I woke up this morning fairly early 5:30am. I woke up with a list already in mind. Wake up son and get him off to school, do my devotion, finish my handout for tonight's first lesson, do ankle exercises, take a shower. That is not the extent of the list, those are just the immediate things I wanted to do.
So, I send my son off, I get my coffee my bible and my books but then I turn on the television to watch the news. After the house is quiet, I "write" my tentative schedule for my class that I will teach the next eight weeks. It's nice that I can do it in the comfort of my bed. Eventually, I have to get up to type it. As I am typing it, I remind myself that I must do my devotion.
I get sidetracked because now that I have typed my schedule I must send it out so I am now emailing and reminding myself that I must do my devotion. Of course nothing can go as planned and I can not attach the schedule to the email again.....I get sidetracked. I realize I don't have one of my ladies' email address so I pick up my ipad to send her a message. Am I ever going to get back on track?
With that done I say "Okay, ankle exercises" but I realize there are "one shoe" and "one sock" tracks everywhere. I have only worn one shoe due to the injury so I start picking them up....now there's a load of laundry that needs to be "thrown" down the stairs so I can put them in the washer when I finally make it down.
With the exercises done, I head for my Bible except that I can't find it. I look everywhere. Now that I'm finally on track, I can't find it. I find my "old" Bible that I keep at my computer hutch because I often use it for reference but now it's the principle of the thing....now I want my Bible.
It kind of reminds me when mom would ask me to do something and I would get side tracked-when I was finally ready to do it she would ask "Oh now you're ready to do it. I wondered if God was asking the same question.
I wanted....needed that quiet time. I needed to say I'm sorry I didn't do that first, I'm sorry I worried about the class before I glorified you....I needed to find my Bible. If only I hadn't gotten side tracked.
Did I mention before I did all this....I made the bed? Since I am limited in movement, I made up one side and fluffed fourteen pillows [really only 8], then I shuffled to the otherside. So, I went back to the bed because that's where this all started. I felt around the comforter but that wasn't enough. I pulled back the comforter but that wasn't enough, I pulled back the sheets and moved the pillows and there it was! Hiding.
I got to my Bible and immediately, before one more chore could pop into my mind, I got into it. Romans 5 and it was a reminder that He didn't wait on me to "come clean" He died while I was still a sinner. I am grateful that despite all Christ sufferred, He didn't get sidetracked. He didn't get distracted. Although I get sidetracked, I am still saved by the blood of the one who died for me.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him. Romans 5:8-9
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