Tuesday, August 21, 2012

If I only had my hands

Yesterday I picked up my father-in-law and drove him to the dentist.  Don't get me wrong...at 97, he still drives however; I was taking him to my dentist because his recently retired.  My father-in-law has out lasted another dentist! 

Any way, as we were closing the door and locking it, he meticulously took the key with index finger and thumb and attempted to put it in the deadbold.  This came with some difficulty.  He made every effort to lock it and I used every ounce of restraint to keep from just taking the key and doing it for him.  It is important to allow them their independence.

In attempting this, he finally said "Oh I wish I had my hands again!"  You see, my father-in-law suffers from neurothopy in the hands.  It started a couple of years ago with his right hand.  Since my mother-in-law's death, he has taken to writing and has currently written three books and is working on a fourth.  Unfortunately, the use of his right hand for writing is very limited.  In these couple of years, the holding of a utensil has become more difficult as well.  Today, it is a burden to him.  He needs the use of his right hand.  His writing has slowed but not because of his lack of material, it is because of the neurothopy. 

When he was younger, he served in World War II and Korea.  He has and has always had a deep work ethic.  He was a Sergeant Major in the Army and whether it was in combat or in the kitchen, he gave it his all.  He was not above "giving a helping hand."

He tells the story of one day voluenteering to peel potatoes until his hands were aching.  He has also told his stories of his boxing days where he used those hands to work his way up and become known for his ability to win. 

It saddened me to know how I take advantage of the use of my hands without thinking about it.  What do we use our hands for?  When I was little, I would clasp my hands as my mom prayed.  I use my hands to clap, brush my teeth, drive, cook [I use that word lightly], and of course blog!

My next question would be "How am I using my hands to God's Glory?"  I have always admired those who sign and interpret.  They use their hands for every word.  What a great way to deliver God's message.  I pray that today....while I still can, I will make a difference in the kingdom by using my hands.  I can still write a note of comfort, I can still dial a telephone to call a friend, I can still drive to visit someone, and I can still praise the God of all creation by the lifting of my hands. 

Because....I still have my hands, I pray I will use them!

Therefore, I want the men everywhere to pray lifting up holy hands....1 Timothy 2:8

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