Friday, August 31, 2012

That's how it rolls

Yesterday I knew my son would be going to school and I would not see him again for four days.  He did not have to wake up until 8:30am so I decided I would go downstairs and bake some cinnamon rolls....his favorite. 

You see, by his receipe, he gets a bowl and mixes sugar with ground cinnamon.  He then takes the roll and dips it in making sure that the roll is covered with the extra mixture.  He then places them in the oven.  He usually eats the roll without any icing. 

So, this morning I did the exact same thing.  In his lifetime, I don't recall fixing breakfast for him often.  My job always required me to leave before he left for school.  I did everything right.  I took my time and created the mixture.  I pre-heated the oven and then I let them bake.  I took the extra step to put additional cinammon and sugar on top for added flavor.  I was proud of myself.

I then came upstairs and woke him up.  I told him that I had made some cinammon rolls and left them for him on the counter.  He said "thanks mom" and proceeded to wake up.   Sometimes my son pushes "sleep" and today it was all about the uniform being in the dryer, did they dry, is everything there, will I make it?  Again, it was all solved with this statement, "Your clothes are all folded nice and neat and are in your bag, the bag is by the door."  I got a resounding thank you mom!  When he got ready to leave, we said "I love you" and I told him the rolls were on the counter, then he was gone. 

Hours after he had left, I went back downstairs to check on some laundry.  As I entered the kitchen, I saw the cinammon rolls on the plate...all of them were right where I had left them.  I thought to myself  "Son, I woke up early and I did this with all my heart so you could have breakfast and they're your favorite but you didn't even touch them."

ImmediatelyI knew... that's exactly what God does for me.  He watches over me, takes care of me, directs me, guides me and there are times I walk right past it.  Yet I wanted validation, recognition, acknowledgement for what I had I done.   How must God feel?  Perhaps He feels disappointment when I don't  acknowledge His acts, perhaps He's sad when I don't recognize or openly appreciate all He does for me. 

This was just a situation with rolls.  But how many times do we forget what God brought us through or God's goodness?

I did that one day but God does it every day!  Everyday He takes care of us....He handles the issues, He loves us, He listens to us, He prepares a table before us and they says "You're Good to go."  So many things compete for our time with our Savior and it will consume us if we let it.  So much so that we will miss His goodness and His gestures of love if we let it.  The best part of the day, even though he did not take a roll....was hearing my son say "I love you mom" because in the end, that's what it's all about. 

So instead of waking up and thinking of all that has to be done, where you have to be, or how you're gonna get there,  take the time to acknowledge God's goodness and His love for you.

Before the day consumes you and manipulates your time, slow down, have a cup of coffee and know that He is in control!

Want a cinammon roll?

Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods.  Rather, worship the Lord your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of your enemies.  2 Kings 17:38-39

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Running = Disobedience.

Several weeks ago I wrote about my niece and her "sudden need for comfort."  She was told a couple of years ago that she needed to have her wisdom teeth removed...four!  Of course there would be apprehension and perhaps concern about having them all removed at the same time.  Primary in her mind was recovery time, swelling and of course pain.

I wrote of how I went to be with her-four hours away-because she was hurting and in severe pain and I love her.  When I got there, she was comforted by the presence of someone who loves her.  Her husband was on a business trip and she was in a city away from her family and in pain. 

The oral surgeon gave her some antibiotics and pain medication and told her she must get in when the infection clears and have those wisdom teeth removed.  Guess what....she got better!  And what do we do when we get better?  We forget what the doctor said and we go on with life.  She has an awesome job but it requires alot of time and she lives in a fast "business" lane.   Having to stop and rest would interefere with this. So months passed with her doing good and no problems with infection or pain. 

Yesterday however, my beautiful niece called saying she was in dire pain "Please help me!"  She is off on vacation at a beach resort in severe pain.  Again, the wisdom teeth.  She begged my sister to get her home.  My sister went to work calling airlines furiously trying to get her home and eventually did. 

The doctor said "get her home, bring her to my office and I'll perform the surgery Friday!"  Just like that!  My niece is in so much pain she is saying "do whatever you have to do to fix me!" 

In contrast, my son was also told he had to have two of his wisdom teeth interrupted!  He has a job, it was summer, football season was coming up and "I can't miss" all those excuses.  I merely picked up the phone, made the appointment and got him in.  Four days later, he was at football practice. 

What a contrast in doing what you are called to do and running from it!

Life interrupted....sometimes we go to God and He will tell us exactly what we need to do.  Unfortunately, we go on with life because we think what He requires might intefere with our life or may require too much of us.  Ever played dodgeball? The idea is to keep running so you don't get hit by the ball.  That's not how it works with God.  When we run, it's called disobedience.

So if you've gone to God and asked him to "fix" a situation or get you to the next step....stop running when He does it!   Obedience means doing it when you are called to do it, not waiting until time runs out.  Running is not an accomplishment....running equals disobedience. 

The word of the Lord came to Johan son of Amittai "Go to the great city of Neneveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me."  But Johan ran away from the Lord...Jonah 1:1-2

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Leave the buds....listen!

[Yay! I have been trying to access my blog all morning, finally....success!]

