Sunday, December 29, 2013

He knows

Have you ever had a secret?  Perhaps some news that only you are privvy to?  Maybe it's a secret only you carry.  I had this discussion with my sister this weekend.  We were discussing Beth Moore's Bible Study Sacred Secrets*

I told her that I purchased the study and completed it myself.  What an amazing study! [I recommend it for everyone]!  I was telling her that I wanted my sisters to complete it.  It's crazy how you can look at someone and not know what they are carrying. 

One day I walked into a restaurant and saw a woman wearing a t-shirt that merely said "He Knows". that would floor me to no end to know that someone knew my secrets.   You see, the secrets only serve to wear us out!  They become a burden that can cause stress, cause us to become defensive, cause us to shy away even affect our health. 

I saw the t-shirt and the large picture under the infamous "He knows" was a picture of Santa Clause.  Okay so you can relax now because there really are no consequences in having Santa Clause know.  Regardless of what it is, Santa knowing won't hurt us. 

While we are worrying about who might find out, we are never hiding it from someone who really knows.  Often times we plan things avoiding certain individuals, certain places, certain things in order to protect our secret. We may have to put on a mask, a disguise, or just plain pretend in order to maintain our secret. 

David kept a secret from Uriah [2 Samuel 11]; Samson kept a secret from Delilah [Judges 16]; secrets have been kept for centuries.  Unfortunately, there is one who knows all...He knows and I'm not talking about Santa. Not only does God know every secret, He knows the consequences of those secrets. 

Many times the secret you carry impedes your walk with Christ.  Not because of Him but because of you.  You may feel like I did thinking I wasn't worthy because of my secret or struggling to cover the secrect I wanted no one to know. 

The time has come.  Let go of that secret.  You don't have to tell your mom, you don't have to tell your friend...tell the one who already knows!  I believe that deep down in our hearts, despite the fact that we may have carried that secret for years, despite the fact that it may have ruled us all this time, we know we must lay it down.  Open yourself up for the revelation of God's Word without anything holding you back. 

The time has come....lay it down before God because He already knows!

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may know all the words of this law.  Deuteronomy 29:29

*(C) Sacred Secrets, 2013-Lifeway, Beth Moore Bible Study

Walk with Your Father

I just arrived back home from a trip to the hill country. I drove accompanied by my father and my son. Spending alone time with my dad is really difficult.  Even as grown women, we all vie for his attention. We have seen my strong, resilient father change into a mild, more laid back man.

On the road, we had the opportunity to do what we do best....discuss God's Word.  My father has been a "Sunday School" teacher for as long as I can remember.  He knows so much about God's Word and I often go to him when I have a Bible question.  We have good discussions often telling the other where something is located in the Bible.

When we arrived at our cabin, we walked back down to the bottom of the property. We walked and talked just my father and I. Nothing to interfere but the sounds of nature. I remember thinking "how awesome to walk alongside my father. How much I have learned just from listening to him."

Isn't that how it is with God? If we would walk with Him and take the time to listen, how much we could learn!  I once read "The greatest treasure a man can leave his children is an intimate knowledge of God." Oh how my father has done that.  It is a treasure left for us.  God has left us a treasure also, it is the gift of eternal life.

Some of us have found that treasure and indeed do hold fast to it.  Others are still looking for that gift.  How can this treasure be found?  By reading the Word of God and walking with your Father.  I can not tell you the times my father and I shared laughter, knowledge, competition and often debate. The bonus was peace.  It was so peaceful when walking with my father.  Good times! Some of those times can also be found in our Heavenly father. Knowledge, laughter and the big one-peace.

I recognize that some don't have an earthly father but we all have a heavenly Father who loves us so much he is not willing that any of us perish.  He loves us and wants us to spend time in his presence. 

I love my earthly father and intimate times begin with spending time with him and sharing our hearts.  It consists of a little bit of talking and alot of listening.  I can only find it if I have alone time with him and you can only find that if you walk with your Father. 

Be still and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10

I will walk among you and be your God and you will be my people.  Leviticus  26:12

Sunday, December 15, 2013

He's a fake

What powerful words.  That is to say that what you see, what you believe, what you thought was real, is not.  Those are the words permeating the news waves during this past week at Nelson Mandela's funeral when a sign language interpreter was discovered to be "fake."

I clearly recall watching some of the memorial and paying attention to the interpreter. I am facinated by the ability to deliver the message to those unable to receive it.  I recall something a speaker said when he said "they walked side by side" and I watched for that sign to which the interpreter raised both index fingers and brought them together.  It looked real to me! 

In the past I have sat through numerous interpreters who are translating English to Spanish.  Usually the interpreter excells in one language or the other, in this case Spanish.  Their inablity to recognize the English word causes them to interpret it incorrectly often changing the context of the sentence.  I am able to recognize that.  I often tell my husband something like "That's not exactly what that means."  However, to the receiving parties, they don't know better, anymore than I did when I watched the sign language interpreter. 

Within hours, it was discovered that this individual at the memorial service was a fake.  That was supported by the fact that a true, certified sign language interpreter also saw the memorial and realized that it was not being translated correctly.  Not only was it not being interpreted correctly, the certified interpreter did not recognize many of the gestures.

As a result of this discovery, the memorial interpreter stepped up and acknowledged that he was not a true interpreter and in fact had serious medical issues.  How does this happen?

In our world today, there are many who do not recognize the Word of God.  That is the foundation of our belief.  It is important to know God's Word in order to dispute what is "fake." There will be those who come proclaiming an idea, theory, story or other relevelation contrary to God's Word.  However, if we are not absolutely certain of His truth, we will not recognize false as false.

It is important for us to protect us against the falsehoods of this world.  Some of it will look and sound as good as that interpreter did and if we are not prepared with the truth, we may fall into the lie.  Keeping in God's Word is the only way to protect ourselves from that.  Do you know how I know?  God has already told me in His word to prepare for those coming who will not be in truth.  Had I been prepared and certified in sign language, I would have been able to say "He's fake" and not rely on someone else to tell me. 

I want to be prepared and recognize truth and the only way I can do that is by staying in the Word of God.  How about you?

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.  They will secretely introduce the destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them-bringing swift destruction on themselves.  Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.  In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories.  Their condemnation has long been hanging over them and their destruction has not been sleeping.  2 Peter 2:1-3

Thursday, December 12, 2013

New things

Sometimes, someone can do the most simple thing and make such an impact on others.  The irony of it is that they may not even know it.  This morning my friend Eva Wilson posted a bible verse on Facebook that really struck home. 

You see, this has been a difficult year for us.  In February we lost our 14 year old precious dog Sammy.  He was Matthew's companion until he outgrew him then Sammy became a friend to my husband and father-in-law.  We did not need Sammy to die when he did.  As if that wasn't enough, our beautiful rescue dog Daisy who had also become a great friend to my husband died suddenly with blood clots and both dogs had become our companions since my father-in-law had become very ill.  Not to minimize the situation but in August our youngest left for college leaving a huge void and empty nesters.  Lastly, a little less than a month ago, we lost my 98 year old father-in-law to his heavenly home.

It has been a tough year indeed.  As we come to a close, we also understand that my husband is awaiting news of a promotion and the deadline is tomorrow.  When we hadn't heard anything by Monday, I told my husband that we needed to trust God and if it didn't happen, we would still trust that God could see our future and not fret. 

We left for a short getaway and enjoyed a little quiet time but alas, it was time to get back to reality.  As a wife, I pray for my husband and we often ask each other "How can I pray for you today?"  I didn't ask this time, I merely asked God to show me how to minister to my husband if the answer was "no."  I mean really,  to the human eye and for logistics sake, if you're going to have a promotional ceremony, one should have sufficient notice. 

We knew today would be the last opportunity and it would be sink or swim.  We woke up and as I was having morning coffee, I checked Facebook.  It was then that I read what Eva posted: 

Lonely? Feling disjointed? Feel like your wandering in the wilderness" Listen for the Lord's voice.  Look to His Word, "Look, I am about to do something new.  Now it begins to happen! Do you not recognize it? Yes, I will make a road in the desert and paths in the wilderness."  Isaiah 43:19

Yes, He is doing a new thing!  At that moment, I resigned to the fact that God is doing a new thing in my life, in my husband's life, in our family's life and with or without this promotion, God would see us through.  There has been so much sadness in our life I just really wanted this for him! 

My husband left for work like normal and within the hour I got a phone call with these words "It's official, I get promoted tomorrow!"  I remembered the words of the Lord in Isaiah.  "Look, I am about to do something new!"

