Saturday, November 5, 2011

No U-Turns

During my daily route to work, I traveled through a familiar but congested road.  FM 1960 is a stretch of road that leads to many places.  In my travels, I make a left turn from 1960 onto Farrell Road.  Unfortunately, the light at this intersection is exceptionally long.  Being that it was always between 5:15 and 5:30 in the morning, drivers often circumvented the red light by getting in the next lane where the light was green, crossing the intersection and making a quick u-turn to get back onto Farrell Rd.  However, I would always sit and wait.  Guess what?  When the light eventually turned green and I went, I would usually catch up with them at the next stop. Red lights are put in place to manage traffic and allow it to flow better.  Many may view them as inconvienent and a barrier. 

In our walk with Christ, we may encounter red lights.  Those times in our life that just seem to stop us.  Maybe we lost our job, or we lost a family member, divorce or broken relationship and we have to stop and wait on God.  The question is will you stop or will you make that u-turn and do things your way.  When you find yourself in a place of waiting on God, fully trust him and know that that He is in contol.
Use that time to see God can only do that if you wait.

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for Him!  Isaiah 30:18

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