The other day, my husband and I were travelling back from the Hill Country.  My family had left earlier and I was just soaking in the surroundings.  We had long left the hills and we were nearing our home town.  Dread was starting to set in as we leave such beautiful country and when you leave, you can immediately tell when you have left that peace and tranquility. 

As we travelled, I had many books...much material that I needed to review.  I needed to take the time to listen to God's direction for a new study that would be beginning soon.  The problem had been that so much was going on.  I had birthday parties, relatives in from out of town, planning to take care of, writing that needed to be done, shopping...not fun shopping but things that really needed to be done.  When in the world would I have time to "listen to God."

It's one thing to ask for God to speak and it's a completely different story when we don't take the time to listen.  We are so wrapped up in our own world that the noise of the world drowns out the voice of God.  This was illustrated to me on the ride back home. 

As we travelled, I just happened to turn and look out the window.  I saw two of the cutest little girls in the back seat of a car.  They quietly played with their dolls.  I know this because it was the kind of playing we use to do.  They held their dolls and posed them.  At one point I could see one of the little girls talking to her dad.  She appeared to be trying to get her dad's attention with no response.

We slowly went past them and then it was obvious to me why they were not getting a response from their father.  As he drove, he had ear buds in and was listening to something on his ipod.  He could not hear his daughter's voice because he had noise in his ear.  I thought "What a shame, his daughter is wanting to talk to him and he is not listening." 

I thought of how many times I have done that to God.  I put my "buds" on and whether I ignore the voice or it's drowned out by the noise of the world, I don't hear God when He speaks.  I just wanted to get in this dad's face and say "'re missing what your daughter has to say-she wants your attention!"  But I quickly discovered that I was guilty of that also with my heavenly father. 

I pray that I would be quiet, still,  and listen to hear God's voice.  I pray that when He speaks I would "Leave the buds and listen!"

Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: "This is my Son, whom I love.  Listen to Him!" Mark 9:7

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I got sidetracked...

I woke up this morning fairly early 5:30am.  I woke up with a list already in mind.  Wake up son and get him off to school, do my devotion, finish my handout for tonight's first lesson, do ankle exercises, take a shower. That is not the extent of the list, those are just the immediate things I wanted to do.

So, I send my son off, I get my coffee my bible and my books but then I turn on the television to watch the news.  After the house is quiet, I "write" my tentative schedule for my class that I will teach the next eight weeks.  It's nice that I can do it in the comfort of my bed.  Eventually, I have to get up to type it.  As I am typing it, I remind myself that I must do my devotion. 

I get sidetracked because now that I have typed my schedule I must send it out so I am now emailing and reminding myself that I must do my devotion.  Of course nothing can go as planned and I can not attach the schedule to the email again.....I get sidetracked.  I realize I don't have one of my ladies' email address so I pick up my ipad to send her a message.  Am I ever going to get back on track? 

With that done I say "Okay, ankle exercises" but I realize there are "one shoe" and "one sock" tracks everywhere.  I have only worn one shoe due to the injury so I start picking them there's a load of laundry that needs to be "thrown" down the stairs so I can put them in the washer when I finally make it down. 

With the exercises done, I head for my Bible except that I can't find it.  I look everywhere.  Now that I'm finally on track, I can't find it.  I find my "old" Bible that I keep at my computer hutch because I often use it for reference but now it's the principle of the I want my Bible. 

It kind of reminds me when mom would ask me to do something and I would get side tracked-when I was finally ready to do it she would ask "Oh now you're ready to do it.  I wondered if God was asking the same question. 

I wanted....needed that quiet time.  I needed to say I'm sorry I didn't do that first, I'm sorry I worried about the class before I glorified you....I needed to find my Bible.  If only I hadn't gotten side tracked. 

Did I mention before I did all this....I made the bed?  Since I am limited in movement, I made up one side and fluffed fourteen pillows [really only 8], then I shuffled to the otherside.  So, I went back to the bed because that's where this all started.  I felt around the comforter but that wasn't enough.  I pulled back the comforter but that wasn't enough, I pulled back the sheets and moved the pillows and there it was!  Hiding.

I got to my Bible and immediately, before one more chore could pop into my mind, I got into it.  Romans 5 and it was a reminder that He didn't wait on me to "come clean" He died while I was still a sinner.  I am grateful that despite all Christ sufferred, He didn't get sidetracked.  He didn't get distracted.  Although I get sidetracked, I am still saved by the blood of the one who died for me. 

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him.  Romans 5:8-9

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Building muscles

I have worked out all my adult life.  It is something I enjoy and I love the results.  I feel better, have more energy and even now I am more flexible than ever.  Working out builds muscles.  There were days I could spend two hours in the gym and not give it a second thought.

Today, I am retired and you would think I could spend two hours at the gym...but I can't.  So I ran a little and worked out a little and that was the extent of my fitness. I found that I really enjoy running and the challenge of increasing my distance each week.  It was fun, exciting and challenging.  But don't you know that just like God, when you "get comfortable" He'll move you.

During a spontaneous run I strained tendons in my knee and ankle...that's not the story.  The story is in "getting around."  First of all, we don't like being taken out of our comfort, no, no!  I like my route, I like my pace, I like it my way!  After the doctor put me in the air cast and said don't walk on the ankle, I really regretted having a two story house. 

