Friday, November 18, 2011

It's broken

The other day, I pulled into my driveway and saw a beautiful yellow flower on my hibiscus bush.  I remember having a previous hibiscus plant that I really loved.  It also produced a beautiful yellow flower.  It pained me to have to trim it. It looked horrible when I trimmed the branches. I missed my beautiful yellow flowers.  Last year during a freeze, we lost that hibiscus plant.

In the spring, we proceeded to purchase new hibiscus.  I love the plant so much that I bought seven for the back yard and two for the front yard.  I meticuloulously searched for each plant.  Some had buds, some just green leaves. I visualized where every one would be planted but for the front, in order to replace the one I previously had, it had to be yellow. We got to the yellow buds and my husband held up plant after, no, no.  At one point I told him "Not that one, that one's broken, I dont want a broken one."

Now, I think back on that time and am grateful that God has never said "I don't want a broken one."  When King David sinned against God, he cried out to God in his emptyness and he took comfort in singing praises to God.  I have to believe that at one time or another each of us has experienced brokenness...regardless of the degree, God is accepting of us.  His love for us never changes even if circumstances do.

I planted that new hibiscus bush in the same place as the other one and it did not disappoint me.  I now have  beautiful yellow flowers.   In our brokenness, if we trust our life to God, He will not disappoint.  He will love you, comfort you, and accept you just as you are.  Like the hibiscus flower he will bring you a new beginning.

You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God you will not despise.  Psalm 51:16-17

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