As I read yesterday's poem, the very essence of the words cut to the core. The impact that this has on the life of people is phenomenal. With just a few words, you can ruin lives, topple governments, break up marriages, or destroy reputations. I am....gossip.
God's word addresses this issue in various verses. There is one theory that I want to dispell from the very beginning. I once had a conversation with a co-worker that was going down hill fast. She was not churched but she clearly knew my walk. In the middle of the conversation I explained to her that I was not interested in hearing the gossip. She immediately responded with "But maam, it's not's true!"
Whether it is true or not is not the issue. The issue clearly is our repeating of the information. The poem says "I am nobody's friend!" Many friendships and even family relationships have been destroyed because of information that has been repeated. In many cases, in some situatations it is embellished to the point that it becomes so distorted it's not even recognized as the original statement.
Proverbs 16:28 says "gossip separates close friends." When I hear comments and when I make comments, it is a reminder to me of our own insecurities that would drive us to repeat something that could be so painful and damaging to another.
Gossip is not a conversation starter nor is it an ice breaker. It is not intended to bring people together. It ruins people and lives. It "makes people cry in their pillows." It is like a fire out of control. It could often be stopped with a choice. The choice to not repeat it!
If an individual trusts in you enough to share a private issue or a prayer request, it can often be destructive if repeated and we violate the very confidence entrusted to us by a friend. Proverbs 11:13 says "...a gossip betrays a confidence."
Ever been in a mix of individuals where there is a disagreement or heated discussion and often it is preceeded by "Well she/he told me that you said...." Or maybe "Well I heard you said..." Wouldn't it be great if we carried ourselves in a manner where there would never be a need to say those words.
Gossip can bring down your world! Not only can it destroy but it can keep it going. It can drive a broken relationship, a crushed world, a ruined reputation or a family dispute to eternity. The way to stop it is to stop the gossip. Let's not add fuel to the fire. Proverbs 26:20 says "Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down."
We have a choice...honor God with our voice or fall into the trap of gossip. The choice is yours. When words come out of my mouth, I hope I can say "I am...honoring God" rather than hearing "I am... gossip."
I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth..." Psalms 139:1
Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent; and discerning if he holds his tongue. Proverbs 17:28
[Poem can be found in post dated August 14, 2012]
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