Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good News-No Tears

Yup!  No tears would be good news but like Paul Harvey says:  "Here's the rest of the story." 

This weekend, we went to our property in the Hill Country.  We hadn't planned on working although we did.  I decided to go on a "quick run" on Saturday before we headed out.  No big deal it would be a short two miler.  I went outside, went up the street and it quickly became a never ending incline.  I ran it and went home to shower.

I did all the right things, I stretched first, I took a slow pace, I did it all.  About mid-day, I was on the property wearing my knee high pink rubber boots.  I remember complaining to my husband about a pain I had in the back of my left knee.  At first I thought it might be a spider bite, then a cut from the boot.  I didn't really know what the problem was but I did know it hurt!

Hours later, my husband noticed a bruise behind the knee.  The pain grew more intense but still more a nusiance than anything else.  The next morning, my ankle was bothering me too.  I did not know what the problem was but when we got home, I knew I could not do my daily run.  There was a problem. 

I went to the doctor yesterday and she said she would refer me to an orthopedic.  "No need" I told her, "I have an appointment with a sports doctor tomorrow." So, today is tomorrow.

The doctor said "You have a severe tendon strain."  He wanted to put me in a "restrictive" cast in which I would not be able to move my leg.  Of course if you know the "ever-negotiating me" you know that I had to have an option.  The option was an ankle support and a knee wrap.  Rest, crutches, no pressure!  Yikes.

Of course my next I get ready to ask, I see the doctor sit up in his chair, his chest puff up and his answer on the tip of his tongue..."When may I run?"  "Not for at least three weeks."   Ugh...I feel like a character in a Shakespearean play that has just lost the battle. 

I walk out with my cast adorning my ankle and travel home to begin the recoup.  I text a dear friend and my husband to give them the news.  Boo.

I text my husband "There is a severe strain of tendons but no tears" so that is good news.  My husband agrees.  There's only one problem.  I wrote T-E-A-R-S meaning rip or split but when I read it i read it as tears as in water dripping from eyes from saddness.

There were tears!  There was saddness.  I had just met with some former co-workers yesterday and told them that I would see them at Ellington in two weeks.  You see, we were all going to run in the 911 HEROES Run on September 8th.  Now there will be one less runner. 

I am sad.  Sad that this would be the first time I would be running this event and now I can not.  Today my prayer is that I will heal quickly as I desire to run Race for the Cure and another fun run with a friend. 

Today, there are tears but there is also hope....hope completely based on following orders.  If I do that now, maybe there will be no more tears. 

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:13-14

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