Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Celebrate your birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. We have a "tradition" in our family where it is your birthday from the actual day until the end of the month. It's a winning deal for me but since my son's birthday is the 28th of February, not so much.

For years, I have always "shared" my birthday with that of Ronald Regan. Everytime someone mentioned my birthday, I would say "Ronald Reagan was born today also." Unfortunately, yesterday was not a happy day. We lost several family members and friends in 2011 and most of them fell on a family member's birthday or close to it. I have now joined that group.

Several years ago, my son lost his precious papa two days before his birthday....something he will never forget. Yesterday, instead of celebrating life, I was celebrating new life. You see, a matriarch of my childhood community passed away. As I sang at her funeral service last night, it was a celebration of her eternal life. A life that is just beginning and will never end.

She was known for her love of missions. A modest woman and single mother, had a love for Christ and her five boys. She was widowed when her boys were very small and yet she continued the path God had laid out for her. Week after week, she could be seen raising money for missions and serving in her church. She was lovingly referred to as one of the three "Golden Ladies" of the church.

There was standing room only last night and the attendees poured into the foyer. I saw many individuals that were impacted by her obvious love for God and many individuals that she had lifted in prayer for many, many years. As I look back on the legacy that she left, I believe her memory will live for ever and those of us fortunate to have known her rejoice that true life is just beginning.

Happy Birthday to me and Happy Birthday to my beloved sister in Christ. A birthday celebration indeed.

Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10

In Memory of Mrs. Virginia Basquez 1923-2012

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