I learned that the best way to get up the stairs was to lay the crutches down, sit on the steps and with my arms (much like a push up) pull myself up until I got to the top.  After four days of doing that, I realized that I am going to have the best triceps ever!!  I have never liked working upper body and have never kept my focus on it either.  I always gave up and went back to running or the eliptical. 

After church today, I had lunch with my family.  I told my dad "Dad, it's like our spiritual life.  We want to build up as long as it's comfortable but when it's uncomfortable or God takes us to another place, we don't like it."  God is building me up in a completely different way.  Now since I can't just "get up and go" I spend more time preparing lessons, reading my bible and engaging in private worship.  I am "building spiritual muscles" and God made that possible.

Perhaps I was going outside the boundary, or maybe I had gotten laxed or weak.  I believe God took me to this place to build me up so that when I come out on the other side, I will be stronger and have more endurance.  Just like my upper body is getting a workout, so is my spiritual walk. 

Yes I am restricted in the use of my leg but the things I have learned by going back to the Word have been awesome and you know I would have never done that on my own.  There will always be distractions or interferences to being in the Word. 

Today, I am already feeling the soreness of "building those muscles" but I am thankful that God is building my spiritual muscles because the end result will be awesome and worth the work.  Keep working out!

Now I commit you to God and the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.  Acts 20:32

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Out with the Old...In with the New.

I can not take credit for all of that title.   The other day, I saw a post from one of my son's high school friends that had posted a picture of a decal on her vehicle.  It was a megaphone with her name and the school name on the bottom of it.  Her caption read "Out with the Old..."

Just that quick, it was over.  We plan for a year our child's final nine months of school and then it's over.  There are homecomings, proms, assemblies, awards....and then it's over. 

I am at the beginning of that trek for the last time except this time it hits closer to home.  Our other two children have graduated. One is a sophmore in college, the other enters his freshman year this fall.  But this one is the youngest and the closest.  To think that the next nine months we will put so much effort to making it a memory.  Ads in programs, scholarship and college entrance applications, senior pictures and so much more. 

We are coming into that dreaded eighteenth year.  Not one that allows extra "privilidges" in our home as so many think but one that catapaults them into another stage of life and it happened overnight.  He will soon walk across a stage into adulthood...a world awaits him.  This morning as they paint the panther paw with my son's football number on my driveway, I am reminded that all too soon, it will be "out with the old." 

This is the beginning of the transition, the transition into a new life. 

That is also the beauty of transitioning into a life with with Christ.  When we come to Christ, in an instant, He gives us new hope.  It is doubtful that my our children linger on the days of high school when they enter this new phase.  So it is with those in Christ.  Regardless of all you have done or said or been in the past, in one instant it can be "Out with the Old and In with the New."

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. 
 2 Corthians 5:17

Friday, August 24, 2012

Trust and obey....for there's no other way!

After almost 24 hours in an aircast and crutches I'm done!  I do not like the crutches, I do not like the limitations and I do not like the confinement! 

Furthermore...I want to run!  I can tell you this has really taught me a lesson in obedience and patience, my two most difficult areas. We have stairs in our home so that complicates things even more.  A trip downstairs drains me.  This morning I had to feed the dogs and had to manuver two bowls of food, water and crutches.  It was almost a disaster. 

I can not do anything I want to do.  I can drive but by the time I make it downstairs I am spent!  If only that doctor would have said "Just bandage it and go on your way."  That would have made life easier for me.  Instead he said "air cast, crutches and no running."  He took away what I enjoy most. 

It parallels my obedience life in my Christian walk.  God does not ask us to be obedient for His own good, He does it so that we can reap the benefits of growing in His love.  Like me, there is always an excuse.  "That's too hard, I dont want to do it, I'll get along doing it my way" and so on and so on. 

This morning as I meditated on the similarities of obedience I thought of my selfishness in not wanting to do it.  If this doctor knew anything about me he would know I like to run and I have a mission.  I have things planned to the end of the year and he doesn't even care.  He just said "do it."  He didn't give me an option, he didn't give me a choice, just "do it." He is a true picture of "there's no other way."

God isn't that kind of God.  He doesn't just say "do it." He gives us free will to follow Him.  In the end, if we choose not to obey, we suffer the consequences. My hope is in Him.  I pray I will be obedient with a willing spirit and not go kicking and screaming like I am with these crutches.  In the end, I know that this doctor knows best and I do want to run again so....I will obey his orders. 

 In my walk with Christ, I will trust and obey knowing that He will take care of me. The song goes "Trust and Obey for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey."

But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.  I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good.  I will praise you in the presence of your saints.  Psalms 52:8-9

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good News-No Tears

Yup!  No tears would be good news but like Paul Harvey says:  "Here's the rest of the story." 

This weekend, we went to our property in the Hill Country.  We hadn't planned on working although we did.  I decided to go on a "quick run" on Saturday before we headed out.  No big deal it would be a short two miler.  I went outside, went up the street and it quickly became a never ending incline.  I ran it and went home to shower.

I did all the right things, I stretched first, I took a slow pace, I did it all.  About mid-day, I was on the property wearing my knee high pink rubber boots.  I remember complaining to my husband about a pain I had in the back of my left knee.  At first I thought it might be a spider bite, then a cut from the boot.  I didn't really know what the problem was but I did know it hurt!

