finds a good crease and fits right in and will not move until morning or until he is "moved."

He is pretty set in his ways, and so much like humans.  He has slowed down, doesn't really want too much action....but he is a great "watch dog."  My husband had concerns about bringing in a new dog because Sammy had been the only one for so long.  I had no concerns and asked again if we could pleasssssse take this other dog.

Her rescuer, Katie Crawford, just looked so natural holding the precious dog.  The dog looked so much like a fox it was amazing!  Beautiful and blonde with sharp features. My husband finally gave in and we went to "look" at the dog. 

We were told that this was a "rescue" dog.  I could not understand it.  She just seemed so loveable.  She sat in the "temporary owner's" lap and just allowed herself to be loved.  I was very excited and grateful that someone had taken the time to rescue this precious animal.   We walked in to "look" at the dog and walked out "owners."

She is a pomeranian chihuahua mix.  Long blonde hair and wow...has she got spunk.  We took her in and the first thing we did is give her a name.  She is now Daisy.  She loves to play but I'll tell you the truth, it's like having a teenager and a toddler.  Sammy goes his own way and she just wants to play. 

When I think of how she wondered the streets lost and probably scared, I am thankful that someone took her in.  Although Katie might tell you that the dog found her!  I understand that when Katie pulled up and opened her car door, Daisy jumped in and the rest is history. 

Again, I don't consider myself as emotionally attached to dogs but the other day I visited Katie's school on an assignment and Katie introduced me to a friend of hers.  She introduced me as "Daisy's Momma." I thought that was so neat.  She rescued Daisy but I was her "momma."

Sometimes we go along in life and we are lost, afraid, and lack direction.  We long for someone to "rescue" us from the turmoil and difficulties of life.  I am grateful that God did not leave us to our own defenses.  I am grateful that He came and rescued me.  I am grateful that I can sit in his lap and that He gave me a new name and I am most happy that he is my Father!

The Isrealites called for God to rescue them [Judges 10:15]
  • God rescued David [1 Samuel 17:37]
  • God rescued Daniel [ Daniel 6:16]
  • God has rescued me [Galatians 1:4]. 
I was lost in a world of sin that had no end and yet when I called out to Him, He was willing to reach down and rescue me from that world. 

Daisy has brought us so much happiness.  She is alllll girl.  Sammy wakes up and we put him outside to roam around and "be a dog."  Daisy on the other hand is a true Diva.  She needs her A/C.  She is so funny and believe me...she IS going to get your attention.  Thank you Katie for rescuing our Daisy and thank you Father for rescuing me!

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory for ever and ever.  Amen.  Galatians 1:3-4

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