That facebook post prompted me to go to that chapter in Isaiah and I was reminded of God's mercy and power.  "I am the Lord, your Holy One, Israeal's Creator, your King." [v10] Power!  "This is what the Lord says-he who made a way...."[v16] God is not limited by our circumstances.  Not by our schedule, ability or deadlines.  He who "made a path through the sea, a path through the mighty waters" can and will make a way!

So to my friend Eva I say thank you!  Thank you for the encouragement that had our names written all over it.  To God I say thank you for using Eva for sharing your word and planting the seed that was harvested when it landed in our hearts! 

I look forward to the new things God has planned for us. 

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing.  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in tbe wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19 [NIV]

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I love you Dee

This week, my father-in-law went home to be with the Lord.  It was a long journey however, the lessons learned during this time are priceless.

My father-in-law was a man of honor.  In a day and time when so many say they have honor, he lived it.  As I recall times and past events , I remember preparing to drive him to Walmart one day. I knew I'd better not get ahead of him and open my door because even at 98, he was still a gentleman and would not be denied that right.

I quickly learned how to do the "Barfield Shuffle" and stay at his pace allowing him to be the chivalrous man that he was. 

He was a man of many talents.  He loved to write and a yellow pad and pen were never far away.  He loved to write poems and they often reflected his love of God, family and country.  He also loved having visitors and telling the most interesting stories of days past.

Often, my father-in-law would make statements that left impressions.  For instance, he said:

"Josh will do fine in boot camp, he will make a good soldier"
"I'm so glad that Matthew got into Sam Houston State"
"You'll have to finish Quawanna Parker" [a poem he had started earlier].

What he said meant alot.  I paid close attention to what he had to say, often writing some things down.

Unfortunately in January he had a health issue and upon being released from the hospital he was sent to a center for rehabilitation.  After several months it was evident that his stay would be much longer than anyone anticipated. 

As he became weaker and his life more confined to that bed, I walked into the room and expecting to hear some words of wisdom, but this day,  he simply extended his arms to me.  As I approached him, I gave him a hug and he proceeded to look me in the eye and simply said "I love you, Dee." That meant more to me than anything else he said. 

It meant more because he made it personal.  He didn't just say I love you, he said "I love you Dee."  That meant that those words were exclusively for me. 

Two thousand years ago, Christ was crucified for my sin.  In agony he made statements like:

Father forgive them for they know not what they do
Today, you shall be with me in paradise.

While Christ made these statements, the greatest, most impacting statement he made was by his actions when he stretched his arms on that cross and said I love you Dee

That statement was impacting because he added my name to it and made it personal.  He did that for me and for you.

I am grateful that God allowed me the privilege to serve and take care of a man who loved others more than he loved himself.  I was honored to be called his caregiver but more honored to be called his daughter-in-law.  I know he is dancing in heaven.

For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.  And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.  2 Corinthians 5:14-15

Berkley Barfield
January 7, 1915-November 21, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

No uniforms

This weekend I ran in the Rock n Roll marathon.  Some family members organized a run in the half marathon that I was a part of.  The run was in San Antonio, Tx and my sister and I left a day early to visit the Hill Country first.

On our way to Fredericksburg, we stopped in San Antonio so that I could pick up my run packet.  I knew Saturday would be swampped and twenty five thousand individuals would all be trying to get their packet. 

As I walked in, I was blessed to have a speedy check-in.  I walked through the Expo and was immediately humbled when I saw all the military camo uniforms picking up their packets.  The realization of San Antonio being a military base city hit me at that moment.  In fact, I have a cousin in the Air Force. 

I felt like such a "seed" in this garden of individuals that I felt were so much bigger than me.  I wanted to stop and thank everyone of them.  The swell of pride rose in me to think that I would be running with these men and women who fight every day to give me my freedom. 

I thought "how cool" that I would have that opportunity.  Uniforms everywhere!

Event day day came and guess what....we all looked the same.  Running shirts, shorts, tennis shoes, headbands, water bottles...everyone looked the same.  I asked myself "Where are the military people?"  I could not identify them or pick them out. Where are those who fight for our freedom? 

It hit me at that moment that in life, we are all different.  Some are affluent-some live in poverty; some are well educated-some are not; some are homeless-some are not.  The importance of that is that in God's eyes, we are all the same. 

In the Expo, we could identify those in the military by their uniform, but in the race, we were all the same with one mission in mind, complete the race. 

God does not see us as different.  We are all the same in his eyes and one day when we all meet in heaven, we will not have our opulence or poverty, we won't have our degrees or medals, we won't have our uniforms or any other identifiers. 

 In God's eyes, we will only be the individual He created. 

God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.  Genesis 1:27

Friday, November 15, 2013

Beauty in the real

This morning as I ran, I was fading fast.  This was a short run...only three miles but the run was hard.  As I willed myself to continue running, I saw something red "escaping" through the brown leaves and branches.  It was on the ground and caught my eye for just a moment. 

I quickly realized that it was the most beautiful red bird I had ever seen.  Although I had my ear buds in listening to music, I found myself saying "No little bird, don't hide, you're so beautiful." 

As I continued running, I wondered why that little bird was hiding.  I was concentrating on it's beauty not it's fear or apprehension of me.  The thought of how beautiful it was would just not leave me.  I kept thinking of how God had made it with such bright colors and so beautiful!

My thoughts quickly went to my life and how I hide if I am "not in my full state."  You know it....if you're at the grocery store and you're not wearing make up or you're sporting the most faded, maybe torn running gear.  I'm the worlds best at hiding in the most inconspious aisles until I can make my get away. 

During the episode with the running bird, I thought of a picture I saw on facebook.  My  friend Lindsay Witham, also my former Women's Ministry Director, posted a picture of herself.  She also teaches a Ladies Bible study and I assumed by the post that her picture [pre-makeup] had to do with her class.  The picture simply said something like  "keeping it real." 

I thought "Wow, that takes courage."  I could not do that.  I come from a generation were my mother advised us to greet our husband in the morning only after we were "cleaned up and made up." That means "full make up." Of course time and generations changed that. 

Anyway, when I saw Lyndsay's picture I thought "How cool that she recognizes her beauty even in her real state."  I am uncomfortable with my real state.  That day, I continued seeing more photos displayed of women  "keeping it real."   I remember saying "Whoa! Ladies, ladies, what are you doing?  You are letting people see the real you!" "No!" that is reserved for me and my "close" circle.

This morning, as that story came to mind, I remembered a scripture from Psalm 139 where it says "You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb..."  While I have characteristics from my mom and my dad, I want the real me to look like my Heavenly Father.  He knows the real me.  No make up, no facades, no pretension, just me like he created me. 

While he formed our eyes, he didn't choose eye shadow colors, and he gave us specific colored eyes  which many have changed with contacts.  He gave us eyelashes which women often change with adhesive lashes and so on and so on. 

I am grateful for all these ladies that had no fear of showing their real state.  In my Father's eyes, beauty is in the real!  I don't want to be like the little bird running, hiding from others I want to display the love of God just the way he made me. 

So if you see me in the store with no make-up or in faded, worn clothes, I won't run....just know "I'm keeping it real!"

I know full well my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depts of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body...Psalms 139:15-16

Thank you Lindsay Witham

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sacrificial Obedience

As I sit to write, I contemplate on something that has been on my mind all day.  Sometimes doing what God calls us to do is difficult and if you're like me, you'll put it off as long as you can. 

I so want to honor God and do His will but it always seems that I overthink it, make excuses, or delay the action.   You see, I believe God has been calling me to do something for a while.  Unfortunately, I have put everything I have into "doing". 

I have said "look at me, I'm working, does that count?"  I come up with things like "I'm faithful in thithing, I teach Bible Study, and I participate in 'events'" Who am I kidding?  None of those compare to obedience.

In Genesis 12, God told Abraham "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you."  He did not give Abraham an option, He did not give him an "out" He simply said "leave it" and go. 

In another case in the New Testament, Jesus made a call to follow Him.  A disciple said to Him, "Lord, first let me go and bother my father." But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."

As much as I want to say "but everything I'm doing requires sacrifice" and that's as good as obedience isn't it?  No! It isn't.  Recently I have found myself wanting to bargain and I have to tell you, God is not in the business of bargaining. 

In the Old Testament Saul chose not to obey God.  He did things his way and grieved the Lord.  As difficult as it is to follow through with obedience, I would never want to hear God say "I am grieved that I have made [Saul] king because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instruction." 

That could say "Dee" or anyone else.  My prayer is that I will not grieve my Lord in that manner and that He will give me the strength to follow through with obedience rather than bargain with sacrifice. 

Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is bette  than the fat of rams.  1 Samuel 15:22

Monday, November 4, 2013

Three little words

I told my husband that I was going to write a post on "three little words" and his reply was "I love you" too.  Much to his disappointment, those were not the three words I had in mind.  However, it did open a conversation that led us to describing Bible Characters in only three words.  Here's what we came up with:

Noah........Build an ark.
Moses......Lead my people.
Isaiah.......Here am I.
Peter........No! Not me.
Herod......Dance for me.
Ezekiel....Dry bones dance.
Adam......Not my fault.
Hannah....Need a baby.
Leah.........Marry me first.
Enoch......See ya later.
Lot's Wife-Don't look back.
Bathsheba-Take a bath.
Jonah.......I'm not going.
Tamar......Hid her face.
Jesus.......It is finished.

So I started thinking about three little words when I had to go buy a new Bible.  I finally broke!  Sunday when I opened my Bible to read, Genesis through Numbers fell right to the floor.  James through Revelation were clipped on with a black super binder and the rest hung by threads. 

I have to admit, it is really difficult for me to let go of my Bibles.  The very first one I owned twelve years ago is special to me as I purchased it when I first came to Christ in adulthood.  I wore it out, however, I still go back to it for reference and notes.  The one I currently have is larger print [imagine that] and it has ample space to write in the margin.  Still, it has years of notes, memories, pictures, special verses and so much more.  I just didn't want to give it up. 

Finally, I went to one of the local christian stores and spent a while searching before I purchased a new one.  When I got home I realized it is exactly like the one I currently have.  You might think that would be easy right?  All the verses in the exact same place!  I can usually tell you what side of the page and what column a certain verse is on so keeping the same Bible [style] would be great! 

Unfortunately, I wanted a center column with additional reference so I took the Bible back and searched for another one.  This time, I had found a 30% off coupon and I found a new Bible and got a good deal for it. 

I know that the reality of it is that I had to let go of my comfort zone.  I had to let go of "familiarity" and start anew.  I know that what counts is intimacy not familiarity and the only way I will be intimate with God is to dig into His word and learn new things. It is just so hard to willingly give it up. 

I recall someone once saying that they didn't want to "buy a new Bible" because of the same reason as I gave except that she called it pride.  I had to re-evaluate and finally let go. 

So if my name were on the list above, and I was describing three words would be:  Let it go!

Then Jesus said to his disciples "If any one would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.  Matthew 16: 24-25

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Penalty or Challenge

I am an avid football fan!  I love sitting in front of the television watching football.  Actually, there alot of things I don't know about the game but I love it anyway.  You see football signifies "quality time."   It was my thing with my dad.

Mom hated football, my older brother didn't have time for it so "daddy was all mine!"  So this post is not about my dad and football but let me say this:  I have a love of the game because I got to sit at my dad's side, I got to hold his hand, I got to ask "what happened daddy" and those are memorable times.  To all the daddies out there ....quality time!

So now for my post...In football, even now I ask my husband "What does that mean?" "What just happened?"  I have asked some crazy questions.   However, I do know enough to enjoy and love the game, but for me in my life, football has always meant quality time

I have often asked what does that sign mean, or why is that a penalty?  A penalty is called when a player violates one of the "rules" such as they pulled on the opposing player's face mask or they intentionally interfered with an opposing players catch, or they tackled an opposing player by pulling on him from his neck area [horse collar]. The penalty flag is yellow and in some games is thrown often. 

Something that was changed a while back was challenges.  This is where a team gets to challenge a call made by a referee.  The team challenging wants a review or has a question about the call or simply wants them to take another look.  The challenge flag is red. 

I purchased these two flags for my younger brother who is an avid home team football fan.  I was going to use them as a joke but have had them for two months and they are still here.  Everytime I look at them I say I am going to use them.  Well today I am!

I thought about my life with Christ and asked myself this questions....does God have to throw more penalty flags at me for my disobedience or do I throw more challenge flags at God for not getting my way?  

God rarely throws penalty flags at me and I have to believe that is because of his grace and mercy and not anything I do. 

I on the other hand have found myself throwing the challenge flag often.  "Hey, take another look at that injustice against me"  or "Why do I have to go?"  or "No, you've got the wrong girl God!"  If I looked at the field of my life I feel fairly sure it would be filled with "red flags."

I don't want to be that person that constantly challenges God's plan for me and I don't want to be that person that gets penalized for disobedience.  I want to be that woman of God that is prudent, alert, wise and takes refuge in the wings of her God.

So what is it for you?  Penalty or Challenge?

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.
 Proverbs 22:3

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I walk the line

This morning I was running and my iPod switched over to Johnny Cash. The song playing was I Walk the Line.  I remember telling a friend long ago how awesome that must be that one would love another with that commitment.

As I listened to the words, I was reminded that someone does love  me that much. Someone loved me enough to give his live for me. the question here is MY dedication. Do I walk that line? Do I submit to God's will or do I fight it? Do I find other "loves" in life more enticing or satisfying?

I run with fervor asking myself why obedience is so hard, painful or just plain contrary to my plan? No one likes to be taken out of their comfort zone. As I run deep in the territory of broken trees, limbs, sweet gum balls and rocks, I think of all the things that could "trip me up" and ruin my venture of another half marathon.

I often find myself looking for things that will trip me up in my "walk" with Christ. As much as we want to "Walk that line" we may fail. The difference in the Johnny Cash song is that God will not disown us if we fall off track. Years ago, God called for the Isrealites or walk that line and obey Him giving them many opportunities.  In their disobedience, they worshipped other Gods, turned their backs on God and did everything but follow Him.

"I keep  a close watch on this heart of mine,
I keep my eyes wide open all the time..."

Yea! Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life (Prov 4:23) , keep your eyes wide open for the tricks of the enemy and know that someone loves you enough to offer you eternal life. What a gift. My prayer is that I will succeed in walking that line!

This is what the Lord showed me; The Lord was standing by a wall that had been true to plumb with a plumb line in His hand. And the Lord asked "What do you see Amos?"  A plum line . Then the Lord said "Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer. Amos 7:7

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

From Grave to Grace

Good Morning and what a great one in Houston, Texas.  This morning I woke up to a husband with a couple of  briskets in the smoker.  I sat to write and was reminded of a mistake I made yesterday.

As I sat to write yesterday, I made a mistake I have made in the past.  I am one of those "typers" that does not look at the keys very often.  I sit down, I get comfortable and I take off. Yesterday as I wrote, I intended to write the word grace.  Instead, I inadvertently typed grave

The irony in it is that I was intending to type "We are saved by grace" but instead, I typed "We are saved by grave."  Upon typing it and then actually seeing it, I realized the truth in the statement.  You see, we are saved by grace but it took Christ going to the grave in order for us to receive that gift. 

He was mistreated, questioned, beaten, accused, and so much more and yet he endured it for us.  He was ultimately hung on a cross and left on that cross to his death.  His death became an opportunity for life to each of us.  The day darkened, as life left his body.   As evening approached a rich man named Joseph went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.  He took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of a rock then he rolled a stone over it and went home. [Matthew 27:57-60]. 

The grave.  It was new, it was fresh and a stone was rolled in front of it to seal it.  Not only was a stone rolled in front of it but it was also sealed and a guard posted in front of it to ensure Jesus would not fulfill the Word of God by "rising after three days."  [Matthew 27:66]

But our Savior would not be held back by a stone, or a seal, or a guard.  He came to fulfill the Word of  God and provide salvation for His people.   God loves us so much that  He sent his only son that whosoever believes in Him might be saved. [John 3:16]

Yes it is by grace that we are saved but that would not have taken place had it not been for the grave.

From the grave to grace...only our Savior could!

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions-it is by grace you have been saved.  Ephesians 2:4

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

America is under attack

In 2001, then President George Bush was told "Mr. President, America is under attack."  President Bush wasted no time in reacting in order to protect our precious country. 

Today, the people of God are under attack.   Last night I cried as I read a facebook post about a dear, sweet lady who was experiencing her own trial and yet all to the Glory of God.  As a ladies bible study teacher myself, I see and hear the experiences of the enemy's attack.  In fact, I experience them in my own life. 

The enemy has hit hard and he is attacking the heavy hitters.  He is attacking those that are hungry to follow Christ and share His Word.  I have heard heartbreaking stories of ladies who are faithful in serving Christ by continuously attending classes and absorbing the Word of God. 

Broken homes, prodigal children, singleness, divorce, terminal illness and so much more are the topics of attacks.  Many grieve and share their most tender moments in these classes.  I have no answers.  In fact, a few weeks ago, my son asked me this question "Mom, why do bad things happen to *good people?"   a question asked by Roy and Dale Rogers [1950's singing cowboys] asked when they lost their precious baby girl.  My response to my son was this "The enemy wants to shut down those good people.  Those people are the ones making a difference for the Kingdom of God.  He has the others where he wants them....these are the ones that will make a difference and he has to take them out!"