Hours later, my husband noticed a bruise behind the knee.  The pain grew more intense but still more a nusiance than anything else.  The next morning, my ankle was bothering me too.  I did not know what the problem was but when we got home, I knew I could not do my daily run.  There was a problem. 

I went to the doctor yesterday and she said she would refer me to an orthopedic.  "No need" I told her, "I have an appointment with a sports doctor tomorrow." So, today is tomorrow.

The doctor said "You have a severe tendon strain."  He wanted to put me in a "restrictive" cast in which I would not be able to move my leg.  Of course if you know the "ever-negotiating me" you know that I had to have an option.  The option was an ankle support and a knee wrap.  Rest, crutches, no pressure!  Yikes.

Of course my next I get ready to ask, I see the doctor sit up in his chair, his chest puff up and his answer on the tip of his tongue..."When may I run?"  "Not for at least three weeks."   Ugh...I feel like a character in a Shakespearean play that has just lost the battle. 

I walk out with my cast adorning my ankle and travel home to begin the recoup.  I text a dear friend and my husband to give them the news.  Boo.

I text my husband "There is a severe strain of tendons but no tears" so that is good news.  My husband agrees.  There's only one problem.  I wrote T-E-A-R-S meaning rip or split but when I read it i read it as tears as in water dripping from eyes from saddness.

There were tears!  There was saddness.  I had just met with some former co-workers yesterday and told them that I would see them at Ellington in two weeks.  You see, we were all going to run in the 911 HEROES Run on September 8th.  Now there will be one less runner. 

I am sad.  Sad that this would be the first time I would be running this event and now I can not.  Today my prayer is that I will heal quickly as I desire to run Race for the Cure and another fun run with a friend. 

Today, there are tears but there is also hope....hope completely based on following orders.  If I do that now, maybe there will be no more tears. 

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:13-14

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No "un-do"

Whenever I have some down time, one of my favorite pass times is playing Words with Friends.  A friend turned me on to the game on a long ride back from beach retreat.  I was pretty new to mobile device games but I have quickly learned.

I also like playing backgammon.  The thing I like about backgammon is that computer version of this game  has an "un-do" button.  Therefore, if I make a move I regret or don't like, I can "un-do" it.

As I was playing Words with Friends, I put down a word and hit "submit." Unfortunately, I discovered a word that was worth more points however, before I could realize what I had done, it had counted! I yelled "Where's my un-do button?" Wrong game!

In life, there are no un-do buttons.  We make our moves and then we live with the consequences.  We can not erase our sin but we can be forgiven of our sin.  We can not side track the consequences but we can ask God to walk us through it. 

There have been times that I wish I would not have reacted a certain way, not had a specific response, not walked a certain direction but I did it un-do!  Today I am grateful that if I put my plans and my life in God's hands, he will direct me and lead me in the way I should go, the decisions I should make, the responses I should have and if I stay on that track, I won't be looking for that un-do button!

Game on!

Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults?  Keep you servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.  Psalms 19:12-13

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

If I only had my hands

Yesterday I picked up my father-in-law and drove him to the dentist.  Don't get me 97, he still drives however; I was taking him to my dentist because his recently retired.  My father-in-law has out lasted another dentist! 

Any way, as we were closing the door and locking it, he meticulously took the key with index finger and thumb and attempted to put it in the deadbold.  This came with some difficulty.  He made every effort to lock it and I used every ounce of restraint to keep from just taking the key and doing it for him.  It is important to allow them their independence.

In attempting this, he finally said "Oh I wish I had my hands again!"  You see, my father-in-law suffers from neurothopy in the hands.  It started a couple of years ago with his right hand.  Since my mother-in-law's death, he has taken to writing and has currently written three books and is working on a fourth.  Unfortunately, the use of his right hand for writing is very limited.  In these couple of years, the holding of a utensil has become more difficult as well.  Today, it is a burden to him.  He needs the use of his right hand.  His writing has slowed but not because of his lack of material, it is because of the neurothopy. 

When he was younger, he served in World War II and Korea.  He has and has always had a deep work ethic.  He was a Sergeant Major in the Army and whether it was in combat or in the kitchen, he gave it his all.  He was not above "giving a helping hand."

He tells the story of one day voluenteering to peel potatoes until his hands were aching.  He has also told his stories of his boxing days where he used those hands to work his way up and become known for his ability to win. 

It saddened me to know how I take advantage of the use of my hands without thinking about it.  What do we use our hands for?  When I was little, I would clasp my hands as my mom prayed.  I use my hands to clap, brush my teeth, drive, cook [I use that word lightly], and of course blog!

My next question would be "How am I using my hands to God's Glory?"  I have always admired those who sign and interpret.  They use their hands for every word.  What a great way to deliver God's message.  I pray that today....while I still can, I will make a difference in the kingdom by using my hands.  I can still write a note of comfort, I can still dial a telephone to call a friend, I can still drive to visit someone, and I can still praise the God of all creation by the lifting of my hands. 

Because....I still have my hands, I pray I will use them!

