Thursday, February 2, 2012


Okay-it's official I'm a hoarder. I picked up my Bible yesterday and realized it is about three times thicker than the binding permits so...I decided I'd go through it and see if there was anything I just "couldn't do without."

The important stuff is adhered to the inside binder like a penny used in a lesson and my son's picture. As I open it, there is a napkin with the names of three ladies I met at church in Fredericksburg and a bulletin from the last service we attended there. I found a prayer request from my friend Jo from 2007-that's to continue to remind me to pray for her daughter, son-in-law and grandson [she now has two].

I love to write special verses on index cards and I now have over 30 in my Bible. There is a "collision group" handout from lending my son my Bible for collision groups a couple of weeks ago. oops, another napkin with a song written on it and an advertisement for "Skinny Cow" ice cream that was given to me by a lady at church who thought it might be useful in a lesson I was preparing. Someone else gave me a "Dear Abby" article related to proper dress, again, an article for possible use in a lesson.

I found a three page handout from a Bible Study lesson on Romans from Fredericksburg, a page from one of my journals with Numbers 14:3 and some notes, a devotion from Charles Swindol titled Tough Spots, a photograph of me with my husband, some business cards and more index cards with quotes from my pastor, a bookmark from the Bible Study class RX for Life, last week's prayer request list from my bible study class Seekers, numerous post it notes, a fortune from a fortune cookie that reads "Talents that are not shared are not talents" again, a lesson. I could go on and on.

I also found two purple pens [my favorite color and the only color I use in my Bible]. That can not be good for the binding as it pulls it open. And what would my Bible be without a Kleenex?

Yes, I'm afraid I would classify myself as a Bible Hoarder. Much too soon I will need a new one again as the maps have detached from this one, the binding is stretched and pages are starting to pull apart. That is not good news for me as I am a creature of habit and love going right to the verse I am looking for. Perhaps I should prepare myself to let go of this one and begin anew. Not a pleasant thought as I still often refer to the Bible I carried prior to this one for scripture and notes. Now I will have two Bibles to refer back to. My question now is "do I transfer the things to my new Bible?" or do I start all over again?

How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:9-11

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