This morning is one of the few mornings my husband has taken off.  We linger in getting started and just spend time talking.  Quiet time.  I ask him about the things going on around us and talk about being under attack.  He makes an impacting statement..."Man your battle stations!" 

It is time, we are there.  America, the people of God are under attack and it's time to man your battle stations.  We have plenty of ammunition with our greatest weapons being prayer and the Word of God. 

Yes, there are hard times.  Sometimes we can't see to the next moment for our own pain but I have good news...Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world! [1 John 4: 4] The enemy will not win. [Revelation 20:10]

The children of God are under attack, it's time to man your battle stations!

Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope and hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.  Romans 5: 1-5

 *Good people is used as the terminology of a young man and was intended to represent Christians.  We are not saved by works so any works or "good" that we do will not save us.  Only by God's grace will we be saved. Acts 4:12

Monday, October 14, 2013

I have a driver

This weekend we got away for a short trip.  It is always good to get away even if it is for 48 hours.  We filled the time with every event we could find.  I love travelling but I do not like driving.  I am thrilled to have a driver.

While on the road, I get to watch a movie, read a book, listen to music, and even write.  During our trip up, I noticed we hit a rough spot that shook me.  I raised my head long enough to say "Hey, what happened? My driver simply replied "We hit a rough spot on the road, we're out of it now."  I returned to reading my book. 

We travelled country roads, went shopping, tried new restaurants and I never touched a key much less started a car.  I love having a driver. 

On the way home, we started off good.  I packed my ipad, books, and reading material for the ride when suddenly, it started raining.  It was raining hard and I thought "Thank goodness I'm not driving."  After a while, my driver jokingly said "Look, it's raining here but not there."  I asked if we could pull over, take a detour or just wait until the rain subsided.  At one point, a large truck flooded our windshield with water making it even more difficult to see the road.  I felt apprehension in my driver's ability but yet not enough to want to drive myself.

I was glad I had a driver. 

It reminded me of my life with Christ.  That is the one time I want to drive.  I want to take my own road.  I want to weave in and out of "rough spots" in the road, I want to avoid the rain and I want to own it. 

I could turn it over to Christ and let Him drive, let him get me through the rough spots, let Him get me through the rain.  Instead, I want to "handle" issues in my life I want to take the reins and drive my way out.  In life, I let my driver drive as I kickback and relax.  Shouldn't I do the same with Christ?  Shouldn't I have the confidence that He can do it because He is in control?

I must face many things in life and take many roads, some may be rough.  I am relieved and comforted that I have a driver.  All I have to do is turn it over to Him and take my place in the passenger seat.

In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed.  In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.  Exodus 15:13

Love my long trip driver, my husband Mark.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Expiration Date

Years ago, when my husband and I first married, we loved a restaurant called Steak and Ale.  It was popular specifically for it's fabulous salad bar.  It offered a wide variety with no limits and when you finished the salad, it left you with little appetite for steak.

My husband on the other hand liked the salad bar but loved the steak.  At any rate, my mother-on-law gave us a gift certificate for dinner at the restaurant.  We held on to it waiting for a special occasion.  We did not want to use it until the time was right.  Furthermore, it was a gift from my mother in law and that made it special. 

We were aware that there was an expiration date but expected that we had plenty of time.  We do that don't we?  We rely on that expiration date and base everything around that date.  What we hadn't counted on was that my mother-in-law would pass away from a massive stroke shortly thereafter. 

Afterwards, it was difficult for my husband to discuss the gift certificate and it became even more special.  Again, knowing it had an expiration date, we realized we had a time frame in which to use it.  One day, my husband pulled the gift certificate and said "I just couldn't do it-it was her last gift to us."  That was 2006.

We decided to wait just a little bit longer.  What we had not counted on was that within weeks and I do mean weeks, the restaurant filed for bancruptcy and closed immediately. 

We drove by the restaurant and it was closed.  Within a few more days, it was leveled....gone!  A fast food restaurant now stands where Steak and Ale once was. 

Today, as I searched for a receipe in the inside corner of our kitchen cabinet I saw it...a plain white envelope with Mark written on it in my mother-in-law's handwriting.  It has been seven years and he has held on to this for so long. 

It's not like he remembers that it's there, it just is.  I know how much it grieved him that we had not used it but after the restaurant closed, he still held on as a means to feel her close. 

In this case, we could have had a great meal but our decision to hold on to it just a little longer resulted in something  much bigger than a meal. 

So many times we "put God in the cupboard" only to pull him out when we "need him" or want to feel close to him. 

God has given us a lifetime deal with no expiration date.  There's no need to hide it, keep it in a safe place, or try to guard it.  We just need to take advantage of it and use it.  It will never expire. 

That gift is the gift of eternal life.  No chance of bancruptcy or rejection and the only expiration date is when God calls you home. 

We lost out on the restaurant relying on an expiration date.  In reality, there were greater things going on that caused the restaurant to fail-much to our disappointment.  Don't keep putting off the decision to follow Christ by thinking you have plenty of time.  Only He knows the day and time.  Why wait for that expiration date?

In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade...1 Peter 1:3

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Final Hour

Wow! Has it really almost been a month?  I have been super swampped and this is a much needed, much longed for day off.  So much has gone many changes in our life. 

My husband and I spent some much needed time together the other day.  We woke up, took our time, went at our own pace and decided to take a drive to one of our favorite burger places to just get a burger and relax.

We sat and talked about our kids, our life, where God has us right now and why.  We talked about God's plan for us and how we may not see it right now but we will go obediently. 

As we drove away, we had the right of way and a green light.  From the corner of my eye I saw a vehicle pull into our path completely disregarding his stop sign.  My husband made an evasive move and the other car was able to stop albeit in a moving lane of traffic. 

As we pulled away, I noticed the license plate and told my husband "It says Happy Hour" to which my quick witted husband replied "It was almost his final hour."

The final hour.  If we only had notice of when that was going to be.  What would you do?  What would you get in order?  What differences would you settle?  Would you forgive a friend, co-worker or a family member?  Would you give your favorite piece of jewelry to a loved one or write a letter to a child?

Would you call long lost friends and make time for them?  Would you pray for the lost or try to share the Word of God?

My friend, we are in the final hour.  Not one day is promised to us.  Today is the day to settle those differences, today is the day to share the gospel, today is the day of salvation...don't wait for the final hour!

In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.  I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.  2 Corinthians 6:2

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Don't hold on

The other day, I found some "chocolate coated candy."  You know the kind.  It is the one that uses only one letter but uses it twice. 

So I picked up a couple of these candies and I was going to save them for later.  Their slogan has always been ".....melts in your mouth, not in your hand."  My mouth was watering waiting to pop them in my mouth.  I only had three so I wanted to hold on to them and savor the moment. 

Unfortunately, I waited too long.  I got caught up talking to a neighbor in the yard.  When I came back in, I opened my hand to discover that the candy that "melts in your mouth not in your hand" had melted all over.  It was covering my entire hand and was now seeping through my fingers.

I went to the sink to wash the sweet stuff off my hand and realized that sin works in much the same way.  Instead of coming to Christ for immediate confession and repentance, we hold on.

We hold on to sin so long that it can stain us.  Like the candy, we are fully aware of the consequences for holding on too long.  We know that it can stain us, we know that heat can intensify the sin and cause a stain and yet we continue to hold on.     

The good news is that just like I washed the melted chocolate off my hand, God can wash sin out of our lives.   Regardless of what the sin it, how long it has been in your life, or what anyone has told you, God can and will forgive!!

So let go of that sin and remember, the one that holds on to you, can help you let go!

Come let us reason together says the Lord.  "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be as red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I wish I had known

I ran into a friend after the worship service today.  After the alter call, our pastor called for all the Bible Study teachers to come to the front and be recognized.  I saw my friend standing there.

Afterwards, I saw her walking down the aisle and I said "I didn't know you were teaching."  She then told me that she wished she had known that they were recognizing teachers.  She said "I wish I had known they were going to do that, I would have dressed up."

My friend was not dressed badly but we often set a standard for ourselves.  Sometimes, we just don't feel like meeting that standard and we come to church comfortably. I told my friend that she looked just fine and we moved on. 

As I thought about it, I realized that God's Word is clear that no one knows the day or time when Christ shall come.  We can not wake up one day and say "I think I'll be ready today because Jesus is coming."

We will not get an advance notice, there will not be a color coded flag -yellow for caution or red for
"He's here ."   When Christ comes to take his people home, He will simply appear.  God's Word is very clear that we are to keep watch and treat every day as if it was that day.

So don't let down your guard.  Walk wisely and clothe yourself as if today were the day.  Don't get caught saying "I wish I had known!"

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father...Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come
Matthew 24:36, 42

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

You just missed it...

