Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Yesterday as I was driving back into town, I had alot of time on my hands.  I noticed as we left Lubbock that there were numerous windmills on large fields.  Many windmills.  In fact, someone told me before I left "When you see the windmills, you'll know you are in Lubbock."  We travelled for miles before they were finally gone.

The road was long and in some places barren.  Flat in some places and hilly in others.  I can not imagine making that drive too often.  Flying is the way to go.  However, I did notice one thing.  My son was lost in his music and I just took in the "sights." I noticed that since we had left the windmills behind, we had picked up another source of power.

Pretty simple... poles.  Yes poles.  These poles, which have been around for years, got my attention.  I thought "Isn't it interesting how those poles look like a cross."  That led to how those poles provide power to light up a room, light up a house, light up a city.  All because of the power lines that run through them.

So often I hear and have said myself..."that will never happen."  That can be defined as anything.  It can be a cure, salvation of a prodigal, a new job, sufficient finances, fill in the blank.  God's Word, however; says that anything is possible if God is in it.

Some don't understand this power.  It is the power to save even the most lost and I am an example of that. I love seeing reminders of God's work, God's love and God's power.  I have been given a reminder of the power of the cross in a simple pole on the side of the road.  There is power in the cross!

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.  1 Corinthians 1:18

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