Friday, May 25, 2012


This morning I have to report for training.  I am a mediator and part of that position is annual training.  I thought I would be "done" with going downtown but alas I am not. 

I have to join other mediators to get updates on the law, changes in policy and other information that is important to a mediator.  I will be returning to the very division I was responsible for as a supervisor. 

Why would we need training?  Well...because things change.  What was relevant back then may not be important now or a change may be very impacting to me.  At any rate, training is necessary to access the most up to date information.

You know, the word of God is never changing so one might ask "Why do I have to keep learning?"  Well one reason is that we go through seasons.  What was important in our 20's may have a completely different meaning in our 40's.

Frankly, at this time in my life, I am  find training boring, a waste of time, and inconvienent for me.  I have to wake up early, travel downtown, listen to an instructor and spend eight hours tied up at a time when I should be thinking about graduation on Saturday.  What an inconvienence!  However, I can promise you when I need the information at the next mediation, I will be grateful that I took the time to go to this training session. 

Many of may feel that way about "training" in the word of God.  We don't have the time, we can't remember what we just read, and many other reasons.  However, it is important for us to keep learning.  We simply can not go on in life holding on to one verse and think that we will grow.  Things change!  Life throws new things at us, new scenarios, new situations, new challenges.  Where do we go when this happens?

Well, what happens when we don't "train"  our hearts and spirit's is that we can tend to get wrapped up in what society says, what reality shows say, or what other's say rather than what the Word of God says.  While training may be inconvienent, I want to be at the top of my game.  Mediation is too important to me to not have the most current information.

Whether we like it or not, many of us go to a gym, an aerobics class, or other form of physical activity that constitutes "training."  Why?  Because we want to be healthy, we want to maintain our weight, we want to live longer.  We commit the time to do this but when it comes time to commiting to the Word of God, we "see no results" so we find excuses to justify our lack of commitment. 
While I train in the gym several times a week, and I train annually in mediation, I must train daily in the Word of God.  Our bodies may fade but no one can take what is imbedded in our hearts.

Knowing God's Word is important to survival in today's society so.....I will continue to keep training so that I will always be ready and when the day comes that I am challenged in God's Word.

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wive's tales; rather train yourselves to be godly for physical training has value-but godliness has value for all things holding promise for both the present life and life to come.  1 Timothy 4:7-8

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