Therefore, I want the men everywhere to pray lifting up holy hands....1 Timothy 2:8

Monday, August 20, 2012

Take this land

We had an awesome weekend.  We travelled to the hill country with some family members.  The purpose of the trip was so that they could see the property we have been talking about for months.  God allowed us all  to stay in a large bed and breakfast and enjoy time together. 

We met at the house and then travelled to the property.  My husband wanted our family's opinion on issues we really have no knowledge of.  We are not contractors but we have individuals in our family that have extensive knowledge of building and restoration. 

We shared many laughs and good times.  We travelled the entire property and landed back at the house.  We were pleased that dad was pleased with the existing buildings.  We shared our vision and how we would utilize each place.  My father has always been a leader and set a high bar for us.  Years later when he is in his late 70's, the standard, and level of respect for my father remains the same. 

As such, we asked my father to lead the dedication of the property.  We had not really intended to have this be a "work" weekend but we did work!  The previous owners had left a riding lawn mower that sat in the open elements for three years.  We did not know if it would run and my husband never tried it.  We took the battery home to charge and purchased a universal mower key.  My brother in law put the battery in and cranked that baby up.  Another blessing!  It is perfect and we actually mowed with it. 

I felt like my husband and I were holding pieces of a large puzzle and the family members that were there sort of took these pieces and actually put the puzzle together.  We left there refreshed that we are in God's will. 

Oh don't get me wrong...we had our share of mishaps.  My sister got stung by a bee, I whacked my head good when I was cleaning a fridge and the freezer door closed.  As I was getting up, I took a hit that made me see stars.  And we were all cautious of that much feared rattler...but we did not see any. 

Once dad said the house was usable, my sister and I went to work.  We removed carpet pieces, swept, and mopped with disinfectant and wow, what a difference that made.  I had to take a moment just to remember how many of us look just like that house looked...dirty with stains that make us ashamed and yet when we come to Christ, he cleans us and purifies us. 

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

My prayer, as we continue to work on this property is that God will work in the lives of people that come there.  Dad said that "...the Lord surrounds his people..." and we live expecting that God will move in that place. 

Dad and I also talked about Caleb and how when the land was being divided he asked for Mount Hebron.  Caleb said:

 [Moses swore to me] the land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed me wholeheartedly.  Joshua 14:9
Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.  [verse 12]

I love that about dad...his knowledge, his spirit, and that fact that he is my dad.  We had an awesome weekend and we went to "take the land" but not before we gave it to God first. 

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which can not be shaken but endures forever.  As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.  Psalms 125:1-2

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Make it stop

I do not like stop signs.  They slow me down when I'm usually on a good roll and they are often right in the middle of my route.  They usually creep up when I am in the greatest hurry.  Some times I come up on them and don't even see them for the overgrown hedges or other signs. 

I just have to say one thing.  Yesterday, I wanted...needed a stop sign!  Really!!  I went to sleep after a large church event knowing I had lost my phone.  I was upset because it had pictures of my mom and her brother who recently had a stroke.  Precious pictures that speak of their relationship as siblings.  I also had pictures of my sister's fiftieth birthday party this weekend.  I was bummed. 

I woke up and headed straight to the church but not after spending time in prayer asking God to do what in my eyes was the impossible....locate that phone.  I had visions of it being wrapped in a white table cloth, in a silk bag, on the way to the washers.  I was pretty bummed.  I got to the church and spoke with security and facilities people.  Security immediately located it.  Wow what a praise. 

In the middle of this I discovered a text from a friend asking for prayer for test results later in the day.  I just had to share that morning's devotion with her which was located in Luke 8:48.  I went on my way.  I was not feeling well with my throat aching and slight temperature. 

I came home, organized some bins and went to drop some things off at my sister's house.  As I headed to my mother's home, my Explorer "sounded funny" and boy it let me know.  It just stopped!  No more...kaput! I was stranded on the side of the road with my husband on a stationary assignment.  I called my nephew who came and drove me to mom's.  After a sweet, expensive tow, I finally made it home.

My husband called to tell me that my father-in-law's AC is out again!!! It went out three times yesterday and as only he could do, he sat in a 96 degree house until he finally called my husband.  My husband made three trips to the house to re-set it or meet with repair men.  WOW!

My only thought was "make it stop!"  It didn't.  With a completely packed schedule the rest of this week, my husband had to go pick up our boat in Conroe.  When he returned, he misjudged the drive and our truck fell off the road into the ditch.  My son went to help get it out.  He finally called and said "There was an oil leak on the road so I'm just going to check it out."  You guessed it!  There is a leak!  So now our Explorer and our Truck are in the shop! Make it stop! 

As I am living the drama, I am sitting at my computer reviewing my lesson on Woman With No Name.  I think of my dear friend and I take a moment to pray for peace for her in her situation which is much greater than mine. 

There are many times today that I wanted to say "make it stop!" Instead, I am grateful that the day is coming to an end like it has.  You see, if everything would have been fine, if my Explorer had not gone kaput, if my husband had not put the truck in the ditch, if my father-in-law's AC had not failed, if I had not lost my phone....would I really have come to my knees and laid it all before Him?  Would I have spent as much time as I did listening to Who Can Satisfy My Soul or Give Me Jesus or Steady my Heart

There were alot of stop signs on my route today and when I wanted to "Make it stop" God was needing ME to stop.....stop and lay it at His feet.  For that, I am grateful!  At the end of the day, I am grateful that I feel "full" and I am at peace, I am grateful that my Explorer stopped two blocks from my mom's house and my nephew came out, I am grateful that the issue is not too big or too expensive, I am grateful that there was no damage to the boat, I am grateful that I am not without a car and I am  most grateful that after all that, I took the time to stop and talk to God. 

