The other day I went to one of my favorite places-Half Price Books. I had a 40 percent off coupon and THAT'S off of "half." I knew I would get a good deal somehow. The coupon was only good for two days so I had to get something that day or else return the next day.
I looked through their Bibles since mine is falling apart. I found some great ones but none were the version I like. They had great covers, great notes but not what I wanted. I found a great study Bible but the headline prior to Holy Bible was a popular author's name and I feared what I would get was his opinion on the Word of God rather than the Word of God.
I kept looking but found nothing and as luck would have it, I bought a Spanish book for $4.99 and I really didn't want to waste my coupon on that so I decided to come back the next day. What I had not counted on was that I would be in Dallas the next day. As soon as I arrived, I began my search. Only 4 miles away was a Half Price Books!
I unloaded and told my son I was off to the bookstores. When I walked in, the layout was different so I had to do some searching. As I walked the aisles, I was surprised at the bibles I found. The Guitar Bible, The Woodworker and Painter's Bible, The Sewing Bible The Sketching and Drawing Bible, and it merited the question "Where's the Holy Bible?"
When I finally located the section, I reviewed them again but was not able to locate one I liked. In not finding one, I decided that I would return to the Christian Bookstore where I bought my current Bible.
I don't need any kind of Bible other than the Holy Bible...the true Word of God. I gave up looking for one and instead, a bought a John Wayne movie.
Every word of God is flawless, he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words....Proverbs 30:5
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