Friday, April 6, 2012

It's a good Friday

I woke up today and realized my husband was still asleep. I'm thinking it's Saturday and I let him sleep. I make my coffee, let the dogs out and settle back in to relax.

Being 6:00am, and Saturday, I figure I can check in on a home decorating show on TV but then decide against it. I merely meditate and let time pass. At 8:00am he stirs and it is difficult to sleep with one rambuncous puppy. As my husband awakens, I realize it it not Saturday. It is Friday...Good Friday.

My husband's organization, unlike my former organization, gives their employees a holiday off for Good Friday. Last night when we went to sleep, I knew we were attending the Good Friday Service at our church. I even called my son to remind him and yet when I woke up, I still thought it was Saturday.

A few minutes later I got a call from my elderly, widowed neighbor. I took her to Stations at the Cross at our church Wednesday and she was very touched. She called to tell me she had prepared something for me and she would bring it over after she planted some plants in her yard.

I was wide awake by now so I cleaned up and walked across the street. I helped her dig and plant her flowers. She is always thrilled to have the company. We enjoyed the time before we were interrupted by the "mowers." I walked back home and prepared a basket for my son. He is older now but I still like him to know I think about him and reinforce the importance of the holiday.

I am feeling good about today. Yesterday, I visited an officer friend that was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had not seen her since the diagnosis but texted her almost every day. I also brought her a basket filled with a pink bandana, bracelet, eye mask and scripture. I did not know what to expect. When I saw her I was thrilled. She has lost her hair but she looked beautiful. She was enthusiastic, energetic, and full of life. I stayed a few minutes and then prayed for was a good day.

Today, as we recognize the significance of the day, I am grateful for an organization that honors it enough to give their employees the day off. We plan to go to church, have some lunch and spend time with our family.

As I think of that day, the day that Christ took that walk to that hill carrying that cross, the day he took our sins on His shoulders, the day he died to give me life, I am thankful.

I am thankful that I have a Savior who loved me enough to give His life for me. When I live in a country where I can serve the Risen's a good Friday. When I can attend church today to honor that's a good Friday. When I have my family in tact and everyone is's a good Friday.

This Good Friday, won't you take the time to thank God for sending His Son so that we might have the gift of eternal life. It's a Good Friday.

At the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud vioce, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. Mark 15:33-34, 37

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