A few weeks ago I began teaching a ladies bible study class at our church. As an exercise, I purchased several jigsaw puzzles for them to complete. The ladies enthusiastically joined in to complete the puzzles.
As they began completing the puzzles, I began to hear things like "I'm missing a piece" or "this is incomplete!" of course that was deliberate. The purpose was to make a point. As part of the effort, I had taken the "missing piece" and cut out the exact shape but with a different picture so that even though the piece fit, it did not reflect an accurate picture.
Many times we go through life and we feel like something is missing. We feel like we are missing a piece. Not just any piece but a piece that is going to fit and complete the picture. That piece (and that peace) can not be found just anywhere. Oh sure, you can find something to fill tht void and complete the puzzle but will it bring you true happiness? Will you be fulfilled? Locating that missing piece begins with finding our peace in Christ.
God sees the void, he sees the emptiness, he sees the hole. When the puzzles were complete with the true pieces, there was happiness that we could see the complete picture. There was
satisfaction and peace. There was no longer anxiety about locating the missing piece. You can not have peace with a missing piece.
A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone, yet I am not alone, for my father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world. John 16:32-33
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