Thursday, August 16, 2012

Make it stop

I do not like stop signs.  They slow me down when I'm usually on a good roll and they are often right in the middle of my route.  They usually creep up when I am in the greatest hurry.  Some times I come up on them and don't even see them for the overgrown hedges or other signs. 

I just have to say one thing.  Yesterday, I wanted...needed a stop sign!  Really!!  I went to sleep after a large church event knowing I had lost my phone.  I was upset because it had pictures of my mom and her brother who recently had a stroke.  Precious pictures that speak of their relationship as siblings.  I also had pictures of my sister's fiftieth birthday party this weekend.  I was bummed. 

I woke up and headed straight to the church but not after spending time in prayer asking God to do what in my eyes was the impossible....locate that phone.  I had visions of it being wrapped in a white table cloth, in a silk bag, on the way to the washers.  I was pretty bummed.  I got to the church and spoke with security and facilities people.  Security immediately located it.  Wow what a praise. 

In the middle of this I discovered a text from a friend asking for prayer for test results later in the day.  I just had to share that morning's devotion with her which was located in Luke 8:48.  I went on my way.  I was not feeling well with my throat aching and slight temperature. 

I came home, organized some bins and went to drop some things off at my sister's house.  As I headed to my mother's home, my Explorer "sounded funny" and boy it let me know.  It just stopped!  No more...kaput! I was stranded on the side of the road with my husband on a stationary assignment.  I called my nephew who came and drove me to mom's.  After a sweet, expensive tow, I finally made it home.

My husband called to tell me that my father-in-law's AC is out again!!! It went out three times yesterday and as only he could do, he sat in a 96 degree house until he finally called my husband.  My husband made three trips to the house to re-set it or meet with repair men.  WOW!

My only thought was "make it stop!"  It didn't.  With a completely packed schedule the rest of this week, my husband had to go pick up our boat in Conroe.  When he returned, he misjudged the drive and our truck fell off the road into the ditch.  My son went to help get it out.  He finally called and said "There was an oil leak on the road so I'm just going to check it out."  You guessed it!  There is a leak!  So now our Explorer and our Truck are in the shop! Make it stop! 

As I am living the drama, I am sitting at my computer reviewing my lesson on Woman With No Name.  I think of my dear friend and I take a moment to pray for peace for her in her situation which is much greater than mine. 

There are many times today that I wanted to say "make it stop!" Instead, I am grateful that the day is coming to an end like it has.  You see, if everything would have been fine, if my Explorer had not gone kaput, if my husband had not put the truck in the ditch, if my father-in-law's AC had not failed, if I had not lost my phone....would I really have come to my knees and laid it all before Him?  Would I have spent as much time as I did listening to Who Can Satisfy My Soul or Give Me Jesus or Steady my Heart

There were alot of stop signs on my route today and when I wanted to "Make it stop" God was needing ME to stop.....stop and lay it at His feet.  For that, I am grateful!  At the end of the day, I am grateful that I feel "full" and I am at peace, I am grateful that my Explorer stopped two blocks from my mom's house and my nephew came out, I am grateful that the issue is not too big or too expensive, I am grateful that there was no damage to the boat, I am grateful that I am not without a car and I am  most grateful that after all that, I took the time to stop and talk to God. 

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.  For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.  Romans 8:18-20

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