Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Leave the buds....listen!

[Yay! I have been trying to access my blog all morning, finally....success!]

The other day, my husband and I were travelling back from the Hill Country.  My family had left earlier and I was just soaking in the surroundings.  We had long left the hills and we were nearing our home town.  Dread was starting to set in as we leave such beautiful country and when you leave, you can immediately tell when you have left that peace and tranquility. 

As we travelled, I had many books...much material that I needed to review.  I needed to take the time to listen to God's direction for a new study that would be beginning soon.  The problem had been that so much was going on.  I had birthday parties, relatives in from out of town, planning to take care of, writing that needed to be done, shopping...not fun shopping but things that really needed to be done.  When in the world would I have time to "listen to God."

It's one thing to ask for God to speak and it's a completely different story when we don't take the time to listen.  We are so wrapped up in our own world that the noise of the world drowns out the voice of God.  This was illustrated to me on the ride back home. 

As we travelled, I just happened to turn and look out the window.  I saw two of the cutest little girls in the back seat of a car.  They quietly played with their dolls.  I know this because it was the kind of playing we use to do.  They held their dolls and posed them.  At one point I could see one of the little girls talking to her dad.  She appeared to be trying to get her dad's attention with no response.

We slowly went past them and then it was obvious to me why they were not getting a response from their father.  As he drove, he had ear buds in and was listening to something on his ipod.  He could not hear his daughter's voice because he had noise in his ear.  I thought "What a shame, his daughter is wanting to talk to him and he is not listening." 

I thought of how many times I have done that to God.  I put my "buds" on and whether I ignore the voice or it's drowned out by the noise of the world, I don't hear God when He speaks.  I just wanted to get in this dad's face and say "'re missing what your daughter has to say-she wants your attention!"  But I quickly discovered that I was guilty of that also with my heavenly father. 

I pray that I would be quiet, still,  and listen to hear God's voice.  I pray that when He speaks I would "Leave the buds and listen!"

Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: "This is my Son, whom I love.  Listen to Him!" Mark 9:7

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