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.  For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.  Romans 8:18-20

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I am.....

As I read yesterday's  poem, the very essence of the words cut to the core.  The impact that this has on the life of people is phenomenal.  With just a few words, you can ruin lives, topple governments, break up marriages, or destroy reputations.  I am....gossip.

God's word addresses this issue in various verses.  There is one theory that I want to dispell from the very beginning.  I once had a conversation with a co-worker that was going down hill fast.  She was not churched but she clearly knew my walk.  In the middle of the conversation I explained to her that I was not interested in hearing the gossip.  She immediately responded with "But maam, it's not's true!" 

Whether it is true or not is not the issue.  The issue clearly is our repeating of the information.  The poem says "I am nobody's friend!"  Many friendships and even family relationships have been destroyed because of information that has been repeated.  In many cases, in some situatations it is embellished to the point that it becomes so distorted it's not even recognized as the original statement. 

Proverbs 16:28 says "gossip separates close friends."  When I hear comments and when I make comments, it is a reminder to me of our own insecurities that would drive us to repeat something that could be so painful and damaging to another. 

Gossip is not a conversation starter nor is it an ice breaker.  It is not intended to bring people together.  It ruins people and lives.  It "makes people cry in their pillows." It is like a fire out of control.  It could often be stopped with a choice.  The choice to not repeat it!

If an individual trusts in you enough to share a private issue or a prayer request, it can often be destructive if repeated and we violate the very confidence entrusted to us by a friend.  Proverbs 11:13 says "...a gossip betrays a confidence." 

Ever been in a mix of individuals where there is a disagreement or heated discussion and often it is preceeded by "Well she/he told me that you said...."  Or maybe "Well I heard you said..." Wouldn't it be great if we carried ourselves in a manner where there would never be a need to say those words.

Gossip can bring down your world!  Not only can it destroy but it can keep it going.  It can drive a broken relationship, a crushed world, a ruined reputation or a family dispute to eternity.  The way to stop it is to stop the gossip.  Let's not add fuel to the fire.  Proverbs 26:20 says "Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down."

We have a choice...honor God with our voice or fall into the trap of gossip.  The choice is yours.  When words come out of my mouth, I hope I can say "I am...honoring God" rather than hearing "I am... gossip."

I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth..." Psalms 139:1

Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent; and discerning if he holds his tongue. Proverbs 17:28

[Poem can be found in post dated August 14, 2012]

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Who am I?

I have no respect for justice,
I maim without killing
I break hearts and ruin lives
I am cunning and malicious and gain strength with age
The more I am quoted, the more I am believed.
I flourish at every level of society.
My victims are helpless, they can not protect
themselves against me for I have no name and no face.
To track me down is impossible.
The harder you try, the more elusive I become.
I am nobody's friend.
Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same.
I topple governments and ruin marriages.
I end ministries set up by God.
I ruin careers and cause sleepless nights,  heartaches, and indigestion.
I spawn suspicion and generate grief.
I make headlines, heartaches and heartaches.
I make innocent people cry in their pillows.
Even my name hisses.
-Author Unkown

Okay, this is the question for the day....who am I? 

Check in tomorrow for the answer!

Monday, August 13, 2012

The "Tithe" that Binds

This morning I woke up late!!! Ugh. that always dictates your day doesn't it?   I have vague rememberance of the comforter being pulled back, feeling a kiss on the cheek and then again....immediate sleep.  When I came to, it was 7:30am.  That is an hour and a half later than I like to run. 

I woke up anxious wondering why I had slept so soundly.  I woke up to the ding of a text from my son's step mom who was updating me on something.  Thankfully, I woke up to no "heat of the sun."  I was debating going to go run.  Instead, I got out of bed and while I was making the bed, I got distracted by an envelope.  I picked it up when I recognized it as a tithe envelope. 

It was my father-in-law's.  I held it as I thought of his faithfulness.  In today's day and time when the economy is so unsteady, he remains faithful.  I ran into him at Randall's the other day and he was paying over $300.00 for his prescriptions.  They don't last long and he has to do that often.  There are many in our community that have that issue except that he has been retired for 30 years or so.  He has been on a limited income and yet, he always manages to hand us that envelope and say "put that in the plate will you?"

There are many who have to make allowances for things in life.  We have to curb our "going out to eat" desires or we may have to "combine errands to save gas" we have to cut corners everywhere and so does he.  One corner he will not cut, one area he will not negotiate is his tithe.

I have to say my father has been the treasure [our little church didn't have financial officers] for 40 years or so.  He sees what comes in and what goes out.  He displayed an awesome example of tithing and he passed that on to his kids.  Whether we choose to be obedient in that area or not is on us not on him...our parents set the example. 

I am grateful for parents who continue to set the example.  There are many things that bind me and my father.  He is my mentor, my friend, my confidant.  But who would have thought that with both my own father and my would be the "tithe" that binds?

