Friday, May 3, 2013

It takes two

My husband and I have a deal....if he cooks, I clean.  If I cook....he cleans.  Those of you who know of my "distaste" for cooking know that I have washed alot of dishes. 

Our life has been quite hectic and it has been a season of eating out alot and usually on the run.  The other day we stayed home and I pulled some meat for burgers. My husband usually grills the meat and since I am quite unfamiliar with this type of meat, I left it to him. 

As he was grilling I was "cooking" zucchini and roasted tomatoes.  I also had to prepare the fixin's for the burger.  You know what's coming.  Who cleans?  Well my argument was that I actually had to pull a pan out and cook the zucchini, I used a cutting board, I had to roast the tomatoes and microwave the corn so....I win. 

My husband giggled as I said "Well, it looks like I cooked-so your turn to clean."  Understand that this is not something we do on a daily basis.  We may do this two or three times a week-max!!! That totally has to do with uncontrollable schedules for the three of us. 

So my husband heads to the kitchen to clean.  I pick up a dish towel to dry. [In 10 years at this house we have used our dishwasher one time!] As he rinses, I dry.  Before we knew it we were done.  He made the comment "It truly goes faster when the two of us do it."  Truth be known, neither of us has ever cleaned alone.  Even though it may be the other ones turn, we help each other. 

I was reminded of Ecclesiastes 4:12.  How much could we get done if we worked together?  How much would be accomplished and better yet, how much time could we save.  If I would have sat on the couch and waited until he was through, I would have missed out on conversation with him after a long and trying day. 

I have often heard that "love" is an action term.  I have also heard "how do you show it?"  Well, while it may seem insignificant to some, I believe our working together speaks volumes.  I have rarely folded clothes, washed dishes, cleaned house, or done anything else without my husband offering to help. 

There are some things you just don't want to do alone.  For me it's not so much the help as it is the message delivered.  The idea that you take the time to "stand with me" so we can put this behind us quicker, the idea that you would give up ten minutes of your time to show that you care...the dish drying is just a plus.  Some chores do not require two people but contributing or at least offering to help can show Jesus through you. I fear at times I have failed in that area.

Having been in policing, I worked with a partner all my life, I know the importance of being of one accord.  In marriage, you not only need that mindset, you also need Christ at the center.  You need him at the center because he is your mirror.  When I look in it, am I seeing the reflection of Christ or my own selfishness? 

So next time you see your spouse, carrying in groceries, putting gas in their car, folding laundry or doing some other chore, offer to help.  I promise you will touch their heart and maybe even change their attitude.  There will be plenty of challenges in marriage and standing together fortifies a relationship.  It's not just about chores, it's about becoming stronger in Christ as we strive to mirror him. It takes two but together with Christ, your efforts can not be quickly broken.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.  If one falls down, his friend can help him up!  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.  But how can one keep warm alone?  Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 2:9-12

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