Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm warning you!

Many years ago there was a series called Lost in Space. We watched it on a black and white TV as kids. The idea was a normal american family that was lost in space right down to their space suits. One of the characters was a kid named Will Robinson. There was also a "robot" that was quite an asset to them.

The robot, with accordion arms, would warn Will Robinson by saying "Danger Will Robinson, Danger." Of course the robot was right as impending danger always loomed around the corner.

The other day I was driving on one of our streets when I noticed signs that said "Left Lane Closed." As I continued to drive, I did not see anyone making a move to the right lane. I went further and still nothing eventhough the warning signs were closer and more frequent.

Finally, I see the cones, lights and movement. I did the right thing and moved over early but these people waited until the last minute and NOW they want to get in. It is worse when my husband is driving because I sit as the passenger and play "chatty Kathy" about why these people wait until the last minute. "Can't they see the signs?" I ask.

Did they not see the warning? Did they not care? Well they didn't care for those of us that did the right thing. They should be made to wait or be given a "penalty flag" or time out...punishment of sorts for not listening or paying attention, or caring for the rest of us....don't they know I'm in a hurry too? Those rule-breakers! I just want to say "Get to the back of the line!"

This morning I saw a facebook post from my friend Tracy Vetitoe who wrote of riding with her child in the car and reaching a new milestone because she did not have to "alert (her child) of potential hazards." That put everything in perspective.

If Jesus had been critical of our sin, if he had held back because we failed to heed the warnings, if he had held back due to our sin, if he had listened to man who might have said "punsish them-they don't need a Savior" then none of us would have had a Savior.

Instead Jesus said I love them all...those that are faithful, those that are sinners, those that are my children-that includes all of us! I am thankful that God sent His Son to save all of us law breakers, fibbers, accusers, am I am thankful for friends that help me keep things in perspective.

Jesus came that we might have life [John 10:10] and he is not willing that any of us should perish but that everyone would come to repentance. [2 Peter 3:9]

In life there will be potential hazards...the answer is to heed the warning!

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. Matthew 17:24-25

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