This week I was desperately trying to complete my training hours to keep my peace officers license. The deadline was August 31, 2013. Oh did I mention that I had TWO years to do it?

I was really undecided as to whether or not I wanted to keep my license since I had retired two years ago. My question was "What's the point?" Alas the voice of wisdom when my husband gave me the pros and cons of keeping the license active. Alright already!

I decided that I needed to meet the requirements and began taking classes. I needed to complete 40 hours of training and when I pulled up my records, I had completed 8! I got to work and pulled up some of the online classes. I began August 26th. Needless to say, I had to work fast.

I could choose any classes I wanted and only one was mandatory a 2 hour law update class. I figured that would be the piece of cake. I looked at my choice of classes and almost puked (sorry). All the classes had to do with some type of abuse. Spousal abuse, child abuse, not my favorite topics but I plowed through.

My husband and I had a long awaited get away planned and we were leaving early August 31 so that day was shot for training. On August 30, I had completed the required 40 hours-- yippee celebration time.  I just needed this two hour online class and I got right to it.  I went to the website and I told my husband that it looked like I could only order the books, the test would have to be mailed in and if that was the case, I would miss the deadline. Being ever optimistic, he said "do it- order the books and we can show your intentions were good in making an attempt to complete it." so I did.

We knew it was a holiday weekend and since I ordered the books late on Aug 30th, we would have to wait until September 3 after the holiday to call and plead my case. I did not give it too much thought during my get away however this morning I was on pins and needles waiting for 8:00 when they opened.

When I called about my status, the lady "kindly and sweetly" said "Oh it looks like you did complete your 40 hours.....unfortunately, you did not complete the law mandate and your license has been inactivated." What a blow! I was crushed! At first I did not want it and now after my frantic attempt, I had failed. So close and yet I missed the mark.  I wanted to tell them that I had devoted 30 years to this career, tell them how much I had contributed, tell them how much my family had sacrificed. All those nightshifts, lost holidays, long hours, all because I love this department and today, all that meant nothing-but that was MY doing.

In my sadnessI thought "I just lost my license" but how many people know that in order to have eternal life, they must confess their sin and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and yet they put it off.  They are given all the time in the world to make that decision yet their inability to make that choice can cost them.

You can't wait til the last minute, you can't cram, you can't talk your way in. Hell is full of people with good intentions,  people who relied on works, and people who made huge contributions, people who gave up families in order to succeed, but heaven is full of "those who believe in Jesus Christ and his saving power!"

Don't lose your life because you can't decide. It was horrible to hold the phone and hear the words "unfortunately, you did not...." my heart sank and all I lost was a license.

I have to say however; there was good news for me - because of my status I can reactivate, it through additional training and other requirements.  I am thankful that I got this second chance.  Many will not!

I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.  John 5:24

Friday, August 23, 2013

Until Then

Yesterday as I drove to see my father in law in that facility I have come to dislike so much, I heard a song that really tugged at my heart.  As if I needed any help, it drew the tears in buckets.  The song is called Until Then

I recall a music minister once telling us that his choice of worship music might not be the same as his son's choices in music but in the act of worship is the same.  I have to admit that while I like contemporary music, I am drawn to the hymns. 

When I hear them I have a tendency to sing them in Spanish, even if I am listening in English.  That is simply because that is the language I learned them in.  Our small church sang them in Spanish and repetition allowed us to learn them in that language. 

This one however, I did not recall.  What drew me to this hymn was the lyrics and as I pulled into that facility I heard:

My heart can sing when I pause to remember
A heartache here is but a stepping stone
Along a trail that's winding always upward,
This troubled world is not my final home.

But until then my heart will go on singing
Until then with joy I'll carry on,
Until the day my eyes behold the city,
Until the day God calls me home.

With tears streaming I am singing "until then with joy I'll carry on."  I would venture to say that there are so many also singing that song and trying to carry on with joy.  Perhaps they have also lost a dear friend, a child to college, a spouse, but yet they carry on with joy....the joy only Christ can offer.

Perhaps its not a loss with "finality" maybe you have lost someone that is "still here." Perhaps it's a parent that you have lost to dementia, or a broken hip or a debilitating disease.  This is not our final home...let that bring comfort.

While the situation may look dark through your eyes, know that there is hope.  This heartache is "but a stepping stone."  Our future is the promise of eternal life with Jesus Christ.  This world is temporary. 

One day, those who are in Christ will be with Christ.  Until heart will go on singing and with joy I'll carry on.  Until then. 

For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown, in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.  1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

Until Then (c) 1958 Hamblem Music, Stewart Hamblem

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Trust Me!

This week as we were in Missouri my husband and I went to a local restaurant.  It was an open buffet type of restaurant.  You walked up to the cashier, paid for the buffet and then piled it on. 

We sat in some booths and I carried my purse as I went to the salad bar.  We then came back to our seats and were next to an older couple [older than us lol] and they continued to eat.  We talked and discussed the events of the day including what was to come tomorrow. 

There was no need for us to return to the salad bar however, the couple returned for dessert.  They walked away and before making it to the buffet, she returned to get her purse.  I started to offer to "watch it" while she returned but then decided against it.  I shared that with my husband and then said "she probably would have said 'no thank you.'"

I giggled as I told my husband "If she only knew!"  If she only knew that the "guard" had 30 years experience in law enforcement, if she only knew that my husband also has that experience, if she only knew that her purse would have been in the most guarded hands of an individual with a great sense of duty...if she only knew. 

There's another part to that...if she only believed.  If she only believed that she could trust us, if she only believed that we would guard her purse and not walk away with it if she only believed, she would not have had to carry it along with her plate. 

Isn't that just how we are with God?  We want to give him a situation so that he can take care of it but we find it hard to do.  We want absolute certainty that God can handle it.  In the past, I have found myself saying "If God only knew just how important this is to me."  I might also say that I would "give it to God" not really "believing" that he could take care of it like I can.

So no more "If she only knew." We do it's a matter of believing!

Believe me when I say that I am the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.  I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And  I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.  John 14:11-13

Monday, August 19, 2013

In my heart of hearts....

Years ago, and I do mean years ago, I had a sleeping t-shirt that I used often.  I wore it almost every night until my young son Matthew reqeusted to wear it one night.  He was a little tot...about five years old and the t-shirt was more like a night shirt for him. 

The shoulders hung down to his little elbows and the hem dragged but he wore it any way!  It had a huge heart in the center of the shirt and read "In my heart of Hearts, I love you."  Not that there was ever any doubt but I think he was drawn to the security it represented.   He use to tell me "It makes me feel close to you mommy."  I have held on to that shirt for years.  It has survived  moves, closet cleanouts, donations, wardrobe changes and multiple washings.  It may be stained and discolored but it's always clean. 

As the day nears for my youngest to head off to college, I am reminiscent of those times long ago.  I walked into my closet last night to get ready for bed and then I saw it hanging there.  It was like it was calling me.  I picked up the t-shirt and held it tight.  I smelled it,  though his scent was long gone.  I held it close to my heart and remembered his words "It makes me feel close to you mommy."  Last night, I needed that "magic."  I needed to feel close to him. 

While he was enjoying his last few days with friends before leaving, I was enjoying precious memories.  I have had alot going on these past two weeks.  Our middle son graduated from boot camp, a dearly loved neighbor was moved to independent living in San Antonio, and this week, our youngest leaves for college.  

While I need to know in my "heart of hearts" that I am loved,  I know I do not need to look further than Christ himself.  That is where my security is.  In my heart of hearts I know that my son loves me but greater still, I know that Jesus Christ loves me.  While my son may go off to another place for school, God has promised not to ever leave me.  He will protect my heart, he will comfort me, and he will take care of my son. 

He tends his flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.  Isaiah 40:11

Friday, August 16, 2013

Please... Not my son!

This week my husband and I travelled to Fort Leonard to witness our son's graduation from bootcamp. We saw this great kid who at one time played a shepherd in a church play, walk across the stage and officially become a soldier.

This child who has lived and breathed a desire to become a soldier is now one.  He could not look any better in his uniform, he wears it well. His pride and love for his country are evident. Yes there were three platoons and several soldiers but I only cared about one.

This is not my biological son but I fought back tears as his mother sat next to me and wiped hers.  He has been in my life over ten years. We have supported his love of the Army as he follows in the footsteps of his grandfather Maas and grandfather Barfield both World War II veterans.

He is a born leader and has displayed leadership qualities in his high school ROTC and now college.
He will not be kept down, he will not hesitate to fulfill his duty or to defend his country.

As we sat and listened, we came face to face with reality.  These young men and women had now given their life, their all to the United States Army. "Army Strong" they say, except that I was anything but strong.  My heart was torn as I was proud beyond belief but still wanting to hold on, still wanting to live in the comfort of him returning to our city and being a happy, fun filled young man.