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops then all your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.  Proverbs 3:9-10

Friday, August 10, 2012

Only Trust "Hymn"

There is victory in Jesus.  I discovered that when He took me just as I am.  I was sinking, in a pit when His love lifted me.  He was calling out to me softly and tenderly, but in my rebellion, I could not hear His voice. 

I had heard stories of his amazing grace and of how Jesus paid it all.  I needed a savior, a shepherd, a rock.  He is my rock of ages, my solid rock.  My Jesus loves me and He has a plan for me and because I chose to follow Him despite the circumstances, it is well with my soul.

I have set my eyes on the old rugged cross and I have decided that wherever He leads, I'll go.  I will go confidently knowing that I will forever be leaning on the everlasting arms of Jesus.  As He says onward, Christian soldier...I will go. If His eye is on the sparrow, how much more will He do for me? I can finally say to Him, have thine own way Lord always remembering that I need the every hour.

Jesus is coming soon and when he does, I'll fly away with Him.  I surrender all means from beginning to end...surrender comes easier when I am standing on the promises and then I know that He will provide peace like a river.

How can we know we will make it?  Only trust Him!

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.  Psalms 100:1

Within this blog are twenty two hymns that I grew up with.  They are written into the piece and not identified by capitalization, punctuation or any other means.  How many can you find? 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cosmetic Only

There is a program I love to watch on Saturday Mornings called Sell This House.  I have watched it for a couple of years.  The premise of the show is that they take homes that have been on the market for an extended amount of time and the designer and host evaluate the home then proceed to make changes in the home that will benefit the seller in an effort to sell quicker. 

When the designer and host come in, they make changes that consist of "getting rid" of stuff.  Things that may clutter the home and prevent it from being sold.  After all, what buyer wants to come in and purchase a home that has so much clutter and dust, you can't see the floor?  When they get to cleaning, many times it is discovered that some pieces of furniture had not been moved in years.  It takes deep cleaning to get past the marks that times has left. 

While they do clean the house, they do not make major repairs.  If a closet door is not attractive, they might paint but they won't replace it.  If windows are outdated, they may wash them but they won't update them.  Basically the changes are purely cosmetic.

When we come to Christ, we can not hold on to our old life.  If something needs changing, we need to do some cleaning out.  We can't just wipe it and hope it stays clean, we need to get rid of it.  Then, once it's gone,  we need to make permanent changes.  Merely getting rid of it might make a difference but the change needs to go beyond the surface, it needs to go deep.  Cosmetic changes often change the look but they don't change the heart. 

Why would you go through the trouble of cleaning out your house for show, and not replace what is rotten, broken or stained?  So it is with our hearts.  It does us no good to speak a change and not make the change in our hearts.  It must go deeper than skin deep.  We can't cover our sin up with an occasional visit to church or an occasional obligatory devotion.  We must go deeper. 

Don't settle for cosmetic changes!

Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit.  Why will you die, people of Israel?  For I take no pleasure in the death of anyonw, declares the Sovereign Lord.  Repent and live.  Ezekiel 18: 31-32

Monday, August 6, 2012

Family Feud

Last week I taught a Bible Study class and the lesson provided by LifeWay Cirriculum was entitled Family Feud.  It dealt with one of Gideon's sons, Abimelech, being greedy and arrogant and killing his siblings in order to gain control.  [Judges 9].  He had 70 siblings and killed all but one, Jotham. 

Today, we find ourselves in our own family feud like many others.  Ours involves extended family and the care of an aging parent that affects all of us.  At the middle of the issue....control.   

Abimelech wanted control.  He went to "his people" in Schechem [his mother was Schechemite] and convinced them to support his cause of being a leader.  They supported him and he indeed became the leader causing oppression and demanding things his way. 

Jotham, the sole survivor of Gideon tried to make the people see Abimelech's wickedness but eventually fled because of fear. 

If you are involved in a family feud, those can be the worst.  In fact, one of my favorite songs by Tenth Avenue North-Losing- depicts much of how I feel.  I love the verse that says:

Oh Father won't you forgive them, they don't know what they've been doing....
Oh Father give me grace to forgive them, cause I feel like the one losing

I felt like I was losing because I was no longer able to visit this family member.  My first thought was "...but we're blood."

It's the same in the family of God.  Whether we are "related" or not, if we are in the family of God, it was his blood that made us family and yet we allow animosity, anger, envy, greed and control take over. 

God will not let our sin go unaddressed.  Family feuds tear at the heart of us and while we may feel like we are "losing"  God has not forgotten, he has seen the rebellion and disobedience and he does deal with Family Feuds. 

Thus God repaid the wickedness Abimelech had done to his father by murdering his seventy brothers.  God also made the men of Sechem pay for all their wickedness.  Judges 9:56-57

2012 Tenth Avenue North, Losing

Friday, August 3, 2012

Will you get there?

The other day I heard a Delta television commercial that stated "A route map shows you where we go."  Instinctively I thought "But how will you get there?"  My husband and I have been pricing rates to San Diego and they are through the roof.  One however is quite reasonable.  We drive to Austin, load up, fly to Houston change planes, then head to San Diego.  Very reasonable price, but not very logical. 

