Monday, May 13, 2013

Are you okay with...

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  Many celebrated with fancy dinners, family reunions, new babies, and so much more.  Ours was rather quiet as we have so much going on. 

This is often a trying time for some and one reason I have heard is "my family can't be in the same room together."  I have heard from so many that are at odds with their families, co-workers, and former friends.  Many are caught in situations where they have no control because after all, who can control another's words?  It prompted the question in my mind "Are you okay with..."

Are you okay with being disgraced by another, being shamed by what they may say against you or even being attacked? [Psalms 69: 19-20]

Are you okay with others talking and against you when they do not speak the truth? [Psalms 56:4] Things that you have no power to refute because it would exhaust you and you will never quell a lie that others feed on. 

Are you okay with hearing the slander of others as they strive to bring you down? [Psalms 31:13]

Are you okay with knowing that at some point or another you will be in this position where someone talks against you, shames or disgraces you or makes every effort to bring you down?  Despite our best attempts, you can not fight the enemy alone!  There are things we can control and then there are those that will exhaust us if we attempt to put out every little fire.  So again, I ask "Are you okay with..."

Are you okay with knowing that despite how bleak your situation looks, God is our refuge and our strength....he is our ever present help in trouble.  [Psalms 46:1]  He is your hiding place.  There is no need to run from the things against you, merely take your place in his arms. Are you okay with that?

Are you okay with knowing that God will deal with those who fight against you?  [Psalms 35:1]  He will fight your battles if you let him.  So many times we want to take others out with our own ammunition such as deceit, stabbing shots, and poisionous words.  That only works to incite others more while God stands by waiting to do the fighting for us.  Are you okay with that?

And when you have exhausted all your energy fighting, are you okay with knowing that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves you when you are crushed in spirit?  [Psalms 34:18]  Are you okay with knowing that He will not leave you, in fact, he will hold you close...are you okay with that?  In your situation, you are not alone,

Are you okay with knowing that God will arm you with strength when you are too weak to go on? [Psalms 18:32]

Are you okay with knowing that God is your shield and righteous judge? [Psalms 7:6]

Are you okay with knowing the promise of God turning enemies back and upholding you in your cause? [Psalms 9:34]

Are you okay knowing that when your enemies have given their best shot, when they have slandered, spoken maliciously, torn down, attacked, disgraced and all else they have done, they don't have the last word because God says he will make your enemies your footstool?  [Pslams 110:7]

If you are okay with all that, then be still...and know that He is God! [Psalms 46:10] Do not hang your head in defeat because no one has the last word but God.  He is the lifter of your head! Are you okay with that.......

O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me "God will not deliver him." But you are a shield around me O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. Psalms 3:1-3

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