I was not wanting to think of the possibility of him one day actually being on the front lines and the threat that brings.  In fact as I saw him in formation, I was overwhelmed by this thought and I could hear myself repeating "Please....not my son!"

I would venture to guess that every mother there had that same thought...for what mother would willingly give up her son?

My thoughts went to a mother who did just that. Mary obediently gave birth to our Savior Jesus Christ knowing that she would one day have to turn him over.  I imagine that when she saw the treatment of her son, she might have cried out "Please...not my son!"

While our son is in a position of defending our country and ensuring our freedom, Christ
laid down his life to secure our eternal freedom. We put our faith in that Savior to protect our son.

With Christ on our side, we can't go wrong. Army Strong!

Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues  people under me. Psalms 144:1-2

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Just because

When our son was younger, he often had a tendency to push the limits.  As parents you know they can push and push and push until one day you just say enough! 

I recall one specific incident in which he clearly did not comply with what his father and I requested.  I explained to him that because of that, he would not be able to drive his truck for  a week.  You would think I had shut down his life. 
Can you imagine being driven to school by your mother in a 2001 Explorer when you have a cool truck to drive and everyone knows it?  How do you explain?  What do you say when someone asks "Where's your truck? Why can't you drive it?" Just because.

There is always something to "just because." In fact, if we drop the "just" then we can proceed with the real reason.  In Genesis, when Cain took the life of his brother Abel, he didn't do it "just because" there was a reason.  He did it because his brother's offering was recieved favorably by God and his was not. [Genesis 4] 

Aaron was a priest of the Israelites yet he was not perfect.  He led with Moses and did most of what God asked.  Unfortunately, he was not allowed to enter the land God gave the people.  Why?  I can assure you "just because" does not satisfy.  We can learn so much from the Old Testament that applies even today.

He was not allowed to enter because of his disobedience.  His son was the one that took the lead when Aaron died.  God is not a God that randomly doles out punishment or discipline.  He is a God that commands obedience.  We often have difficulty in some areas and fail to obey.  I personally have to look at myself and look at my life and examine my motives, my walk and my obedience to God.  I do not want to be asked "why did you fail to obey me?" and respond with "just because." 

While it is true that Aaron was not allowed to see the land prepared for the Israelites due to his disobedience, today we have redemption for our past mistakes and disobedience because of Jesus Christ. 

He did not die "just because" he died on the cross because He loved each one of us so much that He wanted us to have the opportunity at eternal life.  So when someone asks "How do you know you are saved?"  We can say more than "just because."  We can say it is because of His grace and mercy!

The whole Israelite community set out from Kadesh and came to Mount Hor.  At Mount Hor, near the border of Edom, the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "Aaron will be gathered to his people.    He will not enter the land I give the Israelites, because both of you rebelled against my command at the waters of Meribah.  Get Aaron and his son Eleazar and take them up to Mount Hor.  Remove Aaron's garments and put them on his son Eleazar, for Aaron will be gathered to his people and he will die there. Numbers 20:22-26

He saved us not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.  Titus 3:5

Friday, August 9, 2013

Fee Fi Foe Fum

Fee Fi Fo Fum was the anthem of the giant in the story Jack and the Beanstalk.  He came in and took over all that was his and then some.  Jack and his mother were living in a modest means and you know the rest of the story. 

Down to their last cow and not knowing where to turn next, Jack makes a move that forces him to come face to face with the giant.  It was bigger, it was stronger, it was meaner.  Jack reached back with everything he had and faced the giant to his demise. 

Sometimes in life, we run into the same situations.  I woke up this morning with a giant on my mind.  I even mentioned to my husband "How is it that my very first thought would be this giant and not good morning Jesus?"  The answer is fear.  We fear the unknown.  We fear the intimidating, we fear the uncertaintity and we fear force. 

When someone approaches us with a forceful voice and an intimidating presence and we may fear the uncertaintity of our own demise.  We cower down and want to run, want to hide.  God did not give us the spirit of fear!  [2 Timothy 1:7]

Whether it is a co-worker, family member, former friend [former anything], or even a threat of exposing the past, they are not giants!! They are only giants in our own mind running around saying "fee fi fo fum..." 

God's Word is greater and bigger and mightier than any giant!   To prove the point that God has a sense of humor, he sent me to Numbers 14.  Remember, in this portion of the Bible, the Israelites have already moved out of Egypt.  God has shown them more miracles and more mercy and more provision that any could phathom and still the people were fearful. 

They did not trust their leader [Moses] the feared dying in the desert,  and they feared the people of the land.  "The land we explored devours those living in it.  All the people we saw there are of great size." Numbers 13:32-33

That was message Caleb brought to Moses and the people and their fear increased.  Our fear increases with threats as well.  We must be like Jack.  We must walk in with our Sword of the Spirit and our Helmet of Salvation and stand up to that giant.  Don't make a blue print or a plan of how to slay that giant, that plan is already in place and it is in the hand of the Almighty God.

So the next time you hear "Fee Fi Fo Fum......remember what God has done!"

Only do not rebel against the Lord.  And do not be afraid of the people of the land because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone but the Lord is with us.  Do not be afraid of them.
Numbers 14:9

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Last night I went to a Ladies Bible Study meeting.  There were several of us and we had to travel a bit so we carpooled.  I rode with a neighbor that lives only a few streets from my home. 

We were the last to arrive.  When we did arrive, we heard some bad news.  One of our own had a mishap and was in the emergency room.  We immediately prayed for her healing and direction for the doctors. 

As she was enroute, her car overheated.  She pulled over to the side of the road to investigate.  She lifted the hood and saw the steam and decided to open the radiator.  That was the worst mistake.  When she removed the lid, it released the intense heat causing burns on her arms and face.  She experienced extensive burns to her arm and her hand.  Her friend immediately drove her to the local emergency room. 

She was examined, cared for and given medications and instructions.  She will have to follow-up with a burn specialist as the injuries were serious. 

It got me to thinking how sin is much like that steam.  It lurkes around and lurkes around and often we surpress it or run away from it.  Then suddenly, if we give in to it even one inch, it is unleashed and creates a serious situation for us.  The consequences can be damaging. 

Often we go along and don't consciously think about sin until one day it just stops us in our tracks.  It demands our attention and the choice is ours.  We can open it up and experience the negative effects and consequences, or we can pray our way through it and spend time in God's Word until we have the strengh to walk away. 

Don't take the lid off of sin, don't let your curiosity trap you.  Stay steady and surround yourself with pure things in life.  Yes, you may see the steam of sin begging to get out and pour in to your life but remember, sin unleashed carries consenquences.

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.  Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.  Romans 6:11-12

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Ditch the Detour

This morning I once again, started to run.  I thought I'd do a couple of miles despite the humidity and heat.  I figured I'd start off slow and build up with the hopes of maintaining a healthy ankle and be able to really run again.

It was a hard road but after all, it was only two miles.  It was not long before the whining and complaining began in my head. Even as I listened to Mandisa's He is With You.  The road got longer and the temps got hotter.

I travelled that all familiar trail watching for "lips" in the sidewalks hoping I could stay on my feet and not on my face [again].  Of course I tried to talk my way out of it "What if I only do one mile" "What if I can't make two?"  That switched to "Okay, I've done one now I only need 12 more for a half marathon." 

As I made the full mile and turned to go back I was hit in the face with what was coming...a long incline!  I'm not talking mountain, I'm talking slight raise in the pavement.  It just seems so long.  I have always taken in a deep breath and hit it with all I have until I get to the other side. 

I looked way out, I looked right....flat surface!  Yes!  That's what I wanted, needed.  I calculated in my head turning left, running to the stop sign, left again, more flat surfce. By the time I had calculated the detour, I would have run almost three miles.  No way! Not happening. 

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves at the crossroads.   The road we want to take may be under construction or to difficult to navigate so we look for detours.  What we find at the end of the detour is that we have exherted more energy and more time running away from the challenge than we would have if we would have just tucked our head and gone in strong. 

We want to run from difficulties, marriages, prodigal children, job losses, illnesses, only to discover that the detour we take will offer no solutions and in fact may offer more difficulties than we bargain for.  When you find yourself in a difficult situation, when you think you can go no more, stay the course and ditch the detour. 

Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.  Do not swerve to the right or to the left; keep your foot from evil.  Proverbs 4:26-27

Monday, August 5, 2013

Never Alone

Ever feel like you are completely alone?  Even in the midst of a large group, a party, at work or with friends....alone.

This morning for reasons known only to me, I was very sad.  I went before God and asked for peace in a situation.  I asked that he comfort me and guide me through a season that is very difficult for more reasons than one. 

