Yesterday I went for a run. Despite the humidity being high and my spunk being low, I ran anyway. I left my house and headed for the greenbelts. There aren't many people out in the middle of the day and it's great.
I was dreading what was to come and knew it would not be at "record speed" although for me that's a slow record. As I was running, I was oblivious that kids were in recess and everyone turned to watch as I ran by.
I was lost in the music that was providing a comfortable pace. I saw a mother with her child at the swings, birds flying in the air and tree stumps...many tree stumps from all the trees that have been cut down. My attention was then turned to just completing the task.
As I continued to run, I saw an elderly couple walking. The man continued to walk but the lady stopped. I assumed she was resting or letting her dog rest and I went past them. As I approached my destination, I saw a squirrel. The squirrel was standing on one of the stumps and it was surrounded with slices of bread. Another squirrel was trying to approach but the original squirrel was protective of the bread.
I smiled and continued my run. Then I saw it. Another squirrel standing on a stump and it was eating strawberries! "Strawberries" I thought, where did a squirrel get strawberries? As I looked harder, I also saw grapes. Wow-a banquet but where did it come from? This squirrel did not mind sharing as there were two others eating strawberries.
Then with the media majic of a CSI show, I retraced my steps in my mind and I could see that elderly lady that had stopped. I recall seeing something in her hand that I now know was a plastic container. She was the one that was delivering the goodies.
I thought how typical of the squirrel to not want to share it's bread when a few paces down, squirrels were eating fruit. I suppose we can sometimes take that attitude of wanting to protect what we have because we are not confident of how the next need will be fulfilled.
You may have heard that the sparrow does not worry where the next meal will come from. Neither do ducks, turtles in a pond, fish, or even squirrels.
God provided for these squirrels. He is a God of provision. Learn from the squirrels.
Look at the birds of the air; they do now sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavely Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable then they? Matthew 6:26
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