This morning as I waited for my father-in-law's nurse to tend to him, I wandered off into his neighbor's room. Two days ago he had overturned his dinner tray on himself and my husband called a nurse for him. I decided today, as I waited I would pay him a visit.
When I walked in, I said "Hello sir, my name is Dee, how are you this morning?" He said "I'm fine-what took you so long to visit me?"
I was taken aback until I realized the nature of is condition. He was frail and his body trembled throughout. I explained that my father-in-law was his neighbor and he replied "I know." I also told him that my father-in-law had served in WWII and Korea.
He explained that he had been in the Navy during that time. We talked about his wife whose health is also failing and the son who sometimes visits. When I heard my father-in-law's door open, I told him I had to leave. I said goodbye sir to which he replied "you can't leave here without shaking my hand."
He extended his hand and gave me a handshake with his frail, thin, trembling hand. As I turned to leave he said "Next time, don't take so long to visit me.
As I left there, I felt ashamed that this man has been our neighbor for weeks and I have not even said hello. I have often heard others say "We must visit the sick, provide for the poor, and encourage the weak" but yet the actions never materialize. We can not know how many people we could impact if only we "didn't wait so long."
Christ has charged me with speaking out and sharing the Word of God. I am also charged with loving my neighbor. I must be deligent in doing so, for I would hate to hear the words "what took you so long..."
I tell you, whoever publically acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. Luke 12:8
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