I turned my radio on to a station that is soothing, comforting and even encouraging. I needed to hear what I heard next.  It was a song that the church choir sang many years ago.  I sang it often and took comfort in the words.  Feeling better, I posted this on my facebook account:

Be strong, and take courage do not fear or be dismayed, for the one who lives within you will be strong in you today....#neveralone

I wrote those words because they are words to the song and because I believe them.  I wrote never alone to convince myself that I am never alone. 

Although I was immediately taken back to my situation and heavy hearted.  I suppose that I heard the words but I needed convincing.  I know God knew this also because shortly thereafter, another song I did not expect.  I have never heard it, but I feel like God sent it just for me.

I know you think this problem is big but I am bigger still
I created you, I love you, I call you my own-
You're never out of my hand and my child, you are never alone.

How does that happen? The very words I was trying to accept convincingly, were the words used to deliver the message....never alone. 

So many times we go through life suffering the smallest or greatest of challenges and we feel like we can not make it, we feel like we have no support system, we feel like we have no strength.  The one thing we do have is that we are never alone. 

Whether you are sitting in a corner grieving or standing in a grocery line by yourself crying, you are not alone. 

So as I make it through these hours that will become a day that will become a week then weeks, I move on knowing that I am never alone.

As I was with Moses, so will I be with you; I will never leave you or forsake you.  Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the strong and very courageous.
Joshua 1:5, 6-7

You're Never Our of My Hand
Catherine Barn-Sasser

Monday, July 29, 2013

Credit Please

When making a purchase I often hear "debit or credit?"  I know you may find this hard to believe but at one time it was "cash or credit?" At any rate, the lone one standing is "credit."  It is so easy to just whip out a credit card and take care of the purchase.  The credit I want to talk about today however, does not have to do with a purchase. 

As we prepared for Vacation Bible School, I saw that it takes alot of individuals to make that happen.  One does not just wake up and "poof" it's done.  Someone or some group comes in and lays out the plan and then makes it happen.  Alot of people, props, electronics and odd jobs....who gets the credit? 

I teach Ladies Bible Study during the week.  It requires alot of preparation and studying on my part before the class.   I am not alone, every teacher there has to prepare to lead and teach the class of ladies.  There are copies to make, ladies to call or email, places to set up...who gets the credit?

It's great when we have full classes of individuals who come to learn the Word of God or "hear a specific teacher" because they like her teaching style or are interested in a specific topic.  It takes alot of hard work...who gets the credit?

I was reading my Bible one morning this week and ran across a verse that literally jumped off the page for me.  I could literally feel God speaking these words and I begin to think about what it was saying.  Of course my first question was "you talking to me?"

I have been at the heart of saying "I did it."  I usually find myself using those words with my father.  Whatever it is that I did, I want him to know that I did it and I want credit for it!  Why would I have to do that with my heavenly Father?  He will not share the "credit" with anyone. 

If lives are changes because of a church event or a bible study God may use us to make that happen but trust me....He gets all the glory!

I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols.  Isaiah 42:8

Saturday, July 27, 2013

You wouldn't dare!

Hey....I'm back.  As you know, I have been super busy with life and special events.  This week I had occasion to be with my family at our annual beach fest.  We call it a beach fest but in reality, we began this a couple of years ago and it is really a family reunion.  The first year it fell on my father's birthday and as such has continued to be "his" celebration. 

I have had little time for myself lately let alone relaxing.  Despite having to make a trip back to Kingwood during the week for training, I opted to go and be with my family and spend some time with them.  After the training Thursday, I returned back to Galveston. 

Our family is made up of many personalities and with each passing year, things and people change.  One thing that has not changed is my relationship with my older brother.  For five years, we were the only two.  We are thirteen months apart and very close.  Life threw us many curves but we always stayed in the game. 

I had not seen him for a couple of months since recently, I have missed most of our Sunday dinners.  He lives at the opposite end of the city [and then some] so we don't see each other as often as we would like.  One thing that I discovered however, is that our love and respect for each other remains the same....even in pranks. 

Last night, I saw my brother sitting at the table with my sisters and a niece and a nephew.  He had his back to a window and was facing the den.  The temptation was too great.  I picked up a monster "pump up" super soaker water gun.  I had already used it earlier when I engaged in battle with my sister-a battle he had missed. 

I picked up that neon colored weapon and watched as he froze in surprise.  I have always respected my brother but I had one mission in mind.  He looked at me and our eyes met as if to say "You wouldn't dare!"  but dare is what I had in mind.  I waved that water filled soaker to taunt him as a small smile appeared on his face and before he could get a word in, I fired it hitting him in the face, striking his glasses and the window behind him. 

The table cleared as if Wayatt Earp had squared off against a Cowboy in Tombstone.  It was me and him....the look I got was one of "the audicity little sister!"

The problem was that I spent the entire night running from the potential harm that could befall me if I didn't watch my back. 

This morning I woke up watching my every move.  You see, I had taken every super soaker I could get my hands on and hidden them in my room.  Everyone knew that if I struck my beloved brother,  that no one was safe!

That's how it is with the enemy.  He walks around with a similar weapon, waving it around, taunting you....knowing he will use it just to get you.  You can shout "You wouldn't dare" all you want but he has one thing in mind, taking you down!

You may be saying "but I love Jesus." All the more reason to strike at you.  I struck my brother out of love and in a friendly fashion but the enemy has no mercy.  In the end, my brother and I will hug and it will be over but the enemy's objective is to take out soldiers that are effective in the kingdom of God. 

My brother came into an atmospere of relaxation and fun.  He was not prepared to be "blasted" by a secret weapon.  So are we in life sometimes.  We become complacent and oblivious to the fact that the enemy does not sleep.

The enemy gets his "numbers" when he takes down the children of God.  I would offer you this advice-do not let go of the Word of God.  That is the sharpest, most effective weapon you can use.  Even if the enemy lurkes around in darkness waiting for your weakest moment, you can conquer him with the Word of God.  Much like I slept with one eye open, the enemy can not go against the Almighty, One True God!  He is afraid of retaliation for striking one of God's own.

So the next time the enemy calls your name and you feel like "he will take you out" remember that God is on your side and say to the enemy "You wouldn't dare!"

"Be alert, and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. "  1 Peter 5:8

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Not for one

I said I wasn't going to do it...not today.  I just didn't have the time to blog today but then my husband said something that kicked me into overdrive. 

I set my alarm early just in case I overslept.  We were going to go check on my father in law and feed him breakfast.  When it went off, I jumped out of bed cleaned up and was ready in a flash.  I was out the door by 6:15.  I normally make our coffee in the morning but I decided to let my husband sleep a little longer and I went off to my visit.  I stopped to get coffee, a necessary element in our morning and a piece of danish. 

When I left there, I returned home and my husband was already dressed ready to leave.  When I realized the calories in the danish, I opted to save it for him rather than eat it myself.  I warmed it up and asked if he had made his coffee.  He stated "No, I didn't want to make it for just one."

Wow, that got my mind going.  How many things do we not want to do because it is "just for one." I thought of all the evenings when I ate alone that I didn't want to cook because it was "just for one." How long do you wait to do laundry when it's "just for one?" 

I am thinking of my parents 50th wedding anniversary several years ago.  We decided we would go big and have it at a local hotel banquet room.  Our guest list began with one hundred and fifty and almost doubled.  We had party favors, mariachi band, dinner, dj...the works.  Would we have done it if we would have only had one guest?  Would we have done that for just one?  I doubt it.  

In Genesis, Abraham pled for the salvation of the righteous in Sodom.  Adam wanted God to spare the city for the righteous so they would not be swept away in the destruction of the wicked.  The question was "Where were they?"  Abraham began with fifty "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked?  What if there are fifty righteous people in the city?  Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it?"  [24-24]

The Lord's reply was "If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake." [26]

The conversation goes from fifty to ten!  Ten righteous people, can they be found in this city? 

I am a Ladies Bible Study teacher.  I serve alongside many amazing teachers.  I have taught classes where I may only have six or seven attendees.  I have to prepare just as hard whether I have twenty five or five!  I can honestly tell you that if my roster for the class came back with only one name on it, I would still hold that class.  I would not only teach that class, I would take it as an opportunity to personally minister and mentor that individual. Yes I would do it "just for one!"

I am so glad Christ did not have a numeric quota when he went to that cross.  I'm so glad he didn't say "I'll do it for 500 or 5000" and while many are waiting saying "I'll come to Christ when I get straight" Christ died for us even while we were still sinners [Romans 5:8].  We were all included in that. 

I'm so glad that Jesus did not say "I'm not doing it 'just for one'."

