Monday, November 21, 2011

Let it go

I recently read a story of a little girl who was so upset with her mother that she went and sat on a pier to get away.  As she was there, her mother kept a watchful eye from the house.  She observed the daughter playing with a beach ball and would often lift her gaze to ensure she was still there.  The little girl often wore a neon orange swim cap and was easily recognized. 

In flash, when mom looked up again, the daughter was gone.  Her mother ran to the pier to find her.  It was then she discovered the beach ball and the orange swim cap in the water.  Her daughter screamed frantically driving her mom to jump in the water to save her.  As the mom fought a rip tide she reached her daughter who was out of control with fear.  Their fear, along with the rip tide made it difficult for them to reach the shore.  The mother cried out with fear as her strength failed her.  Eventually, a neighbor came to their rescue and was able to get them to shore. A few hours later when the dust had settled and the little girl was put to bed, her mom asked her "Why did you go in the water without my permission?"  and her daughter responded "The beach ball fell in the water and I did not want to let it go."

I have thought of the many things we hold on to when God is telling us to just let it go.  And when we let go and we see we have no control, we take matters into our own hands and go after it.  Despite the pain or jeopardy it places us in.  Let it go.  Let go of that bad relationship, animosity, unforgiveness and bitterness.  And do not go after it!

In the Old Testament, God called Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac.  As difficult as it must have been, Abraham was obedient believing that God would provide the lamb.  Abraham could have made the decision to hold on to his son, bargain with God, or flee.  Instead he let go and God was faithful! Whatever it is, the time has come....let it go!

"Do not lay a hand on the boy," He said.  "Do not do anything to him.  Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." Genesis 22:

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