Thursday, May 16, 2013

You Rock

I have always been employed throughout my son's school years.  The last two however, I have been retired and I have been blessed to accomodate when I can.  Whatever he needs, whenever he needs it,  regardless of the circumstances.  

Yesterday he went to school from his dad's house so I actually took my time in getting up and moving.  I sat to write as I was going to use the day to write my lesson for Sunday.  For the last two days I have gotten a call around noon with the question "Mom, will you bring me lunch at school?"  Of course, regardless of where I am or what I am doing, I go and take lunch to him at school. 

Yesterday was going to be different.  Yesterday I was not going to do it!  We knew he had no money in his lunch account we just both kept forgetting.  I was deep into writing and true to form, my phone rang at 10:00 with the school number visible.  I thought it strange that it was ringing at that time of day but grateful that if he was calling for lunch I would have time to shower, change and go purchase it since lunch period is at noon. 

His call began with a "hi mom" and then it was followed with a "will you bring me lunch?"  I was frustrated but realized that if I had added money to his account, he wouldn't be asking.  After we joked around a bit I said ok.  What I had not counted on was that he would need it at eleven o'clock not twelve.  That was a game changer.

I have to admit that I was mad at myself because now I had to leave what I was doing immediately and go shower.  As if that wasn't enough, drying my hair is a process that takes time and I still had to go purchase lunch....all in under an hour!

Well, you guessed it.  Wonder Woman showered, dried her hair, applied her make-up, changed clothes and headed out to buy lunch.  I drove to the school and got it there at 10:55. Oh, did I mention it was raining? 

A few hours later I received a text that merely said "Thanks Mom."  I replied with a "No problem son, I had to move mountains to do it." He responded again with a "You ROCK!" Of course I could not let that go by without a comment so I sent "Do I ROCK when I have to get on to you?"  His response was "Even then, you ROCK."

I had an overwhelming feeling of peace.  You see, as parents we don't like to discipline.  We live for pleasing our children and seeing them happy.  But truth be known, there are times when we just have to step in!  At the very beginning I made rules.  I made some that could be extended and just receive a warning and then I made some that were "non-negotiables." No excuses, no reasons, no justifications!

When those rules were broken, it required some sort of discipline and that stinks.  I can not imagine I was a "You ROCK" kind of mom during those times.  Sure, when we get what we want and life is going our way [like mom brings us lunch] of course then "mom ROCKS." 

What my son doesn't know is that through the years, mom has always rocked.  Often when I had to discipline him as a child and he fell asleep on the couch or his bed, with tears streaming down my own eyes, I lifted him in my arms and "rocked" him.

I waited a long time for this child [1 Samuel 1:27] and when he hurts, I hurt.  I can remember "the mom that "ROCKS" taking him in my arms and rocking him as I prayed God's will over his life.  Yes, I suppose he's right! This mom rocks!

I can not forget that I also have a father that "rocks." Though they are never fun, when we are in a valley, our Father holds us in his arms and rocks us through it.  He never leaves us and while we may be in a corner crying or hurting, he is holding his child rocking them in the comfort of his arms. 

Our Father loves us and despite the circumstances, I can say to my Father "You Rock!"

"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you and you will be comforted over Jerusalem." Isaiah 66:13

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