Saturday, May 12, 2012


Can't slow down....gotta keep giong.  Got nothing left but I can't slow down. 

Ever feel that way?  I guess we all have at one time or another.  Yet despite all we have going on, God wants us to stop and rest.  Even if He has to make it happen.

We had alot of rain last night.  My brother had a threat of hail in his part of town.  That made me think of a situation that took place a couple of years ago.  Our son Matthew, my husband, and I were all going to dinner one evening.  The rain was falling hard and suddenly turned to hail.

The hail grew larger as it beat on our vehicle.  I finally told my husband that we had to pull over.  The hail was coming down hard and I did not want to damage our car.  As we looked for cover, I said "Pull over at the church."  As we approached the cover of the church, there were already cars room for us.

I pointed to another church just down the street.  As we pulled over and waited, we could hear the large hail on the tin cover.  Within a few minutes, the hail stopped, the rain diminished and as we pulled out, we saw two beautiul rainbows.  It reminded me of the covenant God made with Noah sealing it with a rainbow.  Had we made the decision to continue to the restaurant, we would have fought the hail and missed the rainbow.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the events of life. So many things going on-so many deadlines, events, or family obligations.  It may be kindergarden graduations or grandchildren but the point is we are swampped. 

Sometimes, God requires us to "pull-over" and wait on Him.  If we don't do it on our own, He can make it happen.  He may bring the clouds, rain and even hail.  We may think "I don't have the time to slow down" but trust me, it is within his power to do it.  Even if he has to use hail and to that I say "Hail......NO!"

And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:  I have set my rainbow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.  Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of all kind.
Genesis 9:12-15

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