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is found in Genesis 18:16-33

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I am my father's child

Last weekend my husband and I took a much needed afternoon off.  My sister invited us to her country home to just lay back, enjoy some food and relax with the family.  I came with a fiesty spirit.  I felt a freedom that I have been missing for a while.  I had not been together with my family in several weeks and I think everyone noticed. 

We arrived of course to triple digit heat.  It is wide open land and prime for ATV's and pond fishing but it does get hot! She had set up a cute rectangular "kiddie" pool in the event someone got to urge to really cool off.  I always think ahead.  I brought extra clothes not because I thought I would necessarily ruin what I had on but simply because in the outdoors of her place we can become competitive and some have slipped near the pond, slid to homeplate, dropped dessert on their clothes...I just wanted to be ready. 

We arrived and had great conversation with my family and a neighbor.  My cousins also came making it that much more fun.  I had nieces and nephews and great nephews as well. 

As we always do, we began talking at the table.  I complimented a nephew on his commitment to school and his diligence to studying.  I even said "You are so compassionate."  The problem came when I joking yelled back at his mom and criticized her board game abilities.  As I walked across the yard jabbing at her, I felt a hit blindside me with perfect timing and the power of Houston Texans Defensive End, JJ Watt. I was knocked off my feet and right in to that kiddie pool.  I was stunned.  The very "child" that we grew up with, that I had just called compassionate, my nephew,  "knocked" me into that pool.  So I said " on!" 

The rest of the day kept me pretty much on my guard although I will say I went down at least one more time but I took warriors down with me. 

The beauty of a family.  A family that has endured, sustained, out lived trials and sufferings yet also a family that has faltered, fallen, and survived.  A family that is bound by a strong patriarch and a persistent matriarch.

In our quiet time of just sitting back and enjoying the elements, I thanked God for each one of them.  Each of us has had our own trials and we have had trials as a family.  The sister hosting the event is a nurse and a walking testimony.  Her husband who I knew in early policing days walked into our family and without so much as trying and won us over.

There is joy in being a part of this group yet as one who likes to mentor women, I often hear of individuals who feel so alone.  I hear of how they have no family, no mother, father or even siblings.  I hear of how a spouse left them, a parent abandoned them, their child turned their back on them. 

I love my family and I am particularily close to my father.  Yet my heart bleeds for those in situations where they feel alone.  As much as I love my father and would never want to disappoint him, I know I have a heavenly Father that loves me even more.  I know that because God's Word tells me but I also know that because my father told me. 

I am my Father's child and so are you.  God's Word says that our Father's love is so great that he lavished it on us!  One of my favorite verses is one worthy of memorizing and remembering!

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God. 

That's what it says. 

We belong to a family.  Not just any family but the Family of God.  I read that verse and get giddy with the fact that God loves me so much that he would call me his child.  My earthly father recognizes that I am not perfect and he loves me anyway. 

He knows that I can not swim and had that been an underground pool at my sister's house, I know that my father, even at 79 years old would have jumped in to save me...he would do it because he loves me and I am his. 

Two thousand years ago, Christ died on the cross.  He did it for you, he did it for me because we are his children.   You are not alone.  You are the Father's child. 

There is a second part to that verse that seals it.  It says "That's what we are!" 

You may not be out at the country with our crazy bunch but you can belong to the family of God.  I know...I am my Father's child!

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God. And that's what we are!  1 John 3:1

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Who's on your team?

Yesterday we had an appointment set up at the medical center for my son.  We have been dealing with an issue since he was a child and it was time for a follow-up.

I thought of emailing a dear friend and asking her to pray for this appointment but as you can imagine, I was overwhelmed with the events of the day and it simply slipped my mind. As we sat in front of the doctor with his milky white lab coat and we heard the diagnosis come out of his mouth, I heard it in slow motion.  I remember it ringing in my ears as I watched the expression on my son's face.

I, however,  felt a sense of tremendous peace.  The first thing that came to mind was his favorite verse: Philippians 4:13.  We left that place in separate vehicles as his father had driven him to the appointment.  I struggled for thoughts, in fact, I had only one-email a friend. 

I pulled my phone out and emailed a friend who has loved and prayed for my son for years.  I recall one day having a prayer service at my church and she and a pastor were standing at the front.  My husband and I took that long walk down the aisle and I held her hands as we prayed for the very thing that set this issue in motion.  My son was eight years old.

I have updated her through the years and she is my "go-to" when it comes to my son.  Perhaps it's because she shared that she has a grandson that she prayed for from birth and God completely healed him.  Yesterday after the appointment, I  emailed her and asked her to pray for my son.  She informed that she has been praying most recently for his transition from high school to college and then she with some very impacting words that laid in my heart and I processed them all night.  She said "I continue to pray...I want to be on Matthew's prayer team." 

How real! I thought "We [as moms] can not do this alone.  We have prayer teams in bible study class, we have prayer teams for events, we have prayer teams in church...why not have a prayer team for our children?

Society has a huge impact on us and sometimes we can overlook or overcome the pressure but our children are struck from every direction.  Then there is their circle of friends.  As parents we can control some of that but when our children get older, their choices affect their lives.  I have seen this country rally together to overturn decisions, change policies, or create a new law, can you imagine how our children would be changed if we rallied together and prayed for our children?  I don't mean "pray for our children" but literally pray for Matthew, Victor, Josh, Brittney, Jason, Emma, Taylor and so many others.  Not a general prayer but praying by name. 

So following through with that idea I ask "Who is praying for your child?  Who is on your son or daughter's prayer team that you know will pray for your them often if not daily?  Who is helping you carry your child to God in prayer?"

I have to say thank you to my friend not only for praying for my child all these years but also for placing a seed in my heart that I hope will flourish in the lives of many parents.  My question to you if you have a child is "Who's on your team?"

And she said to him "As surely as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord,  I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.  So now I give him to the lord.  For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord"  2 Samuel 1:26-27

Thank you to my dear friend Elaine Hastings for her continuous prayers and support and for being on "Matthew's prayer team."

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Where are you?

The other day I posted on Facebook that I had lost my ipad.  Let me begin at the top.  I went to get my hair highlighted at a salon in a mall that is not convienent.  It is an older mall to Houston and some would not go there even for a "free" haircut.  I like this hair dresser, she has done my hair for years and does a good job. 

I have not had much free time lately and made this appointment for her earliest slot at 11:00.    As I was sitting at the last stage of my appointment, my husband called and said that a nurse had called him and my father-in-law needed attention.  I immediately cut the appointment short and proceeded to pay.  I often take my ipad to use during down and laid it down as I paid.  I picked up my ipad and thought I'd get a sandwich before I headed out.

Again, as I paid and got a drink, I must have laid my ipad down and then I ran out to take care of my father-in-law.  Hours later I could not find my ipad in the car but thought I must have taken it into the house.  When my husband got home, we decided to go to dinner and I mentioned that I could not find my ipad.  I immediately thought of an app I have on my iphone.  It is called Find iphone.  I have attached my ipad to it and decided to activate it.  My husband said "It's at the mall."  We proceeded to call the salon but you guessed it...they had closed. 

I told my husband that it might be at the sandwich place so we proceeded to drive (out of the way) to the mall.  When we arrived, I found two young men at the counter.  One was engaged in conversation with a customer and the other shouted over the counter "We're closed."  I activated my app and immediately a barely audible beep started.  I kept hitting the app until the young man jumped off the counter and went to the back room.   Through the door, I could see a set of lockers.  He opened one locker then another.  I assume the second one was his since he emptied it out.  He removed a plastic bag exposing the ever familiar red cover to my ipad.  I told my husband "I see it!" The young man pulled out the ipad and put it to his hear and I said "That's mine!"  He looked up at me and saw my determination and handed the ipad to me over the counter. 

We walked away with me telling my husband "I love that app."  Can you imagine if I had not had it?  Oh I might have gotten my ipad back but this was just so much easier.  It didn't hurt that we ran into mall security and we knew the guy and he walked in talking to us and was standing there when the entire incident took place.  It must have been intimidating, prompting the young man to "just hand it over."

When we left my husband said "That is just like God."  Of course not understanding, I asked him to elaborate.  He said "Sometimes, we get so lost we don't know where we are but God always knows where to find us." 

That got me to thinking how many times we get lost.  How many times does the enemy take us and hide us from God's word, God's work, Worship, and Fellowship making us think we are so lost and no one will ever find us let alone God. 

Yet God has his own built in app.  He always knows where we are.  We are not lost in his eyes.  Whether we are hidden under filth and sin or whether the enemy has hidden us because he wants to claim us as his own....Don't kid yourself God always knows where you are. 

The enemy may try to "steal" you; he may try to claim you; he may try to convince himself that you are his but hear me when I belong to the Lord.  No one can take you from Him because he will always know where you are and who you belong to. 

Fear not, I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.  Isaiah 43:1