So I beg the will you get there?  Again, from 1984-1987, this same airline used the slogan "Delta gets you there."  I just want to know how?

As I was watching a documentary yesterday, they were interviewing a gentleman who was working a mine.  There was an accident and twelve men were trapped.  Rescuers worked valiently to save the men.  Unfortunately, a line had broken and water threatened to drown the men.  It showed several tunnels and the men found refuge in one of them. 

As the water threatened, the men had run out of options for stopping the threat of drowning.  They established themselves in a corner awaiting their demise, they were now gasping for air.  They could now feel the sweet vibration of drills attempting to reach them.  The resuce team was able to send oxygen through a small opening where one of the trapped men said "It felt like someone had released me from a strong strangulation hold."

Continuing to tell the story, he felt like death was imminent.  He took a pen along with the other eleven men and they wrote letters to their families.  His father-in-law was trapped with him and he feared the loss of her father and her husband would be an overwhelming loss for his wife. 

Having secured the letters in plastic, he approached another man and asked him "Do you think I will go to heaven.?"  The man replied " have been a good guy and lived a good life, I believe you will go to heaven." 

The key words in that statement were "I believe."  At that moment, I practiced the words I would have shared.  I grabbed into the depth of my mind and thought of John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8 and Acts 4:12.  My thought was, this man is going to die believing that "living a good life" will get you to heaven because someone believed that's all it would take and that is false. 

Obviously, they were rescued as they lived to participate in the documentary.  My prayer for this man is that he will find Jesus Christ and remove all doubt of the question "Will I get to Heaven."

There may be options to getting to another city, another state, another country but when it comes to heaven and meeting with our Lord....there is only one way!  Will you get there? 

Salvation if found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to man by which we must be saved.  Acts 4:12

This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. For the wages of sin is death but the gift ot God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:22-23

Thursday, August 2, 2012

True Wisdom

This morning I had to wake up early to drive my son to the oral surgeon.  Since he had his braces removed over a year ago, it was discovered that he needed to have his wisdom teeth removed. 

Wisdom teeth....What purpose do they serve?  And if there is a true purpose why do they remove them?  Is there wisdom contained in them and where did they get that name?  Do they serve no other purpose than to "occupy space" in our mouth?  I found that wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars we get in our late teens or early twenties. 

I did some reading on this topic and also found this:

Sometimes these teeth can be a valuable asset to the mouth when properly aligned but more often they are misaligned and require removal. [2005-2012 WebMD, LLC]

My son's teeth were obviously misaligned and required removal.  He will not miss anything in having them removed.  In fact, it is to our benefit to remove these "misaligned" wisdom teeth because in not doing so, it would eventually effect all the work the braces did to correct the rest of his teeth. 

In reading the statement above, I compared this to wisdom.  Of course wisdom can be a valuable asset when properly aligned with the will of God however, when it is misaligned, it does us no good.  I learned a Bible verse very early in life.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  Proverbs 9:10

In the Bible, King Solomon suceeded his father King David on the throne.  God appeared to Solomon at night in a dream and said to him "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." [1 Kings 3:5] Solomon asked for a discerning heart to govern the people and distinguish between right and wrong.

Many of us might have asked for things way out in left field but God was pleased with Solomon's request stating "Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked, I will give you a wise and discerning heart..." [1 Kings 3:11-12]

Wisdom did not go out with my son's teeth.  Wisdom can be found in the Word of God and a righteous heart.  I pray that if we are looking for wisdom we will begin the Word of God where we will find True Wisdom!

When I was a boy in my father's house, still tender, and an only child of my mother, he taught me and said, "Lay hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands and you will live.  Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them.  Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.  Wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom..."  Proverbs 4:3-7

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Cornerstone

The other day when I was leaving my father-in-law's house, he walked me out.  As we walked out, we had to side step a large "brick."  I made a comment about the rock that looked more like a solid cinder block.  He told me that the piece was the cornerstone to their old home.  This got my attention.

He told me that in 1916, when he was one year old, the house they lived in, burned to the ground.  His parents re-built on the same property but over-extended themselves financially and could not maintain the home.  The were forced to move into an older home that he described as "falling apart"  in Bartlett, Texas.  In 1948, they tore that home down.  When all was said and done, his mother, Essie Sullivan kept the cornerstone. 

They re-built the home keeping the cornerstone as a reminder of the times they had passed together as a family.  When his parents passed away, he maintained possession of the corner that now sits in his yard.  I often wondered about this "brick" and after 9 years of being in this family, I have finally come to know the significance of this stone.  Oh don't get me wrong, it's not strategically placed or's just there. 

It made me think of that word...Cornerstone.  The concordance in my Bible defines cornerstone as: the first or most important stone laid when constructing a building.  Can you imagine the weight of a house being on that cornerstone.  The importance of that particular piece is amazing. 

That is what Christ is to us....our cornerstone.  He carried the weight of the world on his shoulders then he went to the cross taking that weight off of us. 

My father-in-law held on to this corner stone that is over 75 years old as a reminder of the times they survived.  We have survived our own times because Christ took on our sins, He truly is our cornerstone

[You are] members of God's household, build on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.  In him the whold building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.  And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.  Ephesians 2: 19-22