Thursday, February 23, 2012

A short walk

The other day I went to the grocery store. I came in the back way so I was driving through the parking lot. I wanted a "close" space and thought I found it when I saw someone closer pulling out. I had a good spot but decided the one being vacated would be better. I giggled as I walked the short distance to the front door. I then gave thought to the need for a closer parking space.

Why did I need to be closer? Why did I wait for the closer spot when I was already making a move to park? I could only come up with one word....convenience which translated into "lazy." I simply did not want to walk the extra few steps. I didn't want to be there to begin with so if I had to be there, I might as well be close and save myself the walk.

That's how we are sometimes when it comes to spending time with God. We find that it is easier to "listen to a sermon" on the radio or "watch a sermon on tv" or even just sit through a class and we call it convenience. It is much more "convenient" to us if we take that route where sometimes we don't even open our Bible rather than to get into God's word on our own time.

It is important to know that while listening to a CD or watching a sermon may be convenient,
we need to nurture our walk by getting into the Word of God and letting God speak to us
personally. We also need to have fellowship with other believers. Convenience and short cuts
should only apply to parking spaces not spending time in the word of God. When we go shopping, we want a close parking space so we don't have to walk far. However, when we walk in a relationship with Christ, it should be a long, solid, growing walk...leave the short walk for the parking lot.

But if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his son purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

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